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Everything posted by sf_giants15

  1. In my opinion thats just crazy to say if you compare it to simular games. 34 Euro is a good price for what you get
  2. Du musst die WBL Taste ziehen um den Block zurückzunehmen (Rechtsklick). Bei den SCS Stellwerken heißt das OWBL
  3. Only the time in dispatching counts. So driving trains doesnt matter for the dispatching time lock
  4. Ist auch erstmal nur meine Meinung. Ich lasse mich da aber auch gerne eines besseren belehren wenn die Strecke draußen ist.
  5. look at this tutorial. Its train driver 2 but it should also apply on simrail
  6. Meiner Meinung nach hätten sie die 80er Strecke sein lassen sollen und die Ressourcen lieber in die anderen Strecken und Stellwerke stecken sollen 😕 Oder wie seht ihr das?
  7. when the train exceeds the entrance signal when reversing onto the main line does the automatic block (in this case 2835) acknowledge that its occupied or can you manually block this automatik block?. if not so wouldnt it be a danger for upcoming trains with a yellow automatik signal?
  8. As a dispatcher you know your station and should avoid routing a train on track 4 coming from line 1. The normal procedure in my mind would be asking zawiercie for opposite track. Backing up the train onto the mainline should only be done with shunting signals and since the train has some coupled wagons you would normaly need a second man at the end of the train for reversing. Another importend thing is that the train must not be to long when reversingback on the main line since its forbidden to exceed the "end of shunting operation" sign. For excample you cant reverse a freight train back on to the main line 😃
  9. The next Signal has its own distant signal (Os), Thats why this signal doesnt need a extra orange bulb. Thats pretty much always like that when there arent any automatic signals between the stations.
  10. Ich würde dir empfehlen einen bug report im im englischen Teil des Forums zu eröffnen
  11. I would say first of all you need to know how to drive the desired loco. You can train that in singleplayer or watch some tutorials on youtube. Then you need to know the meaning of the signals. I would suggest to have this sheet open on a tablet or printed out. Maybe you can start on a map area where there arent player dispatcher to get more comfortable with multiplayer like for example Wolbrom area. On this map you can see the available Trains and where there are located on the map right know. https://map.simrail.app/ Dont be afraid of the radio. its mostly talking about overtaking or red signals. If you are overwhelmed by some instruction the dispatcher gives you, then just tell him that you are new and he will help you out.
  12. unfortunately this doesnt work on my IPad. Do you use an Android tablet?
  13. Yes that works to let it show up on the tablet but I still cant do "right click" on the trains for confirming departue times and it wouldnt let me type in the times manually on my IPad. Does this work on your tablet?
  14. I guess they would rather stick the head out of the window and reverse then doing all that😅
  15. Did anyone get the ingame EDR to work on a tablet? Since you can open it on a browser I got it to show up on my IPad but unfortunately i cant put in the departure times because i couldnt get the "right click" working. When I tried to put in the times manually i message "an error ocrurred" comes
  16. Its the loco break. The needle moves when you apply the loco break or the train comes to a stand still. For example holding in front of a Red Signal
  17. I really loved driving this train. I think it was something like 4220XX Do you know why they disabled this train?
  18. Also you need to look at the Signals. For example you get a green and yellow signal which means you have to decelerate to 40 kph even though the line speed could be a 100kph. In this case the distant Signal would have a blinking yellow signal which informs you that the next signal is a 40kph signal (or 60kph). there you can also look up what the different signals mean
  19. Your welcome👍 There is a White lamp which indicates wheel slip (the first one on the left of the wheel)
  20. What do you mean by "want it back"? If Im not mistaken shunting was not yet introduced. The Simrail Team stated that it will come later on after full release of the game
  21. When there was a overcurrent trip, then you werent carefull enough. On some freight tains you really need to stay on the first notches for some time. You can also activate the high current knob which allows you to go up to 800A instead of 600A. On some steep grades there is a sign "T" on the signal which means that freight trains can go past a red signal with 20 kmh because once stopped they couldnt get moving again. by "turbo" you mean the shunting lever?. Are you sure that both driving engines were activated after postion 28 ? Because if you use the shunting lever at position 28 and then move to 29 you need to put the shunting lever back to 0 and then when reaching 43 you can use it again . Also did you have wheel slip? If you actually cant reach full speed on passenger service even on uphill routes, then you are definitely doing something wrong. https://simrail.wiki/de/SimRail/Polen/Züge/EP07
  22. If im not mistaken you should press dPO when sending a train via SZ
  23. look at "Type C Interlocking" its a very good guide I think if you forgot to press PO you need to send the next train with SZ and then press dPO for blocking the route
  24. You should definitely start thinking about start selling those. Since there arent really any affordable train controllers out there, alot of people would probably buy those for a reasonable price.
  25. ok I gotta try it out today. Yesterday at evening it was still green on DE1
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