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Everything posted by sf_giants15

  1. When does the winter season gets implemanted to the multiplayer servers?
  2. very nice scenario. what I liked most is starting with diesel engine and then later on changing to electric drive. Please do more of those shunting scenarios in places we dont normally go
  3. Es geht darum dass sich nicht jeder Fahrdienstleiter irgend eine Störung ausdenkt um Gleise zuschließen. Am Anfang kam es vor das 3 Stellwerke hintereinander 3 verschiedene Störungen hatten was alle genervt hatte außer die drei 😄 PS. das nächste mal in den den deutschen Forenbereich 😃
  4. Very good. Just like all of your tutorials 👌
  5. Ich überlege gerade mir das so Kaufe wie in dem Video
  6. I dont know about the delay part. if a train comes to your station already delayed you probably need to hold the train for passing scheduled trains which means further delay. And that would cause negative points for the dispatcher. And in my Opinion a restriction to join for some servers ist also not a good idea since mostly only one server of the country is filled. This could detract players and SimRail player base needs to grow. I think the reporting the system is more suitable for reckless drivers and dispatchers which get banned .
  7. Its probably my screens fault, but even with highest zoom i can barely read the timetables without opening them. So I will probably stick with the web based timetables
  8. I kind of get your frustration but in my opinion the overall performance got way better than the beginning.
  9. ph = passenger stop pt = technical stop ( mostly for overtaking) DZA: do you mean Like Zabkowice DZA? this is a sub station of the main Zabkowice station. I think in real life there is a second dispatcher. But in Simrail both stations are controlled by just one dispatcher just like in sosnowiec glowny
  10. I on the other Hand like like opening the window and have this lean out animation 😄 Dont they just look out the window and then go back to the seat and start driving?
  11. ok than I think its a little different to germany. On egional and regional express trains the train driver looked out of the window for departure. And on Inter city trains the conductor gets out and gives the train driver a signal who also looked out of the window. At least thats what I noticed but to be honest Im not a train driver in real life 😁
  12. I agree on that. If you have a platform on the left hand side I would say you have to leave the seat and look out the window to see that everything is safe for departure. since some EU07 or the 186 dont have a mirror
  13. Hi SimRail Team, I would like to draw attention back to this little topic, maybe for the next update 😃
  14. Hey SimRail team, thank you that you have added this feature in the last update. But why can I only lean out of the right window and not out of the left window? And on some trains for example the ET25 you cant lean out of the window at all ?
  15. On my last run with the EU7 I turned on the Train heating and cab heating, But after some time the main CB tripped because of transformer/heater overload. (4 times on a 2h trip) before that the voltage kind of went up and down for a short time. So why is it tripping and how do I prevent this?
  16. Do you have a picture of your set up?
  17. Hello Team, today I got, what I think was intentionally, routed the wrong way at Dorota, I was driving the 464040 on DE1. Coming from Juliusz I got the 40kph entrance signal at Dorota to go Zabkowice. But after passing the Signal I got routed to Wschodnia. After realising this the dispatcher left. Maybe you could look it up in the logs and give this player a ban. Thank you
  18. Why would that be a dealbreaker? As long as they dont sell it with the price and quality like dovetail im ok with it to buy dlcs to support a game which i like. And I think its obvious that you cant get multiple new rollingstock and routes for free when they put a lot of work into them. Somehow their salary has to be paid.
  19. through the side windows you can see that the sunvisors are down but not through the front windows
  20. Its cool to finally see traincars on the sidings 👌
  21. You have to put power back to the off position (with the click) wait till the brakes are fully released and then you can put power back on
  22. I think you are right. Today i didnt see a 4439xx train
  23. I dont know if they fixed this now or if was blind as hell but they are spawning now 😂
  24. Nevermind. Ive seen the 443937 today
  25. I would do the EN96 tutorial first. its only 30 min long, a little easier and introduces you to the game mechanic.
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