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Everything posted by schmusegewürzkatze621

  1. 3 Stunden war im Playtest. Jetzt sind 6 Stunden. Es sei denn, das ist noch mal angepasst worden.
  2. Dass du im Fahrplan keinen Halt eingetragen hast, aber beim Durchfahren trotzdem Punktabzug kriegst, darf eigentlich nicht sein. Also das ist ein Bug.
  3. Du spielst ein modernes Spiel auf höchsten Grafikeinstellungen und wunderst dich, dass deine nagelneue High-End-Grafikkarte dabei auch ausgereizt wird? Deine Probleme möcht ich mal haben …
  4. Ich muss tatsächlich sagen, ich finde die Übersetzungen von oli806 und MalzbierMan besser. Außer „Richtung des Streckenblocks einschalten“, das klingt seltsam. Man schaltet den Streckenblock ein, nicht die Richtung desselben. Wäre „Richtung wechseln“ oder „Richtung einstellen“ nicht passender? Vielleicht könnte man es auch mit „Erlaubnis anfordern“ übersetzen, da ja für Pzk auch schon das Wort „Erlaubnis“ benutzt wird?
  5. I just played a train and … I first got signalled upcoming 40 km/h at the last block signal before P, then while I was approaching, that aspect upgraded to full speed at P but 40 km/h at D … And I have no idea what the dispatcher did, and I wasn’t able to get an answer out of them how they managed it. And also I don’t know if the overlap was actually reduced or not. I wonder if it’s the difference between a) setting a route P–D, then D–C2, or b) setting a route directly P–C2 via D (clicking on the signals in that order)? I thought that must’ve been identical, with the signal indications automatically upgraded to the ‘fastest’ possible? Or does the former do the 40 km/h at D thing and the latter switches D off or turns it into a distant signal repeater or something? Or maybe the last time I was driving there, C2 was already cleared, so both P and D showed clear and I hadn’t yet had a chance to see the signalling when C2 shows stop? Next time I’m playing DG dispatcher, I might just try out a few options and ask players what signals they’re getting. I would really love to know how these signals behave.
  6. There is an additional main signal D positioned before the platform in Dąbrowa Górnicza. For a full-speed route from entry signal P (the one in the picture above) passing through D up to the exit signal C2, the overlap crosses the pedestrian level crossing. For a route from P to D, that’s not the case. However, since the distance from P to D is quite low, a lower speed must be signalled at P so that all trains can safely stop at D. This is what you’re seeing in the picture. A good dispatcher, of course, closes the level crossing and sets an additional route from D to C2 when a train approaches, so that the signal box upgrades the indication at P to full speed and a train can enter the station without unnecessarily slowing down beforehand. To be honest, what I as a frequent DG dispatcher would like would be that I could choose a shorter overlap behind C2, with a 40 km/h restriction at D. I know German computer-based interlockings often allow choosing different overlaps, automatically signalling lower speeds for shorter overlaps as necessary. I’m not sure if the real Dąbrowa Górnicza signalling can do this, but if I recall correctly, D actually has five lights, so it could show a 40 km/h restriction.
  7. How to reproduce: Start the Traxx tutorial mission. Before entering the locomotive, walk to the coupling between the locomotive and the first wagon and disconnect the brake hose (but leave the mechanical coupling). Proceed with the tutorial as normal, up to and including the brake test. Expectation: The brake test operator tells you that there is a problem with the brakes and you can’t depart until it’s fixed. Reality: The brake test operator tells you that the brakes are functional. Now, I know that the purpose of the brake test in the tutorial is simply to create a sense of realism and immersion, and I guess it does do a good job. Unless, of course, someone (e.g. you) has messed with the brakes. I’m not sure what would be the best way for the tutorial (or any other singleplayer mission) to react in such a case. But I think there should be something, even if it’s just the guy telling you that he found the uncoupled hoses and fixed them for you, and then repeating the brake test.
  8. With my limited Polish (and Russian) knowledge I know lub means ‘or’ and I guess okienka czatu means ‘chat window’. So those aren’t messages you can send out but rather a hint that you can alternatively just send a direct chat message.
  9. The goods run in the Prologue with the Traxx locomotive included a brake test. Not sure if the current playtest is the same, but I wonder – if I disconnected the brakes before starting up the locomotive, will the brake test fail? Or is it scripted to always succeed? Hmmm. I shall try this out.
