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Everything posted by SurvivorSean

  1. I don't have screenshots nor can I tell you what the buttons mean, but the captions will help. 1) When the operator from the single track asks for permission, respond to him saying that he is authroized (follow the prompts if AI, and if not AI just chat with them or talk with mic. If the arrow is in the worng direction click on it and you will need to select the option that changes direction. 2) Once the AI operator has this confirmation you will see a flashing arrow. Click on this. 3) Now here is where you will just have to read your options. Once you click the arrow at the top a bunch of options come up. Look for the one that accepts the request. When you do this this will finalize the operation and the train will begin to approach. You can then hold him, or clear when the line is available. When you requie to send a train to a single line section if it's AI you can skip some of these steps as the AI can handle things, however if you go by the book this is what you should do. 1) Click on the button on the phone for the AI operator and ask permission to enter (this can also be done with a human like above). 2) Once operator accepts click on the arrow and select the request options. Again you have to read this and see what optoin does what. 3) The Arrow will start to flash and will turn solid once the AI has allowed entry. From there you can send a train down this line. Hope that helps. Sean
  2. Awesome news. Keep up the great work guys! This has been a definate great early Christmas Present you have offered and an easy buy for me next year when this releases. Thanks Sean
  3. If you're not sure what that button is by default it is the ' key just under your escape. To add to this I'm not sure if AI trains will respond to you or there is any way to communicate with them. In fact they often don't communicate with the box that has them held up unfortunately. Thanks Sean
  4. For sure. I would try some of the simpler boxes and work your way up. If you have questions I will try to help. Remember I'm learning some of the advanced ones as well. One of the best things I've done at least in North America if you are learning a new box I often go to the west coast server which is 3 hours later than the east. The reason why this is a good idea is you can go into a box with very little player traffic. Trains should be moving on time with AI handling most things. As long as you don't mess it up too bad you can always leave and AI should be able to restore (at least that is what I believe). If I'm wrong someone can correct me. The busier servers often have player dispatchers next door as well which adds more steps. Basically when you have an AI dispatcher next door the only thing you need to worry about communicating to them is when they ask if a route is ok to be lined or cleared. This is usually in 2 way single track or more than 3 line arrangements with multiple bi-directional tracks. In those cases you MUST communicate with the other dispatcher that it's OK before they will attempt to request the line (flashing yellow triangle). From there you can accept the request and then line up the signals in your box accordingly (or hold them unitl they are clear). The whole point of it is to avoid sending a train down a track you were about to prepare to send the other way which causes a cornfield meet. These are the types of situations that a player or AI dispatcher CAN NOT RESOLVE. When you have a player box next door it's good to give them departure info so they are ready because they can help you the same way. Otherwise you'll have a train suddenly on your doorstep with little or no warning. Thanks Sean
  5. I'm a pretty good experienced dispatcher for North America but some of the advanced systems are new to me. You mentioned a guide is on the way? For now though keep up the great work and I will continue to stream the many boxes I've managed to work pretty nicely. Thanks Sean
  6. I just came aboard this Saturday. I tried to get on board last week and was amazed at what was happening. When I got in this is indeed a game changer. Was looking for YouTube stuff last week in English and could only find another YouTuber with the same name as me that helped. Now I'm streaming multiple times this past weekend and will probably do nightly this week. I've been focusing for the most part on the signal box though I will get into the trains a bit more eventually or if the challenging towers are not available. Thanks Sean
  7. Yeah I had a driver come into the box and jump in front of my face when I had issues. We're all learning. If you screw up you can always leave and then the AI "should" take over.
  8. Was there a system map some place with all the signal boxes? I thought I heard there was but I haven't found it this morning. Thanks Sean
  9. Why thank you. Oh I thought you were talking about my channel haha. I had no idea his name was Sean as well. All serious though his 2nd video was very helpful for the green engines to allow me to drive them. Here is some of mine as well with a bit less experience. Thanks Sean
  10. This is my first post and I will post more and also try to learn more and provide more help and content in live streams this week. I only Anyways still new and learning. Start with the smaller signal boxes and slowly work your way up. I also suggest trying servers not as busy that have more AI so you can try things out. If for some reason you are stuck and others can't help you simply leave the box and the AI should take over properly. I'll be checking out more of the forum here at noon tomorrow in eastern North America and will go live again tomorrow night for a couple hours on any findings I have. If you have any questions I'll try and answer them as best I can this week. Thanks to all of those that have helped me through some tough spots and the dev team for bringing the community together to help bring this great simulator to market. Sean
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