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Everything posted by SurvivorSean

  1. I'm not going to put this an idea as I think it's a feature that will be developed, but I hope it's in place soon. While learning th system I was told at least once I routed a train in the wrong direction. Some of the confusion comes with transpostioning numbers or trying to make sense of the schedule on the computer. There is a field that says ACTUAL TIME and especially for busy boxes this needs to be filled properly. The whole point of using a train sheet (manual way) or a computer automated way is so you know what is still coming and what has not yet arrived. This will reduce some of the confusion of some of the busier signal boxes and even the simpler ones when certain trains are delayed and you are just joining for example. Thanks Sean
  2. I wouldn't worry about it because there will be limits to what you can do in MP and HOPEFULLY ways to report people. Remember you can see the userid of anyone who is causing issues. If they are purposely trolling then their username should be reported to the owners for removal and ban from the playtest. If you see this on YouTube I would report this. While I was LEARNING I had a driver come jump in front of my face like an idition instead of communicating with me to the point I couldn't see the board. My rule of thumb is if I can't figure it out in a few minutes I leave the position and the AI can handle it. As far as I know the AI should be able to restore eveything (or at least I hope). Thanks Sean
  3. Note I didn't write the manual just replied 🙂 However setting a route completely form one end to the other DOES NOT work with ALL signal boxes. Some you will have to set up a segment at a time. I'm still not sure why that is but it will tell you now as the UI has been improved for English with the errors. I'll have to try it again and see if I get an error after executing. Thanks Sean
  4. I don't think it's your fault for being early to a non-stop but yes you're supposed to stop. I shoud pay more attention the PT even with passengers then. I understood what it mean in the signal boxes but paid more attention to the stop start times as a stop as I would see 1 minute stops. I had something up towards the busier end of the line last night before I had to bail saying approaching station when I passed what I thought was a simple time and runthrough. I'll try to look for that as well. Thanks Sean
  5. Yes the MP is lots of fun. Many of you I think may be disappointed or bored with SP in it's current form. From what I'm expecting based on the developers there will be missions but we don't have editors as of yet to add more missions. What that means is you'll get to try out all the various missions and that will be it. I'm not expecting the randomized nature of trains being held up etc. that adds to the MP experience (provided competent dispatchers and AI can find a way to release the trains even if delayed). Randomization I'm hoping is going to be a feature that comes for the AI sooner than later. The AI operates VERY efficiently so efficient that they lose the human factor of even experiended drivers not being right on the dot out the gate. This is the same with dispatchers. The other factor is going to be things that cause delays such as train issues, medical emergencies, false medical emergencies, dragging equipment and other mechanical issues. Cargo trains as they are even more likely to have delays such as break line leakage, and other mechanical failures. All it takes is one of those cars to have an issue. In those situations you'll have to use the opposite track and I believe in Poland set up the signs to go against the flow in double track. Anwyays hopefully those factors come into play becaus it helps in repeat playability. For now the MP is a good representation of human error though as dispatchers become more competent or more educated (including myself despite my North American sim dispatching esperience) the issues will be there but not as noticeable. Thanks Sean
  6. I love the new updates to the UI in the signal boxes now. I don't know what all the signal locations mean except when they are lined for me and they're on my board. But knowing what light they have is pretty cool I think. Not sure how realistic it is but I don't care, I just like it. Thanks Sean
  7. Guys what I would do is seriously try and find a server that is NOT busy. West coast USA for example and see if the same issues persist. I'm not sure if this is accidental and the AI can't recover or what is going on. Hopefully there is a server log for the devs to look at perhaps? Even something that would be public since it's a public server such as a viewable log would uncover the issues if anyone is hijacking the server. Thanks Sean
  8. I haven't seen any wet surfaces.
  9. Yes and I've seen this in other videos online with much better graphics as well.
  10. I believe this is happening everywhere.
  11. I'm aware of the F3 key bind to get the text to come on and off, however this is something where it just disappears. It did eventually come back for some reason but the F3 button was not helping. The F3 does work fine as expected before the issue occured. Thanks Sean
  12. Just curious if you can actually contact the AI from the train. I noticed when dispatching that every now and then the dispatch would say something about a track being clear in the main chat after a squelch on th radio. I was stuck at a red signal for a few minutes tonight (wound up being a player DS but I didn't realize). Just curious what the AI is saying when he clears a track on the main radio. I totally understand the communication to the signal box as that is self explanatory. But the main chat I'm curious about. Thanks Sean
  13. That would be nice. The position saves was taken from my idea for Run8 🙂
  14. That's interesting about the servers. Medium still seems to avoid the freezing up when moving head around. Thanks Sean
  15. Thanks for the help! Sean
  16. I'll try to be more careful with filling 🙂 Thanks Sean
  17. For dispatchers you can pick up the phone and talk to the next operator (no push to talk). But other than that no other option for what you're looking for. Thanks Sean
  18. I never realized this one was out here. I've been replying to other threads about the same thing. Thanks Sean
  19. Add 1 to the signal boxes as well.
  20. It would also be cool when there are lulls at the signal boxes to be able to do this.
  21. Also Raildriver would be nice 🙂 Mine is just collecting dust right now. That's good to know about the mouse wheels. I'll have to try it. I also got stuck so I'll check the loco breaks to see if something happened there. I couldn't get going and posted in another thread the stream from last night. Thanks Sean
  22. Oh that's cool. I'll have to try the washers. Now that you mentioned it I did hit that button when trying to find some keys last night. What would be nice is a nice screen shot of the cabs and what each control is in English. The english descriptions when hovering are certainly nice, but there are often so many buttons in this sim. 🙂 Thanks Sean
  23. So I had some help from my chat to get me through some of the things. I eventually got going and all was going good until I slowed down. It brought me to a stop quicker than I expected and then I could never get going again. If anyone can help this would be a good learning experience. It's towards the end of the 1st hour.
  24. The mouse wheel give you your zoom at the moment. Haven't tried playing with all the key stuff yet. Thanks Sean
  25. I have epileptic like seizures but considered a controlled epileptic if that makes sense. Lights and crap have never bothered me as I only get them at night. Been about 10 years now as far as I know. Yeah I thought the engine was sparking at first as it sparkeled (looked like sparking) in the rain. Also the rain came when it was perfectly sunny. Not sure what that was all about. Thanks Sean
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