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Everything posted by Sui

  1. Dodane do sprawdzenia i zrobienia #1107.
  2. This forum is for feedback related to translations. To help better organize things, please use English if possible. For issues with specific terms and languages please start threads with names [EN] English translation [ZH] - Chinese Simplified (community translation by KagurazakaYukari, 忠华). [ZH-TW] - Chinese Traditional (community translation by 凛喵 and 髙坂筑穂). [CS] Czech translation (community translation by PapisCZE) [DE] German (community translation by Moooritz, RealMiko, Lukanides) [ES] Spanish (community translation by jjlor1981) [FR] French (community translation by Lactic, Chikenade, Foxxe, Kijir0 and Keymael) [HU] Hungarian (community translation by kopemiend). [IT] Italian (community translation lead by GeeForge, alegalga98). [PL] Polish (this is more of for language purists, as we use Polish as a base language). [RU] Russian (community translation in development by Loongeron). [UK] Ukrainian (coming soon™) [OTHER] or ISO 639-1 code for questions regarding non supported languages and suggestion for which to add.
      • 3
      • I agree
  3. Alright. I now have rights to set up roles on forum and translation system. We are now setting up subforum for translators (private) and subforum which will gather feedback related to translations. We will also be looking for new translators (as it turns out, that French hasn't been updated for a month now).
  4. Z tego co widziałem, te zmiany z odładowywaniem w aktualnym buildzie na Steam jeszcze nie ma. Inna kwestia jak to działa w multiplayerze 😑
  5. We have it planned to be added under in-game menu (the one you active with ESC)
  6. Zakładam, że problem ze znikającymi przełącznikami to odładowanie TextMeshPro, które powinno być w następnym patchu rozwiązane. Ale, że klawisze przestały działać to dziwne 😑
  7. Considering the way UI was created, this is going to be really hard to implement at this point. Any particularly bad examples that could potentially be scaled without breaking everything?
  8. I added those to translation system. uetam might contact you with login information. Or if he doesn't write him a private message on forum and he will likely tell you what he needs to create your account in translation system.
  9. I would, if I could, but there are no translation keys for those, yet, so even if I were to put them in files, they would likely get lost the moment, we update the local files using files from translation system. So I can't at the moment. Also sorry - correction, Mateu's name on forums is uetam 😬
  10. As of now they are sorted by response time only and then can be filtered manually by user. Different ways of sorting are something that I think is already on the suggestions list in UI, but priorities are so far to add critical features and make fixes.
  11. Issue #1079 - przyjrzymy się temu.
  12. I agree. The system I have written was originally only supposed to be used under sheds and not for interiors as well - I will be expanding it sometime at the beginning of next year to lower sound volume and maybe do some other sound modulation. Other matter is that the choice of sounds is not the best. I am especially annoyed by the sound - of what probably would be - droplets hitting a flat water surface - something should should never even be able to hear during rain.
  13. Dzięki. Otwarłem issue #1078.
  14. Good question. I actually have no information who is in charge of which translation (uetam might know). We have had a talk about it internally, as we have some translations that are incomplete (and not in the game) and some that people have done and are not even in our system, as well as the need to organize translations better, but we haven't made a decision on what we do about it, yet. It's possible that there is going to be a forum category for those, though.
  15. I have made some changes today to prevent this from happening. So hopefully this will be resolved in the next build.
  16. Not as of now - it's likely that it's going to be all of them. Thanks, though.
  17. I don't think they are currently available for translation. They don't do anything as of now. This translation was also reported to be missing in other languages.
  18. Po dzisiejszych zmianach (czyli albo dzisiejszym albo jutrzejszym buildzie) to w końcu powinno być rozwiązane.
  19. Entering cabs of trains not assigned to player should no longer be allowed (likely since the build from Monday), so I am closing this.
  20. Powinno być rozwiązane od wczoraj (choć brak odliczania punktów włączy się z drobnym opóźnieniem).
  21. No, I think this is fine. I don't expect people to have a look at Polish forums when reporting an issue.
  22. Repeat of the one in Polish forum just for the sake of clarity in forum moderation.
  23. To powinno być w grze od wczorajszego patcha.
  24. Tylko wyświetlanie wracało, nie samo ustawienie. Powinno być naprawione w następnym buildzie.
  25. What the boss said 😑
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