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Everything posted by BigVern

  1. This is the one problem with dispatcher on a real time MP game. Unlike driving there are often long gaps between trains with nothing to do, even on the main line. With something like SimSig, PC Rail or the old SIAM traffic control games, you can speed things up until the next action required. On the other hand an artificially busy timetable is only going to add to the issues at current bottlenecks like Lazy. And of course the quieter signalboxes are handy for learning the processes etc.
  2. I find moving the camera whether in cab or the signalbox and be very laggy, even freezes for a few seconds. Intel I7 4770 @ 3.5Ghz (stock). Nvidia GTX 1650 4Gb Vram 24Gb System RAM. Mechanical HD.
  3. Sorry I didn't note my location* but during my drive test yesterday evening, approaching a road over rail bridge I noticed a car jump up in the air and "cartwheel" several times before dropping back on the road. * If you can access my play log, it was about 20 minutes before I came off the game.
  4. I've managed to send a train to Starzyny using the method Sean outlined in the SCS thread. As the next train on the single line is towards me I have tried to change the "slot" in advance but the only command I get a "ok" from is WBL (choose direction) which then doesn't allow me to do anything. Waiting to see what happens when Starzyny offers the train but this is definitely a case where some proper documentation would help. Will report back shortly on my success or otherwise. Okay. Once Starzyny requested slot I accepted via the telephone console. I then pressed WBL twice which reversed the arrow then PZK to finalise. Now got the train approaching on line. However maybe this is a process that ought to be simplified.
  5. Devs seem to be silent on this question which is probably one of the main issues raised from the playtest so far.
  6. Looking ahead but a question it is worth touching on... how hard will it be to create our own routes, on a scale ranging from Trainz (easy-ish) to MSTS/TSC (challenging but do-able) and Zusi (very hard)? Will there be support for DEM (terrain data) and mapping overlay? What 3D modelling packages and paint packages will be supported and exporters available? The signalling/dispatcher screens look very realistic, how hard will it be to set these up for a user created route? Will objects, textures etc. in the default route(s) be available to use in user created routes? Hopefully some of these questions can be answered.
  7. With a route the length of the one being included, some sort of save game will be essential in the release/full version to complete a run over the entire route. Assuming the answer is "yes" will there be multiple save slots or just one like TSW? One of the things that puts me off Zusi 3 (other than the price) is no saving a run in progress.
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  8. Thanks Sean, I'll try that when next on. IMHO though it's something the game should be walking you through.
  9. Quick question re Psary. How do I accept and confirm the direction arrows for trains from Starzny? And route trains towards Starzny on the single line?
  10. It would be a shame for the game to release to a wider audience with bugs and gameplay elements that need improving or changing (that are within the developer's desire and ability to do so). However it may well be the publisher has dictated the release date and scope to change will limit the ability to vary at. We know from DTG that stuff gets pushed out to make a deadline then patched (or not) subsequently. My biggest concern is with the AI Dispatcher, it may be improvements are already in hand. In fact this is more so for the single player game - which has even less time for testing before release - as all the signalling is being done by the AI.
  11. Agree, even if they render as low res distant mountains, like we had in MSTS.
  12. I've been having a quick play in Gora Wlodowska which is probably a very simple block post. Figured out the basics and I even managed to put a passenger train in the loop and hold it for a freight to overtake... 😁 Of course the only issue with DS mode versus driving is that there are potentially long gaps without much to do. After a bit more self training I will try one of the larger boxes, but not qualified enough for Lazy, yet. Good fun though.
  13. As the title suggests, when your current train finishes its journey, allow the player to continue in the session by accessing a list of available trains to take over. Don't auto exit to the menu.
  14. Upvote. Dispatcher needs localisation before full release if not before. Even better an offline sandbox training module. Unlike Simsig etc. you can't pause to work things out in a real time MP environment. Currently it's like Vatsim throwing a rookie controller into Heathrow or JFK.
  15. Caught your first video clip Sean, very useful. As I posted in the GD section, some English localisation and a sandbox training module would be useful for those who want to try dispatching.
  16. What you need is for the 3 and 9 keys to operate as a graduated movement between Initial and Full Service rather than stepping all the way. That's how the brake keys work in Run 8, TSW etc. where self lapping brakes are in use.
  17. I was watching one of Sean's videos earlier and it looks like signaller mode really throws you in the deep end with no training and most of the interface in Polish. I would suggest there needs to be some sort of sandbox training module where players can at least learn the basics before jumping in. Unlike SimSig or the other signalling games, in MP you can't pause to look at a manual or run the Polish through Google Translate. The interface needs to be fully localised or at least English, German and maybe French or Spanish to cover most users.
  18. Lazy as in the location. Working a freight train got stuck at a red signal 3 minutes into the session and stood there for 40 minutes until quitting. Very pleasant chatting to everyone but somewhat frustrating both from the gameplay and testing point of view. We can't test the sim sat at a red signal for ages.
  19. As per the question - so far all the runs I've done have been in broad daylight and if anything things are a little too bright - almost as severe as the unmodded eye adaptation DTG introduced with TSW3. But TSW3 also suffers from pitch black nights with little ambient light or light pollution in built up areas. That combined with ineffective headlights makes night driving rather tedious. Hopefully SimRail will do it better.
  20. I didn't see this before suggesting the same thing. Will certainly be essential if/when people start building routes with steeper inclines than the relatively flat default one.
  21. I think EN02 and EN06 are the best bets at present. I wonder if the stuck trains are due to AI not taking back over if you have to leave the session?
  22. Well after a couple of abortive attempts I finally managed two successful runs, one on the EN02 and another on the EN07 server. So it does look as if the connection problem is at the server end. Maybe something needs tweaking.
  23. I think to be honest at this point we need some input from the devs, rather than arguing amongst ourselves. If there is indeed a graduated or stepped brake on the EU07 between initial and full service then we need to have a keyboard option to use it. That also again comes back to having some sort of visual cue as to how far along the travel you are, which isn't just the brake handle. My hands are affected by neuropathy which means it's preferable to use the keyboard rather than the mouse.
  24. The fact is you either need a stepped brake with several stages between initial and full service, or variable by having an apply/lap/release system. Unless of course the real EU07 *is* set up like that, in which case hang on to your hats if standing up or drinking a cup of coffee and the driver goes into full service...
  25. I already checked those and Simrail is ticked for access. But I will double check, just to be sure.
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