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Everything posted by sf_giants15

  1. Yes you are right. the headlights of the newer trains are brighter but dont really shine further. Maybe im wrong. Im not a train driver but I just would have thought the highbeams would shine further just like in the video of destiny
  2. But even using timetables you need to see the temporary speed changes since on normal timetables you only get line speeds.
  3. Ok I would agree with the old train headlights are beeing realistic but as you can see in the video from Destiny at least the newer model Trains should have better highbeams. In Simrail the view distance doesnt really differ between the trains
  4. In my opinion there is not much of a difference between high beams and dimmed lights at the moment As you can see in the picture you cant see much of the tracks in the dark and its hard to see all the signs in time. please increase the shine distance. Here is an example of ETS2 which is pretty good I think.
  5. Found it. Perfect thats what I was looking for. Thx
  6. In my opinion you can feel the weight. I was driving the et-25 with Container load and before the update i thought the brakes of this train where way to strong but now with those loads you really need those strong brakes
  7. Its says track 1 is occupied even though its free (asked for permission to send a train) Signal F cant be switched to green its only possible to send a train with a substitut signal
  8. Ive noticed that on this kind of interlocking the AI used to ask for permission with train number for a direction change but now the white arrow just blinks and after accepting the AI station tells you which train departed. Is this the way its supposed to be now?
  9. 1. Question: Motor temperature. Today I was driving a ET25 loaded with containers. after some time the engine 5 began getting higher temperature then the other engines (50°c ->90°c) Why does only one motor overheat? Is there some kind of ventilator to cool it down again? 2. Question: shut off electric brakes for neutral sections Is there a way to only brake with air pressure brakes when aproaching neutral sections? Some neutral sections are located infront of signals or on a downhill path where you need to brake constantly. but using pneumatic brake also activates the electric brake which draws current over the neutral sections 3. PS: I just found out that the "odlicz metry" button counts down the train length and gives you an acoustically noise to speed up again. just in case some people didnt know 😄
  10. i noticed on the 421030 trains the vmax is 75 instead of 70
  11. hier gibts Fahrpläne für alle Züge:
  12. Thank you very much for your hard work. Those timetables are much appreciated in the community 👌
  13. When I press the button it seems like nothing happens. The train does still draw current like you see in the pictures. I thought it would cut down the current for neutral sections.
  14. It gets very confusing when talking on the phone with the nearby station and at the same time an other station is talking to a train driver over the voice chat. You cant understand anything when 3 people talk at the sametime. My suggestion would be to mute or at least lower the volume of the general voice chat when on the phone in dispatcher mode.
  15. It would be nice to have more stops for those trains. Especially for the 42/24150 which only have one stop at Katowice
  16. Is there a way to put those rules ingame so that everybody needs to read how the comunication between dispatch an driver is done? Because the majority probably wont read this in the forum. This "jibber-jabber" is sometimes pretty annoying and breaks the realism.
  17. 130 kph switch? How does the signal look like if you have to go over that switch?
  18. From my understanding the "pt" stop is not a manditory stop. And there is not much traffic so the 644 doenst really need to be overtaken. It doesnt really make sense to stop the 644. I usually tell them that i would give them way except they want to have a little break. I understand both sides but Yesterday there was the same argument on DE1. The driver wanted to go through Bedzin but the dispatcher put him beside because "its mor fun to stop trains" and " if you dont like it you can leave the train" which I think is a little selfish and childish.
  19. Ive written a topic on the Multiplayer improvement section on the Forum about that exact topic. You should get XP Points for shutting of power and get penalty for not doing so. we'll see if they implement this one day
  20. But the milagemarkers and speed restriction in the schedule give me only information about the route speed restriction. If you have a speed restriction from a semi auto signal you still dont know if its the exit signal or if its a signal within a station For example: you go from DG Zabkowice to DG Huta Katowice you get a 100kph restriction from a semi auto Signal. First time i went there i thought i could speed up after going over the last track switch. I thought this signal was the exit signal but it wasnt so i had to hold the 100kph since there was another semi auto signal which comes after the yard. So the Schedule with its milage markers still doesnt tell me if i am within station limits or not
  21. There are no hectometer signs at all bewteen Psary and Tunel which makes driving without the HUD like driving blind
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