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Everything posted by schmusegewürzkatze621
Driving 239xx into Kraków with a double EN57, I stopped at Słomniki Miasto somewhere in the centre of the platform and opened the doors. Using the ‘6’ rear camera I confirmed that the train was standing fully at the platform, well clear of the opposite-direction W4 marker. However, the game did not recognise the stop until I had closed the doors, pulled forward ~10 more metres, and opened them again. I understand that a stop should not be ‘valid’ if the train is not fully at the platform, or has not reached its appropriate W32, or has not cleared W4 or a signal in the opposite direction. However, if all of these conditions are met, I don’t understand why the stop should not be recognised.
Steam Loco Feedback
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to BigVern's topic in General Discussion [Singleplayer]
Yep, the fireman calls out signals. In Polish, without subtitles. I’ve understood at least Stój (‘Stop’/‘Danger’) and Wolna droga (‘Clear’). -
When playing the Ty2 tutorial in the role of fireman, after the introduction part of the tutorial ends (‘Your train will depart soon’), the driver releases the train brake. I expect the departure signal to be given very soon after this (at least if the departure time is reached) since there’s no point in delaying the scenario artificially. However, I have attempted this three times and every time, the signal has stayed red after introduction was done and departure time was reached.
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to Pusteblume's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Momentan nicht, aber das haben schon einige Leute angesprochen im englischen Forum und ich meine, die Entwickler haben das Feedback zumindest aufgenommen. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das im nächsten oder übernächsten Update verbessert wird. -
Timetable F1 key
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to alanakko's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Singleplayer]
Agreeing on the seconds. In multiplayer I tend to resort to my own wristwatch for that. -
Train heating trip EU7
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to sf_giants15's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
In what way does a combination of lower voltage and lower current – with an Ohmic resistive load – ‘overload’ the system? I think what actually happens is that the carriages have electronic converters on board so that they can charge their batteries and run their heating, AC, and other electrical systems at a variety of voltages and AC frequencies. So they have a target heating power, and if the train supply line voltage drops, they’ll respond by simply pulling more current (i.e. decreasing their apparent resistance). Maybe the EP07/EP08 is simply not built for train supply current draw higher than, I dunno, 100 A or 200 A or something … -
Fehler oder Normal
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to Dosenwurstwasser's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Also ich hab nichts dergleichen festgestellt. Was ist es denn, was träge reagiert? Reagiert der Zug träge auf die Stellung des Führerbremsventils bzw. Fahrschalters, oder reagieren die Schalter langsam auf deine Tastatur-/Mauseingaben? -
Fahrdienstleiter Denkanstöße
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to Frank's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
fxn02 redet von der echten Bahn in Deutschland. „Die 2“ ist Jargon für den Knopf aufm GSM-R-Zugfunkgerät, der den zuständigen Fahrdienstleiter anruft. -
When trying to send train 412014 from Idzikowice to Radzice on track 1 (LK 574), Radzice claims it can’t accept the train because track 1 does not exist. Offering the train on track 2 is accepted, but when I try to set a route towards there, it’s cancelled by the server because it would misroute the train. The bot/AI dispatcher Idzikowice attempts this anyway, again and again, which spams the chat and in the worst case leaves 412014 blocking entry from Opoczno Południe. This happened on server DE3 about three hours ago.
Unsafe signal sequence in Ząbkowice for 73xxx
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to noirceur's topic in Issues archive
Thank you for the explanation! I assume with an ‘English type’ you mean a double slip, I’ve heard those have limited max speeds even when going straight over them. Though this makes me wonder why Dąbrowa Górnicza main station signal D signals 40 km/h if C2 is at stop. I thought that was due to the reduced braking distance. Is it because of short overlap with the level crossing? Would entry signal O also show a reduced speed of 40 km/h for a route to C1 if C1 were at stop? If the DG interlocking allowed to select a longer overlap, with level crossing secured, would P in that case show S2 instead of S4, and D show S5 instead of S13? -
Unsafe signal sequence in Ząbkowice for 73xxx
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to noirceur's topic in Issues archive
So W19 basically means I have to expect a restrictive aspect at the signal after the next one and if I have a train with bad brakes I should already start braking? If that alone is supposed to make me start braking, then a) why is it just a little inconspicuous arrow and not larger/more obvious, since it’s so safety critical; b) what is the actual speed reduction for? -
Unsafe signal sequence in Ząbkowice for 73xxx
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to noirceur's topic in Issues archive
Sorry, but the ‘you don’t have to go the max speed’ argument is rubbish. How are you supposed to know when and how much to reduce your speed, if not through signalling? How is a freight train with a max speed of 100 km/h, with brakes only just good enough to brake from 100 to a stop in 1 km, expected to come to a stop in, what is this, 500 m? 600 m? after the ‘expect stop’? Yeah, in clear weather you’d see it from several hundred metres back and can start braking in advance, but what if it’s foggy? Are heavy trains supposed to start braking long before the signal ‘just in case’? I’m legitimately curious; how do the signalling and Polish operating rules ensure no SPAD can happen in this case in real life? -
Hardwarevoraussetzungen für SimRail
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to HerbertK's topic in Offtopic [DE]
Ich spiel mitm Ryzen 3 5300U und 16 GB RAM unter Linux/Proton. Renderauflösung auf 1280×720 runter und die anderen Grafikeinstellungen auch nahe beim Minimum, das geht. Deine CPU und Grafik ist in etwa vergleichbar mit meiner, also sollte auch bei dir machbar sein. Zumal du wahrscheinlich auf Windows spielst und den Overhead von Proton, DXVK und so weiter nicht hast. Du kannst aber mal gucken, ob du deinem Laptop mehr RAM verpassen kannst. Du hast wahrscheinlich ein einzelnes 8-GB-Modul als single channel und wenn der Laptophersteller das vorgesehen hat, hast du einen weiteren Steckplatz frei, wo du ein zweites Modul einbauen kannst. Dual channel macht bei integrierten Grafikchips schon was aus – ich habe meinen Laptop ursprünglich auch mit 8 GB gekauft und später hochgerüstet. -
While I do agree with your point that new players should be restricted to easier/less important tasks when they start playing, your claim that it works exactly like that in reality is … not really true. Maybe in the UK it is, I don’t know; but in Germany it definitely isn’t. Signallers always need extra training for the interlocking technology and type they’re working with and for the specific post they’re on. This goes for experienced and new employees alike. Why expend the extra effort to re-train signallers when you could simply train them in the locations and positions where they’re needed in the first place? (Retraining and reassignment still happens, of course. But not generally for this reason.) And looking on the driving side: intercity and regional trains are operated by different companies. What vehicles should an apprentice at DB Fernverkehr be trained for, if not IC or ICE rolling stock? And when they’ve completed training, what trains should they be driving, if not exactly the ones they were trained for? Apart from the organisational barrier, driving regional transport needs different skills than intercity, too. Most local trains have no conductor, so as a driver you’re on your own with handling passengers and with fixing technical problems if they arise. Plus the schedules are usually much tighter, making it more difficult to be punctual.
großes update im oktober :o
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to Fightdrug's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Ich hab das jetzt gar nicht so verstanden, dass sie auf ne andere Engine umstellen. Wann und wo haben sie das denn gesagt? -
Signaller Rating
schmusegewürzkatze621 replied to BigVern's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
Honestly, I didn’t understand OP’s suggestion to be about rating by player votes. Rather, I think they were suggesting something similar to the summary you get in driver mode. Generated by the game itself, by its own criteria, not generated from feedback from other players.