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Everything posted by SurvivorSean

  1. The other thing I'm noticing is what they call track #a may be track #b on your board. I forget where this was happening for me but I found it difficult to know what they wanted. Thanks Sean
  2. I thought it was a safety feature for the idiot drivers like me who blow by the station when trying to stop 🙂 I did this a few days ago as I was paying attention to the stop signal and not the station in the corner which is a BAD HABBIT! Thanks Sean
  3. Agreed. Still some of us want to have fun and know how to opearte properly. I understand EN4 the other night they were left hand running as agreed by the DS between stations and I think it worked out good. I didn't want to participate in that personally. But yes people breaking crap is a good litmus test, as much as it ticks off some people. Thanks Sean
  4. I'm noticing a trend with this and it happens around sunset (probably sunrise but I'm never on then). The green you are seeing of course is the speedometer. I've seen white (not sure what that is) and red (I take it the sunset behind the horizon as I do see this red ball that follows me and gets a bit scared at night. Reminds me of the blob in Run8 so it's probably similar). Once it gets a bit darker I find the issue goes away. Thanks Sean
  5. Wow I watched that and I didn't remember them saying that. I feel bad for requesting this now. I'll just hang tight 🙂 Thanks Sean
  6. I believe they are aware as I noticed it some other place as well after I posted. Thanks Sean
  7. I did notice a very odd issue the other day and that was at enterance arrow C (just below the steel spur). The arrow was red and as it turns out a train eventually approached it so I cleared it. Problem is once the train cleared I could never get anything to allow me to KO to bring it back to normal. Now this was not an issue for any further operations as I've never seen a train come out of there before (it was an LTE) and I'm not sure where that line eventually heads to. I've never seen anything on the right side of the wye either. Otherwise this is one of my favorite boards at the moment as Bezyn and LazyC are fairly straight routes with very little deviation that I have noticed. Thanks Sean
  8. Are they having a problem with the road crossings??? I forget the color code there as I haven't worked that in a bit. Does that show that the gates are down for the crossings with pink? Or was it grey? I can't remember. I usually just look out the window or simply attempt to clear it. Thanks Sean
  9. Good points up above. Boy that photo reminds me of some Run8 trains splitting a switch. If it's like Run8 it will eventually rejoin itself. Thanks Sean
  10. January is Early Access as far as I understand not the full version. With a few measures in place I think it's worthy of early access. Thanks Sean
  11. It probably will because the AI is not as glitchy as it appears. If I want to run a train standard without incident I pick a less busy server and I can run end to end without issue. The AI is having difficulty for some reason when things get backed up. I'm not sure what the issue is exactly because in many cases I can take it over and do a better job to help clear it out. In fact I'm starting to enjoy rescusing the AI. I would personally like to see all AI only boards become player capable. That is the one way those with experience will be able to help. Thanks Sean
  12. Dumbing down the signal boxes is not a solution and will make this sim very boring. I agree that documentation needs to be better. I also like the idea of XP for dispatching properly. I think there are some measures in place. Right now it is not the big boards that are the most complicated or challenging for me it's the ones such as SG where instead of the majority going straight through you have to pay attention more to the routing. Though I'm looking for a bigger challenge. Believe it or not when the players are delayed because of issues (not stopped in traffic jams the AI can't solve out of) it gets more challenging when the schedule is off. I had fun yesterday getting a box moving with trains as much as an hour delayed. However I noticed that despite my hard work the AI box beside me couldn't handle the extra work load. And yes I did route them correctly because it was left of SG and those trains ALL head left. It's the ones that come right towards SG where you have to be careful of and everything at Bezin (I think that is right of SG if I recall) was working fine. Sorry I have a hard time remembering some of the boxes probably due to my meds and the language. It's harder to remember words you don't know vs words you do know even in city names etc. I try to use the initials as much as possible like the signal chart works. Thanks Sean
