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Everything posted by jmluengor

  1. Je vous suis très reconnaissant pour votre temps et votre travail.
  2. Désolé pour ma maladresse mais c'est un peu déroutant pour moi. Dois-je d'abord installer le scénario de W.Wojnar ou est-ce que j'installe directement le vôtre ? Merci pour votre temps.
  3. Te quedo muy agradecido por ese magnífico, breve y didáctico vídeo que está grabado en nuestra incomparable lengua materna. I am very grateful to you for this magnificent, brief and educational video that was recorded in our incomparable language.
  4. Wow! Simple as opening a can of preserves (but you have to know how to do it). Thank you very much for your quick response.
  5. In the [EIP] Warszawa - Kraków scenario, after standing in front of the 2nd ED250 unit on track 70, my ignorance prevents me from engaging with that other vehicle. Can you tell me how to do it? It would be interesting to have a tutorial on how to attach two Pendolino to avoid this type of situation... As always, thank you for your time.
  6. Here's my experience with this scenario: I can only select the E186. With the carriages coupled to the platform, after changing cabins on the E186, after carrying out the brake test and after the passengers boarded, I start the exit to Katowice. Suddenly, inexplicable emergency braking. The brake cannot be released. I deactivate and reactivate the cockpit. It is not possible to accelerate. I look around and see what appears in the attached image. I set both levers to 0 (left side and right side). I try to release the brake (it is not possible although the needle of the pressure gauge does show how the pressure drops). After 29 minutes in the cabin, I end the activity. Perhaps it is a mistake in the script.
  7. I have a monitor external to my computer connected and installed, but in the graphics menu only the laptop screen appears as selectable. Is it a SimRail limitation or am I making a mistake? Thank you for your time.
  8. Wow! I read your answer this morning and I just put your solution into practice. Indeed, all data is confirmed with the cursor. Thank you both for your help and for the time you have dedicated to me.
  9. This is all that the DMI screen allows you to do. There is no possibility to confirm the data that is entered. Thank you for your time. Grabación de pantalla 2025-02-10 203908.mp4
  10. Your detailed explanation was very useful for the [EIP] Kraków - Warszawa scenario, where I ran without any problems under SHP and later with ETCS levels 1 and 2. However, the DMI interface that appears in the activity with ET25 ([Cargo] Kraków - Sędziszów) does not allow confirming any data (no Enter option appears at any time) or selecting the train type. It never shows the Start option. See the image I attached. That is all it allows. Thank you for your explanations.
  11. I will follow tomorrow - and step by step - your detailed indications. Dinner time is very close and I don't forgive that. ")
  12. As I mentioned in my previous message, the DMI screen does not allow me to enter any data other than the driver's ID and the train number. A suggestion: why don't you start either of the two activities I refer to and tell me what the DMI allows you to do? I repeat that by cancelling the EVC I have finished both activities. Greetings and thank you for your interest.
  13. The DMI menu only offers the options for driver identification and train data. It never allows anything else. I think that in this scenario I cannot enter data into the DMI because the line my train is running on does not have ETCS (although it is activated on the locomotive because it is the ET25). The solution to start the locomotive is to deactivate the EVC. The same happens in the Sedziszow - KWK Staszic scenario with this locomotive: if you do not deactivate the EVC you do not run.
  14. At least in this scenario, it doesn't matter what you enter on the DMI screen in relation to the driver ID and train number: after doing so, the start option in the DMI is NOT activated. The ETCS, in effect, applies emergency braking within a few seconds. The only option to play this scenario is to disable the EVC on the rear panel of the ET25. Thank you for your clarifications.
  15. Thank you for your quick response. I'll try tomorrow, it's already approaching dinner time.")
  16. At the controls of the ET25, on scenario [Cargo] Kraków - Sędziszów (from the Kraków - Tunnel route) I have the following problem: the ETCS DMI asks for the driver's ID and I don't know what it is. Although I enter the train number (336020), as I ignore this information, the ETCS emergency brake is activated after a while. At no time can I apply power and I can't continue. Which identifier do I have to enter? Thank you for your time.