  10. The colours were originally more realistic (closer to primary red/green/yellow) but they’ve already been changed in the name of better contrast and colourblindness-accessibility. Personally, I liked the original colours better and I’d like it if there were a switch in the settings, but IMO it’s not too bad either.
  11. StellwerkSim, a German MMO signal box ‘simulator’ game, also has random defects that can happen – control panel lights going out, signals falling back to Stop, jammed points, blackouts with sometimes emergency power generators failing, too. Players aren’t expected to deal with these in a completely realistic way, but it does add to the game. And how often they’re generated is a per-player setting, so you can also turn them off. I think a similar thing wouldn’t be out of place or unreasonable for SimRail either.
  12. Even Zusi 3 docks points for coming to a stop with too much braking force (resulting in a jerk). It’s not unreasonable.
  13. This is the English forum. If you want people to understand what you’re saying, you should either speak English or go to the Polish forum.
  14. People can change. Lots of teenagers think griefing and messing things up is cool and fun and most of them become normal and reasonable people as they get older. And maybe they thought they were just having genuine fun and don’t see how it negatively impacts other players’ experience. I’d say warnings, temp bans and/or level demotions should be the norm. Permanent bans should be the last step of escalation only.
  15. At a few stations, the passenger information displays on the platforms actually work and display correct information – even delays! And the displays on the side of the Elf EMUs also show the correct train number, destination, and upcoming stops. :>
  16. I guess I must have not been clear enough. I was referring to the physical key that on a German layout produces an Ö – that is, on a US keyboard the semicolon/colon key.
  17. The dispatcher is the boss within the limits of their own post, certainly. But SurvivorSean is right; they have a timetable to follow and decisions from the higher-level ‘dispatchers’ or controllers (there’s potential for confusion with the wording here; in fairness, different railways do it differently and have different terms for the different jobs) to obey. Also, I’m not sure who told you that freight trains ‘easily run off’ passenger trains? Yeah, they don’t need to stop as frequently, but compared to passenger trains a) their top speed is generally lower; b) their acceleration is generally way worse; c) their schedules are laxer and their punctuality less important. The only kinds of passenger trains that freight trains can reliably outpace are local trains that stop at absolutely every station every couple of kilometres.
  18. I’m afraid not, sorry :/ People on the Internet believe and claim the stupidest things sometimes … it’s often hard to tell what you’re dealing with.
  19. What kind of sound are you talking about?
  20. As far as I know, Germany is sort of the odd one out with the EBuLa electronic timetable display being a de facto standard and widely used (even though it never made good on the promise in its original name to integrate the La, the list of temporary speed restrictions and similar notices). Many other countries at most issue working timetables as PDFs on tablets or phones. Or maybe they have a few different cab-integrated solutions that apparently aren’t widely adopted …
  21. Probably better to make the separator a colon instead.
  22. The first two digits of Polish train numbers encode the areas of origin and destination, respectively. 4 is for the Katowice area, 1 stands for Warszawa. So a train starting with 41 runs south to north, a train starting with 14 runs north to south. A train starting with 40 or 44 starts and ends within the same region – the ‘S41’ and ‘S1’ regional trains, for instance.
  23. Traffic volume depends on where you are. Łazy Łc and Sosnowiec Główny, for instance, rarely get boring. Otherwise … the inactivity check is currently a bit strict, yes, but they’re working on that. Not sure what you mean with suggesting ‘natural’ delays. Trains already tend to get delayed quite a bit in normal operation. I also have in dispatcher mode already taken cargo trains or light engines into a loop to let passenger trains pass. It’s a thing that already happens! Also, it seems they’re working on making the Zawiercie signal box playable, though probably requiring a higher player level, since it’s a bit more complex than the rest. What do you mean, you want to ‘generate’ trains? Trains run according to a predetermined timetable. If there’s freight cars to be collected on short notice, then where do you get the engine from? Who drives it? And when the freight cars are collected, where do they go and when? Some of these question may be moot in a simulation/game, of course. But it doesn’t change the fact that planning train movements and creating timetables is not the responsibility of dispatchers/signallers. Their job is to accept the timetable as it is and put it into practice as safely, precisely, and economically as possible.
  24. I didn’t even know there were any announcements at all! Though, to be honest, I’d have expected there to be automated ‘next station’ announcements in the EN96/EN76 regional trains first and foremost. Though I have once been in a train and stopped in … I think it was Sosnowiec Głowny or maybe Zawiercie? where the information displays on the platform actually showed my train with its correct itinerary and even a ‘This train is delayed’ notice! I’ve got to say, that impressed me. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen anything like that again afterwards.
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