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Everything posted by Atoka220

  1. As the photo shows, barely half of the brake shoe makes contact with the wheel
  2. I agree with this. Sound is a massive immersion factor I would expand this with some more ideas: The ear deafening vibrations inside the cab during a wheelslip and the hellish moans and groans of wheels when they are locked up during an emergency braking A roaring wind sound effect when i open the window at high speed When applying emergency brake, we should hear a huge rush of air at the valve (though i don't know how oerlikon and other valves behave in polish locos) Deep roars and all those noises in the cab when driving on uneven track (especially in old locos) - i guess the team's drivers know what i mean, i can't describe it in english 😅 And with that, better interior sounds when driving over track joints or junctions A stereo effect inside the cab as as the driver, we are surrounded by the noise sources, enclosed in a cab And overall louder train noise as irl we can hear a train from a few kilometers, however ingame it's a few hundred meters at most. Also that meowing siódemka must be my favorite polish train video now. Just what is wrong with polish train horns? 😄
  3. That thing's got a weird flashing pattern. Or it's just broken lol
  4. I even crashed into a car at poludniowy cause i guess it got stuck between the instantly lowering barriers lol
  5. Oh i see what you mean Yes it got into my mind as well. I just press the button/command and the gates are already going down without any warnings beforehand
  6. This makes me wonder if trains have collision Cause if someone was coming full speed on the other track, oh boi, that would have been spectacular 😅
  7. So today i was accelerating out of sosnowiec kazimierz When going out to the main line on the curve, i heard furious quick clickety clack to my left I was like huh?? Then i looked outside and saw another player pulling up right next to me from the other direction. Our buffers were just about in line, the sync was that perfect We then raced to Dandówka, i got a green, he got 40 but the bridge with the 30 signs came anyways. He overtook me there and stopped at a red and quickly ran in front of my train as i was accelerating at the green again and i ran him over Roll ahead a few minutes, i was leaving Katowice when the well known yellow text came up (trans: Train nr 24133 derailed, will be removed.) I swear this must be the coolest and then funniest s..t i saw in simrail ever 🤣
  8. Is this how cars are made in Poland?
  9. Well in that case it's pretty odd to say the least 😁 Thanks for clarifying
  10. On Katowice station, there are 2 sidings on the south next to track 10 (iirc) that basically just merge into a parking lot It has working shunting signals as you can see and the parking lot looks out of place so I just suspected it wasn't meant to be like this but not exactly sure. In any way I reported it, hoping that it helps the team
  11. As it's a written order, it'd be handed over to you by a traffic control worker (by the dispatchers themselves here) and sign it Also do polish railways utilize dispatchers with batons? In my country, the dispatcher sounds their whistle, then the conductor signals him or her that they are ready to depart, then the dispatcher would authorize the train driver to depart with the baton. If the station has no dispatcher to do it, then the train crew (conductor) signals the driver to depart with a disk raised high This would be a nice addition and a sure way to know when to depart, if it can be animated but only if it happens in Poland of course and they aren't really doing it all on radio 😁
  12. It should be like a radio. The current method works good as radios and chat have a limited range in game. I think it's about 10-20km but not sure As for realistic amout of using radio per Deadlost's question, in Hungary noone even says anything. Trains here are fully controlled by signals. If something's urgent, the driver calls the station with his service phone or vice versa Radio is only used in shunting and sometimes on big stations like Budapest's stations to help the dispatchers keep track of which train is where exactly But of course since this is a Polish sim, I'd be more curious about how poles do it
  13. Yesterday as i was pulling into Sosnowiec Główny to one of the sidings, like 500 meters in front of me a car just casually did a double backflip in the parking lot next to the tracks and it landed on its back with the wheels still spinning. It despawned by the time i could screenshot it but it genuinely made me go wtf and burst 🤣
  14. Though I've encountered it in multiplayer, it's not a multiplayer related issue The end of overhead wires is missing on Idzikowice railyard at a section change (don't know the track nr) It is near the exit signals towards Opoczno
  15. An easy way to go around this is to memorize that when a signal has both yellow and green light, the green is ALWAYS the topmost light on all signals, except repeater signals, on which it's the middle light Irl that's also a method to tell which light is showing, is to memorize where the different lights are on the different signals, in case you can't tell its color from a distance cause of the lens being dirty on something That way if you can't tell if the symbol is showing green or yellow, look at the signal. If the topmost light is on, it's green. If it's an ABS with white pole, the yellow is the bottom light. If it's a main signal with red-white pole, yellow is the second light from top So while you wait for answers from the team, try to memorize the light's locations on the signals to help you. That's my best idea for now
  16. We descussed it with a player some time ago What is most plausible is that the ai doesn't see trains that are about to depart so when you are approaching the station, it gives you entry to the station but by the time you get there, the train is long gone and you are given an exit Let's say there's a train ahead of me stopped for some reason. I'm approaching the station, i get a clearance to enter siding. But that other train is given a clear 2 seconds later and leaves long before i arrive at the station so the ai sets the signal on my siding to clear and by the time i arrive, i can pass without stopping but at limited speed which is bikaka
  17. Ahha, now i understand why there were some stations with a padlock icon and some hours next to them. I thought there's some time lock on some stations sometimes, then i never saw those before That explains it 😄
  18. 34! That is one very serious signal failure 😆
  19. On the following stations I've encountered stadium sounds between the tracks Warszawa wschodnia Korytów Szeligi Idzikowice Wloszczowa pólnoc (not sure about this one though)
  20. Yep. I was 15 mins late, the train was announced numerous times, you saw the train approaching at least a min prior, you had time to get ready to board the train (and not walk from the end of it to the front to board). So if you still didn't, well you are coming with the next train cause i'm off like a rocket 😁 Also not a feature but a little detail When you release brakes, you can hear the auxiliary tanks filling on the cars
  21. Somehow i am unable to turn on/off the lights in passenger cars while the bot can In the siódemka i can't find a specific switch for that (afaik it's the train heating that enables lights and heating both) although in the traxx there actually is a setting for train lights in the settings menu but that doesn't seem to work either
  22. The proud face of this guy after a freight train crashed into him and both he and his car survived Good thing cars are made out of titanium in Poland 😆 Edit: Yeah forgot to mention Me: comes out of the curve, sees a car on the tracks stuck in the crossing, powers down, pulls brake hoping the empty cars don't get wheelslide (they did), pass an R5 sign, crash into car, come to a full stop after around 80m trying to address the situation Game: hehe here, -10 points for using the wrong radio channel
  23. You mean the junctions that we tested? 😁 Yes, it would be a small but very immersive addition to hear the electric motor whirring and the locks clacking in place
  24. If you dial 112 or 911 on the dispatcher phone, the phone's screen will temporarily turn white 🤷‍♂️
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