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Everything posted by Atoka220

  1. But where is the passenger cabin lighting? I swear i can't find it anywhere lol
  2. Very well written and great details also in the comments. I'm learning to be a train driver in Hungary and we are also taught a phenomenon called braking-releasing wave. Cause basically the train's brake system is a very long thin pipe, it takes time for the change in pressure to reach the end of the train. On passenger trains it can be between 10-20 seconds depending on length but on long freights it can take up to 1 minute. So for this reason when releasing brakes, you mustn't give power immediately (especially high power) cause that creates a high risk of screwlink failure And when stopping, we are trained to stop with brakes released utilizing said wave. I saw some old skilled blokes approaching a station on the main line at 100km/h, pull a full service, then release when the speed is still at around 40 kph and letting the releasing wave gradually release the brake and making the train come to a very smooth and gradual stop right at the end of platform sign. Also I really hope simulation of the overhead line will be added in the future, that noirceur described. I was always fasctinated by the overhead line system too since childhood, not only the trains 😁
  3. Neither of those happened. What exactly happened was, I gave permission to Glówny to send the train, he requested interlock direction, i confirmed it, arrow became steady yellow then half red, then as he sent the train, full red. After that I closed the gates and set the route. Was ready to confirm train arrival on the interlock and to raise the gates but after it has cleared that section, the green '-' mark didn't appear above the interlock arrow nor did the KO become clickable. However i could raise the gates. After some struggling when Glówny sent a train in with SZ, the train seemed to reset the interlock and the - mark appeared and i could KO it. Right after that, it also happened from the direction of Dandówka. Twice in a row... A player said that the interlock maybe wasn't prepared and therefore, couldn't KO it. What does that mean? Everytime all i did was click KO when the train cleared it and it worked. Also I tried refreshing objects, resetting axle counters, those didn't work either. Yes of course i could just leave, rejoin and have the ai cheat and reset everything in a moment but that's too cheap. I took it as a challenge to fix a problem in the system.
  4. Today i was playing dispatch on Sosnowiec Południowy At times after a train passed through the interlocks, i couldn't confirm the train arrival, no green '-' mark above the interlock and KO was also greyed out. This resulted in having to use SZ, however when a train came from the locked direction, it reset the interlock and i could confirm the arrival, therefore fixing it. After that it happened on the other end of the station. Twice in a row. Now since these things happen irl I declared it a signal failure and worked accordingly trying to solve the problem but i can't decide if these failures are actually part of the game (which is very nice cause you know, it happens irl too) or it was a bug. For this reason I wasn't sure if i should report it as a bug or not, so i thought i'll ask here first In the attachment you can see me letting out a train through the stuck interlock to Glówny towards Katowice with an SZ
  5. Updated: 2023. 07. 17. I have found many mistakes in the hungarian translation that i'll try to collect here Some look like they've been put through a literal translator or the person translating just didn't understand the context and translated some phrases literally Dispatcher mode: Train list: From - Currently: Az állomásról, should be: Honnan To - Currently: Az állomásra, should be: Hová From post - Currently: A posztról, should be: Honnan To post - Currently: Postázás, should be: Hová Layover - Currently: Átszállás, should be: Megállás ideje Stop type - Currently: Megálló típusa, should be: Megállás típusa Start station - Currently: Indító állomás, should be: Induló állomás Terminus station - Currently: Végső állomás, should be: Végállomás Time enter - Currently: Idő belépés, should be: Idő bevitele Time enter window: Relation - Currently: Kapcsolat, should be: Útvonal or Útirány Train arrived - Megérkezett a vonat, should be: Érkezés ideje Train departured - Elindult a vonat, should be: Elindulás ideje Locomotive defect - Mozdony hiba, should be: Mozdony műszaki meghibásodása Enter stop - I'm not sure about this one's context though but the translation of this seems to be a bit off as well Train description: Start station - Currently: Indító állomás, should be: Induló állomás Terminus station - Currently: Végső állomás, should be: Végállomás Timetable type - Currently: Ütemezés típusa, should be: Menetrend típusa Yearly - Currently: Évi, should be: Éves Train route: Relation - Currently: Kapcsolat, should be: Útvonal or Útirány EU07: Current mode switch Low current - Currently: Alacsony feszültség, should be: Alacsony áramerősség High current - Currently: Magas feszültség, should be: Magas áramerősség (feszültség is voltage, áramerősség is current) Brake delay setting - Currently: Fék késleltetésének beállítása, should be: Vonatnem váltó High voltage compartment lighting - Currently: Magas feszültségű tér világítása, should be: Géptér világítás Overall lighting - Currently: Általános világítása, translation is correct but it has to be 'világítás' instead of 'világítása' here Other: Flashlight keybind has no translation and appears as #key_flashlight Main menu: In the singleplayer route selection on the Katowice-Warszawa route Katowice is mistyped as "Katowicw" And in the route description it's incorrectly stated that the highest allowed speed is 160km/h as 200km/h is allowed on some sections If I find any more mistakes, I'll make sure to post them here to help in finding and correcting them
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