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Everything posted by Sui

  1. Reported in Polish section of forum as well. Thanks for reporting it. Issue: #1622.
  2. Jeżeli gra się wysypuję to proszę o zarówno loga jak i crash dump. Oba powinny być pod (Win+R): %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\SimKol\SimRail
  3. Chłopcy przedobrzyli z tą naprawą nie działającego hamulca 😕 Dzięki za zgłoszenie i sorry za problemy. Issue #1622.
  4. Powinno być poprawione w następnym patchu.
  5. Well, this doesn't have any string, cause nobody has written any description (not to mention the key is wrong) - created a gitlab issue so this doesn't get lost easily (even though with so many issues it still might).
  6. Scaling should be changed to anamorphic 16:9 in next patch.
  7. Będzie poprawione w następnym patchu - po prostu od razu się nie ustawiały ustawienia, ale po zmianie kamery już tak.
  8. To nic nie mówi. Potrzebuję scenariusz, stację / punkt oraz godzinę przejazdu (z sekundami)
  9. This is actually a bug with order of events - image should be desaturated and in development test should be displayed. Just one of these bugs that doesn't appear in editor, but happens in the player (and not even consistently).
  10. I will have a look at it tomorrow (if I don't forget). Thanks.
  11. Powinno być naprawione w następnym patchu.
  12. Powinno być naprawione. Jeśli pomimo poprawek w EA problem wystąpił to proszę zgłosić to ponownie.
  13. Some of these may no longer apply - Prologue strings are quite old.
  14. Trza dodać karę za "Urwanie kabla" podczas teleportu Opened issue #1277.
  15. Weird. Seems like Microsoft has defined a % character to be "٪" in French instead of just default "%". Will try and override it, cause it seems like most fonts don't even have this character. -- EDIT -- Alright, this seems to be working and dates still seems to be correctly formatted, so I don't think I broke anything else culture info related.
  16. Date is suppose to be using culture settings defined by Microsoft (same with some minor, but important differences like how the dates are format, character used for decimal point separator) - every language available natively in the game essentially has its own culture set up. You can disable it and use culture settings defined in system, by setting "G_UseSystemLanguageCulture" to True in the game's settings file.
  17. I will try and remember to have a look at it on Monday.
  18. Thanks. Issue 1231.
  19. Dobrze wiedzieć. W przyszłym tygodniu będę grzebać w tym czacie, by kilka niedoróbek poprawić (przede wszystkim sposób z utratą focus'a i cooldown'em), więc i to pewnie poprawię.
  20. True. I think it should be fixed in new update, but not 100% sure if it was pushed to main branch before or after the build was started.
  21. Should be fixed in the next patch (awaiting merge to dev)
  22. I think they are part of API and not the game itself. Will have a look at it when I am back at the office next week. Remind me if I forget.
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