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Everything posted by SurvivorSean

  1. Lazy LC is pretty straight forward. Answer the dispatcher's requests and pretty much you line everything straight through. The only hurdles is you have to release the block on the top left side, and as mentioned monitor the entrance at the bottom. Otherwise it's all straight through movements. Thanks Sean
  2. Yeah I hope the diesel will eventually come. How do you access the non-electrified track without it. Not that I expect it right away, but I hope that is a feature later on if needed. Thanks Sean
  3. Oh the acronym WTAB is a box. I thought you meant my TAB key. You don't need those signs though unless you want to get creative 🙂 Thanks Sean
  4. The other thing is the prologue had a tutorial. We've been told by the developers that the full version will have tutorials similar to the prologue. But for not they are play testing. You also have an increasing number of people with experience that will help you just like above. I've had to lean on them and there is plenty of experience here to assist. Thanks Sean
  5. What is WTAB? I just found out what that 2nd page of the schedule was all about. This is the most challenging board of all of them available in my opinion. But still not that challenging after you get used to things, and things are on schedule. Thanks Sean
  6. Keep this up we are going to be called fan boys for stating facts.
  7. They communicate just fine in my opinion. Most updates (and yes there have been several updtes on average 5 a week) occur in the evening North America (they must stay up late in Poland). How about we wait and see what happens before the day ends before talking about golden hours. Thanks Sean
  8. Did you post this in the wrong message? This was about the tutorial. Anyways I'll respond anyways. I agree that somethign needs to be done. I understand why the timers are in place and driving a train should be perhaps linked to the alerter. Though the alerter is very quick in placing the brakes on the train. Regardless there should be no issue with a moving train. I think the issue was with a stopped train where alerters should not be going off. However dispatchers should certainly be able to contact the driver and ask what is up. If they don't respond within a reasonable time period they should get kicked over to AI. Sitting at a station for 17 minutes (there is at least 1 cargo train that does this at GS I found out recently and never checked page 2 of the schedule) you should not be bugged in those 17 minutes. You should however be bugged if not responding to the green light in a timely matter. The alert sound (I assume the same for the signal boxes) should be sufficient to get someone to the computer and get moving. As for the signal box if no train is scheduled, then it should be ok to remain dormant for however long it takes. Once trains start coming up to red signals they should be calling the box both players and AI as well. This is where the timers come into play. We already know the system tracks signal condition of the signals under your control when a train is present. This is where a timer should begin and if it's an AI train he can call when he sees the red, and when he has waited for 1 minute with no response. After the 2nd minute the warning comes on the screen and if the player doesn't respond he gets replaced by AI. I think this solution is totally prototypical and should not be a burden to anyone. Of course the team has been very busy with all kinds of things and I wouldn't expect this overnight. They are doing a great job and I applaud them for their efforts. Thanks Sean
  9. A basic IQ test perhaps 🙂
  10. Perhaps instead of saying what is impossible try asking for help on what you can do. Thanks Sean
  11. I'VE NEVER PLAYED THE OLD DEMO BECAUSE I WATCHED IT ON YOUTUBE! Is it a big learning curve absolutely. Honestly there isn't much of a challenge for me right now except some of the engines which I haven't bothered researching. Lots of youtube videos and tutorials have been posted here. Could they use more documentation absolutely but they have updates almost every day so I'm not going to complain. They listen to people's issues. In fact there is a thread for tutorials that they replied to. Only other challenges are busy servers were people make mistakes and services are delayed. Even the signal boxes that don't have tutorials that I'm aware of I was able to find the info I needed. Thanks Sean
  12. This clown has 7 posts about what?
  13. Time is not the issue. You need interactive AI dispatchers communicationg with crews and AI crews with towers. Once that is in place for a train not moving on a green or a dispatcher not clearing a train and it's ignored after say 2 repeated requests say 1 minute appart then kick the user. Thanks Sean
  14. "Impossible" 🙂 How is everyone else running?
  15. There are also trains that don't appear on the schedule I notice show up at Lazy LC. I just keep sending it forward. Thanks Sean
  16. Cool I'll have to watch that video later on. I figured something was in place. Thanks Sean
  17. Sorry about that I thought I posted something but couldn't find it.
  18. Is there a role in Poland routes where a dispatcher monitors and oversees the territory? I know in North America they used to guide and append scheduled meets if a train was late. The signal boxes simply followed the schedule and routed trains accordingly and would follow the dispatchers instructions if any changes were to occur. Thanks Sean
  19. As I posted on Train-Sim It has to be smarter not time based. AI Trains waiting for signals need to notify boxes, if they don't respond, warn them, if still nothing then kick them. Trains stopped at green signals need to be notified by AI boxes. If they don't respond warn them if still nothing then kick them. Logs would also help nail down sabatoge players. To communicate with the AI train you can use a similar system like the phone so the AI understands. If the AI train and the AI box can't figure out what the other is doing then reboot the server and post a log to the developers! This could be caused by an original wrong track and the AI just doesn't expect them on that track despite having access. All I know is less busy servers do not have these issues. Thanks Sean
  20. Is this happening on the non busy servers? As I mentioned before they seem to be smooth but I haven't analyzed the maps.
  21. At least the player controlled ones.
  22. So now I have a prototype question. Is there a dispatcher that has control over a section of railroad (not CTC) where he can communicate or electronically know when trains have passed to get a big picture and take necessary action to keep things moving smooth? In North America when we still had track warrant offices, this was how it was done. The dispatcher would make the decision to the operator (interlocking or simple station) where he would copy train orders to the crews and they would receive their orders via picking up a piece of paper (known as a flimsy) which essentially is the track warrant. I'm just curious what system if any can make these decisions when things are off schedule or for trains that are perhaps not on a schedule. Thanks Sean
  23. I was trying to climb the radio towers 🙂
  24. How do you unfollow a certain train or is that want of the things not implemented yet? BTW great work! Thanks Sean
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