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Everything posted by sf_giants15

  1. Not a bad Idea, but if 10 players are in a queue for katowice and each player spends 4 hours in that station, then it doesnt matter if there is a queue or not 😄
  2. Es ist mir schon öfter aufgefallen, dass die Zugnummern unterschiedlich ausgesprochen werden. z.B. 24185 1. 24 ... 185 2. 24 ... 18 ... 5 3. 24 ... 1 ... 85 mit den Frachtzügen wird es noch kreativer 😄 Wahrscheinlich gibt es da kein richtig oder falsch aber es ist mir schon paar mal passiert, dass ich erst beim zweiten mal geantwortet habe, weil ich meine Zugnummer ganz anders im Kopf ausgesprochen habe😂
  3. An update would be nice 😂
  4. The train 4439XX derails just after being spawned on DE1
  5. @uetam any suggestions on my first question?
  6. Ok agree with you guys. Something like Eirjan wrote would be a good solution i think
  7. I dont really get it. They announce the server restart times in the forum. And then you know when a restart comes. In my opinion a timer would be unnecessary
  8. temporary speed limit "30" in sosnoswiec poludiowy track 3 is missing in the written order for all trains passing through this station
  9. man those new written orders are amazing. Thank you for your work👌
  10. which trains do you mean? Do you mean the freight trains? They have loads now and are much heavier than before, so they need more time to get going
  11. I still think on such one track lines its better to communicate with neighbour stations which train to send first. Just like with Glowny. Im also excited for Zabkowice. its probably more fun than Katowice. But its gonna be a pain in the ass to get to play this station as it will always be occupied 😄
  12. Yes but its better if you can communicate with the next station to avoid a train jam. I agree with moblet1. Yesterday at Dandowka on DE1 there was a traffic too. And Poludionowy gets filled very quickly if Dandowka doesnt want to accept trains. Sometimes you have to force a train to Dandowka with an eye on the map
  13. Was die DEVs schon öfter angesprochen haben ist, dass es auf jeden Fall wichtig ist eine SSD statt einer Festplatte zu benutzen. Ich glaube das kann schon einiges an Performance rausholen
  14. Is it just me or is this high frequency, high pitch background noise in cab view of the 186 annoying as hell? I really get headache after some time and cant drive it more then 30 min
  15. no some days have passed and i cant really remember what buttons i pressed 😄 But Id say I have tried that
  16. SugaCane das ist doch mal eine schöne detaillierte Antwort. Daumen hoch👍
  17. ich glaube du solltest daraus lieber einen Bugreport machen
  18. Yes, but the timetable also says that its pulled by a E186. Im a little confused😄. Ive driven some 4440XX trains but I would say they dont have 3000t. In this thread some on said it has around 1000t Let us know what you have experienced this evening🙂
  19. Ive never had problems with this train and the 4440XX train doesnt go through Sosnowiec Glowny 🤔
  20. Do you mean you got overcurrent on the motors?
  21. The new 4120XX feels so heavy. The route after Wshodnia is mainly up hill and it takes ages to get this train over 50Kph. My new favorite train😃
  22. Today I was dispatching Dorota. Wshodnia accidently asked for permission for direction change which I accepted. After calling him on the phone he decided to take back the direction change since no train was coming. The white arrow flashed again and you could hear the ringing noise but i didnt know how to accept it. I tried the "Poz" button but it didnt work
  23. Ludmilla würde ich gerne fahren
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