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Everything posted by SurvivorSean

  1. Yes they should, but it shoud be resolved in another update or two I would imagine. Thanks Sean
  2. It does. So if you have a timetable and you follow it you should be ok. Memory is not my strong suit and only repetition and practice will work. The only indicator you would have that you are overspeed is the speed going yellow or red. I like the various function keys that allow certain portions of the hud to be toggled in the sim. Thanks Sean
  3. You're welcome. Didn't realise it was a duplicate. I'll try to be more careful on MP for the time being. Thanks Sean
  4. I'm going to try to train in one of the modern units today to see if I can get the hang of it. Those green and white units I've started to get better at and would like to test it out in MP on more forgiving track. Thanks Sean
  5. Yeah that is a good suggestion. The issue is the speed limits because often at least for me they come in handy. Why that is an issue is the speed you need to be directly ties into the signal. Perhaps if the option was to just show the speed zones and not give it away that would be cool. Another thing that gives it away is routing as it will show you switch speeds. Of course ideally you know the timetable well enough no to rely on any of it but for me that takes quite a bit of training and repetitiveness to sink in. Thanks Sean
  6. Yeah same here. Still trying to get used to the Polish station names as I have a difficult time remembering. Kind of the same reason I start ignoring trolls as it becomes a bunch of noise. Thanks Sean
  7. Yeah communications with the trains like that would be nice. Thanks Sean
  8. Very good to know, thanks! Sean
  9. The same with me as I was more of a MP person, but I understand Vern's frustration of other titles not having them work for SP. Thanks Sean
  10. That's cool at Z. Is OP station a commuter only station? I haven't ventured into the commuter trains just yet as I still need to work on them. Thanks Sean
  11. If I understand correctly they are working on a way to prevent wrong exits. The other methods are probably much more complicated. Thanks Sean
  12. 1) So how do you communicate with a driver that is a bot? Answer you can't 2) So how do you communicate with an AI station next to you to co-ordinate. Answer you are very limited. The only thing you can do is give permission or ask for permission. So while your high and mighty new guy about how great of a dispatcher you are, and how well you know the schedule, you better learn the limits of the sim and quit being so arogant. Thanks Sean
  13. I've been dispatching for years on more than a signal box so I think I know how to dispatch, so please don't tell me how I should act. What I'm refering to is the schedule at SG that specifically has cargo trains holding for 17 minutes. As for anything else I'll gladly make that call. Outside my box is a different story and that involves co-ordinating with another box. The AI will grant just about anything and to respond to another post it will not deal with priority and simply continue to run cargo early regardless of the scheduled 17 minute stop. As for what I can handle most stations as I said are very simple with little or no requirements to hold anything. When trains are behind that is when it becomes a judgement call, one that I'm perfectly capable of handling. Including in a much tougher box which I welcome the opportunity. Thanks Sean
  14. Are we still on the original topic? You wanted an opinion I gave it to you a long time ago. If what we say is so offensive report us, otherwise don't tell me what I say is nonsense. I've tried to help plenty of people here just like they have helped me. Thanks Sean
  15. Thing is until that particular session I never heard it before. Very strange.
  16. I posted a bug on this if you want to see it but don't expect to travel towards Bezin at AG as you are going to be screwed unless the box to my right can be manned and figure out some clever use of the left track. Sorry about that but the interlocking let it happen and it shouldn't. Thanks Sean
  17. So I broke EN2 & SG today, or should I say AI didn't stop me from breaking it. The lines for the junction were getting backed up to some congestion elsewhere so I had my hands full which was very challenging and fun for a change of pace. However I gave an over the phone acceptance to send a train. Once I realized I did this I knew I shouldn't have as I was getting a backup on the mainline. Couldn't find a way of resending that as they just sent another train my way so I was going to electronically force my acceptance. To my surprise I was fast enough to get acceptence to have a train enter (normally I don't have to ask the AI becasue once you electronically ask for it you will get it unless it's already being asked for or locked, it was unlocked). Well with the arrow clearly pointing there way and accepted they sent that last train I was hoping they wouldn't. It was too late as I already was clearing up the line. This unfortunately will cause more issues because anything that wants the junction will block the main and there is no way I can communicate with the AI to my left to hold back any trains for my junction. Sorry about screwing up EN2 but I thought I had permission. Hope this helps! Thanks Sean
  18. If you watch my stream from last night I forget the time stamp. Thanks Sean
  19. Yeah I had to use my experience to get myself out of some issues, which may be useless to a newbie. I even personally got stuck once and I'm not sure how I could resolve it except backing up and taking another run. For me if you're too slow at the bridge from the coal mine you are in trouble. That route for me thus far has been the most challenging having a fully loaded coal train with speed restrictions all over the place. Thanks Sean
  20. I don't do single player much but I honestly could of used one in my MP run last night. I was just getting so tired in the countryside and it was my bed time. Thanks Sean
  21. They have a very rough map on the train selection and I kind of got the idea where it comes in. I was thinking of exploring it myself but the names of the stations coming up also I think give you an idea (though it's hard for me to remember them). Thanks Sean
  22. Yeah you would need an option to kick the AI out of the chair as well though perhaps that option would take care of it. Perhaps seeing the AI crew NPC leaving. It would be interesting. Thanks Sean
  23. Honestly I didn't know you were supposed to sound a horn at those 🙂 In North America they have whistle posts but here I never know when to use it and just sound it when I approach a road or platform. Thanks Sean
  24. If I recall the schedule is deliberately light right now until full version. Places like Bedzin and Lazy lc are fairly straight line runs with little to no deviation. What is interesting is the AI tends to use the other tracks if necessary at least in jams. When trains are behind schedule and are cargo technically their schedule should no longer apply especially for suggested meets. Otherwise you might be throwing a freight out in front of a hot passenger. This is why I wondered about a dispatcher who oversees the territory making that call. Right now it's up to the signal boxes to make that judgement. With tons of dispatcher experience the boxes are not as active as I expected, but perhaps that is prototypical. I believe the schedule in place now is for testing only and you'll see quite a bit of variance on release this according to the team. Thanks Sean
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