  17. Here is what I believe is the solution to your problem, Havhingstor. Give it a try. When you stop the train at the red signal, the instructions ask you to switch to SR (Staff Responsible) mode. To do this, expand the DMI screen, press the OVERRIDE option and then EoA (I don't remember what numbers they are). You can then go over the signal, but only do so at 20 km/h. Once you have passed the signal - and after driving a few metres - the tutorial tells you that, in order to drive under ETCS supervision again, you must exit SR mode. To do this, expand the DMI screen again, select the MENU option (I think it is option 5) and then the START option (I think it is number 1). Confirm the ETCS and finally stop the train when you reach the last traffic light and... Tutorial completed!
  18. At Olkusz station, at the end of the activity [IR] Kraków - Tunnel, to my surprise the train stops on a platform whose tracks are covered with grass. Pass the mower, please.
  19. On the ET22 locomotive, when I press the ZEW1 button on the radio I don't hear any sound, although the press is registered because the dispatcher answers my call. I have checked this in two different scenarios.
  20. He subido en el fórum el manual en español de la locomotora a vapor Ty2. Está a expensas de la aprobación por parte de los moderadores, quienes imagino no tendrán inconveniente alguno en ponerlo a disposición de los interesados. Son muy pocos los atajos de teclado que he descubierto, así que agradeceré cualquier aportación al respecto. Un saludo
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  21. Pongo a vuestra disposición el manual en español de esta locomotora. Aconsejo la lectura del apartado "Consideraciones sobre la conducción de una locomotora a vapor" por incluir información que considero relevante. Observación: No he conseguido dar con más atajos de teclado que los que aparecen en la última página. Agradeceré cualquier aportación al respecto. Un saludo. SimRail - Locomotora Ty2.pdf
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  22. Como usuario de SimRail desde la versión Early Access, al igual que miles de usuarios de este simulador, he confiado desde el principio en que iría mejorando. Lo ha hecho poco, realmente, y principalmente gracias a los informes de errores que pacientemente todos hemos ido descubriendo y de los que se ha informado a los desarrolladores. También han sido los usuarios, entre otros muchos los creadores de actividades, quienes han contribuido a mejorar el simulador. La opción Multijugador nos ha permitido efectuar recorridos menos largos que las tediosas e interminables actividades que no podíamos guardar, y que se reiniciaban de nuevo (al igual que los tutoriales) cada vez que se actualizaba el simulador. Se anunció y distribuyó la supuesta versión final para el 13 de diciembre, que carecía del editor, de la posibilidad de guardar las largas actividades (para mí lo más importante) y que seguía incluyendo viejos errores ya reportados. Lo hemos asumido y hemos seguido jugando. Un mes después, el equipo de SimRail decide cancelar el servidor que nos sirve de vínculo a cientos de usuarios de habla hispana. No voy a enumerar aquí la interminable lista de países en los que se habla español. No es mi intención. Estoy decepcionado. English translation: As a SimRail user since Early Access, like thousands of SimRail users, I have trusted from the beginning that it will improve. It has done so little, really, and mainly thanks to the bug reports that we have all patiently discovered and that the developers have been informed of. It has also been the users, among many other activity creators, who have contributed to improving the simulator. The Multiplayer option has allowed us to run shorter runs than the tedious and endless activities that we couldn't save, and that restarted again (as did the tutorials) every time the simulator was updated. The supposed final version was announced and distributed for December 13, which lacked the editor, the possibility of saving the long activities (for me the most important thing) and which continued to include old errors already reported. We have accepted it and we have continued to play. A month later, the SimRail team decides to cancel the server that serves as a link to hundreds of Spanish-speaking users. I am not going to list here the endless list of countries in which Spanish is spoken. I don't mean to. I'm disappointed.
  23. Good job!
  24. A very useful guide and great work on your part. Thank you.
  25. Mientras preparo un nuevo manual que incluya todas las novedades de la versión final de SimRail, pongo a disposición de los interesados el manual de la locomotora ET22, que como sabéis está disponible como DLC aparte. Tened en cuenta que la numeración del manual se adecúa a la del manual completo y no es independiente. Un saludo y feliz Navidad. SimRail - Manual locomotora ET22.pdf
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