  13. These are the issues that take place with MP servers with no restrictions. I was on EN2 last night with no issues because everyone was farting around over on EN4 (thought seemed to be in agreement to drive left hand running). Those that are serious will become more competent at dispatching. If not go to the servers that are not as busy. I tend to agree there is some overreaction here, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. The only thing I can say is the schedule that is dulled out right now is becoming actually too predictable and repetitive. But hopefully there will be both single player and MP on the 21st when single player trials begin. Then those that don't like MP can try it out, and everyone should hopefully be a bit happier. Thanks Sean
  14. I tend to agree because I was on EN02 server last night and nobody rejoined after rebot (because everyone was on EN04) running everything left hand running. I'm not sure why they started but it worked because there was communication between the dispatchers apparently and they used signs etc. That is fine for testing purposes. But when I first came into Lazy LC last night there were the odd triangle indicators pointing against me. I'm stil not sure what they are but I managed to get them off. That being said there are some issues with AI with asking for tracks then canceling. I got bored of Lazy (I think it's been dumbed down because of the issues or it's not as tough as it seems) I noticed a pile up was starting when running SG. So I went down to that station as it was available to the left. Everything appearted to be fine but the AI was going nuts. The trains were on the right tracks waiting but AI would not clear them. Hopefully there is a server log so the developers can monitor what is happening. Everything seems to work just fine (despite the odd calling and canceling issue that is known in some places). But when you are on a freshly booted server or one that is not as busy services haven't been screwed up. Unfortunately the only way to learn is make mistakes. I try to be extra careful at SG as it's the most challenging but even it gets repetitive. Thanks Sean
  15. I also got deducted points (or at least it said I did). But at the end of the run on the graph it never showed up. It's a bug at one of the stations only I believe. They're aware of it as I've seen it on the bugs forum. Thanks Sean
  16. Signal boxes are not as complicated as they look. For example if it's a CPU screen then it's already been done for years in track builder. In fact you may recall I wanted to get the ED code for Run8 so I could use External Dispathcer in TD3 at one point. It has a small learning curve but it can be done. All those buttons etc. in some of those boxes look complicated but again if programmed correctly they simply represent logical conditions. Yes it might be difficult for someone without the experience but others with the experience will help. Just like I've had the help of many to get myself through the point I'm competent in all signal boxes now (and they are becoming a bit repetitive in the playtest when everything isn't screwed up). I'll be silently optimistic and wait and see what they come up with. So far they have exceeded my expectations. Even with all the issues the amount of simulation they've poured into this is quite amazing thus far. Thanks Sean
  17. BTW is some of those other boxes dumbed down a bit? To me most actions on these boards are for the most part straight through shots. SG is the only one that appears to have consistent junction action and the most difficult but fun to dispatch. Thanks Sean
  18. Perhaps if the direction measures are in place before hand. But I'm willing to learn by a few mistakes. Bring it on. Thanks Sean
  19. No Problem Thanks Sean
  20. My theory is that human dispatchers are causing a delay or wrong routing and that when an AI box gets overloaded it can't handle it. The reason I say that is I've been on some less busy servers that have no issues. It's usually the popular or busy servers like EN2 for example in North America that get buggered up. But I've seen what appears to be sabotage in some boxes as well. It's hard to pinpoint who is doing it and motive if not trying to fix it. I was able to restore some functions but others were out of my control as the other box to my left at Lazy on AI had a huge freight backup and would not request a track electronically and kept verbally asking for clearance then caneling that request. I had no way to grant any access. Anyways not complaining it's a growing pain and I just want to be through in my observations and theories. Thanks Sean
  21. Just to add I've noticed on EN2 that the stations next to Lazy LC would ask for tracks then immediately cancel the train despite numerious attempts to accept clearance onto Lazy LC. Not sure if this is related but wanted to mention this here. Thanks Sean
  22. Thanks for your help. Keep up the good work guys it's amazing what you have achieved thus far.
  23. Run8's graphics don't bother me at all. For me Run8 needs to be able to handle AI properly. Not the mainlines like it does pretty good now but the AI switching. The difference here is you don't have as much switching to do if any at all (certainly not now). So this is fairly complete less some people sabatoging boards and AI getting overloaded where it doesn't know what to do. Thanks Sean
  24. Bring it on. Lazy is boring and just a bunch of straight shots. I am ready. Thanks Sean
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