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Kaito Kid

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Everything posted by Kaito Kid

  1. That's why I wanted Sosn. Pl or other AI controlled station in L1, but oh well. DGZ would've been good too.
  2. Prioritizing passengers over freight should be, not only pendolino... Completing an EDR I think it's a bit way too much, some of us can't be 24hrs at a station controlling trains. 馃槄 But I agree, there has to be a system to evaluate people, or rather a system for other players to remove troll people or correct missroutes from the AI, I did wrote a suggestion concerning dispatchers that can be seen here:
  3. SDK will be coming sometime after the end of the Early Access (3~6months) as they said in their Q&A video last year.
  4. There's a difference between an individual (who is not getting profit from creating a livery) and a company who includes/sells a train in a payware software, that's why some of 3rd party contents in RW create payware content and then they release a freeware pack containing logos and such.
  5. I agree but, I think you need to take into consideration that those liveries (whilst the editors are not available) are to be made by developers, and because this is not a freeware software, I highly doubt the operators would happily agree to such reskins... Unless you don't add logos and such (or add variations of them like Trainstation did). I'm still waiting for the EN57 and its versions, you can get a lot of EMU from there. 馃槤
  6. I'm pretty sure that's the flag for The Netherlands! I know it isn't.
  7. Whilst being on Lazy (ES1), it appears train 421064 on track 7, if I go to that track on foot, no train is there and it doesn't let me dKo it, it doesn't appear on the player list too..
  8. We have a winner! D膮browa G贸rnicza Wschodnia With its EDR already running: http://api1.aws.simrail.eu:8090/?station=D膮browa G贸rnicza Wschodnia
  9. Thanks to a bit more detailed explanation on discord I got it working. You need to select 1st the signals and THEN the switch/es, quite strange it's only required in that route and not in others of the same interlocking.
  10. Now that you say this, makes me wonder why Myslowice is closed... Did it close in real life too? Or is it due to other reasons?
  11. Warszawa Central then, I think that's the name of the underground station?
  12. I'll say Sosnowiec Pl, as we could have the chance to sort things quickly in that single section of track, altought KW and DGZ sounds very interesting too. I'll throw Warsawa in too! 馃ぃ
  13. While it's not an "ability", would it be possible for the camera on the ELF to focus the main carriage instead of the middle connection of the train?
  14. Hello! When trying to route a train from H4 to Bedzin, it won't give the possibility to do a route, only using the substitute signal is possible. Tried on several servers with same result.
  15. I don't know if you two are talking about me, cause if it was I already said "I understand that there's a lot of pressure and that these people worked almost 24/7". 馃檪
  16. It's not related with SP as I said before, but I expect as I said the feedback to be from both sides and in my case and other which are more into the "dispatch" role, some questions concerning stations weren't answered, we're still waiting for them to be replied. Again, I understand that there's a lot of pressure and that these people worked almost 24/7 during Christmas, but then again we would like answers for some questions. 馃檪
  17. From the Polish chat @BigVern "hyswar 1 hour ago pytanie ogolne, bo czesc placzacych anglosasow to moi znajomi (troska ON): bedzie kiedys mozliwosc zapisu stanu gry w sp? uetam 1 hour ago Kiedys bedzie." Which translated is (theoretically) "hyswar 1 hour ago general question, because some of the crying Anglo-Saxons are my friends (care ON): will it ever be possible to save the state of the game in sp? uetam 1 hour ago someday it will." I'll leave this here and walk away slowly, this was translated with Google. I understand that people are really busy already with the game and developing/correcting bugs but feeback from them is also to be expected and not just one way. I'm not here defending anyone as I honestly couldn't care less about singleplayer, but it costs nothing to come here and write a couple of lines.
  18. Erhm no. 30min tutorial on the EMU and then straight into multiplayer. I normally dispatch and if I drive something, I'm very familiar with the EMU now.
  19. You can jump straight into signalboxes, you just need to complete one tutorial, complete one and forget about driving...
  20. Hello! Isn't there a way for players that have been playing/dispatching in the playtest to get the corresponding level according to the playtime that we had on that? Most of us already are familiar with all of the stations... I would also like to ask for information concerning to which stations are/will be available for dispatch, I know that Zawarcie and Opoczno Pl has been added, have other stations been included too? Or which stations are on the line to be implemented?
  21. I tend to simulate situations like those already.
  22. Unfortunately that didn't work for me @uetam & @hyzwar, but thanks for the info!
  23. Tried other several servers as I saw your reply, I did restart steam (just in case) and it continues for me this bug... I'll ask other players about it aswell.
  24. When entering this station, player will get spawned in the middle of the tracks with the impossibility to move at all. Tried this in 2 servers (EN1 & ES1). Edited: Some friend just told me that steam was having some issues, don't know if it's related? Tried entering another station without any problem.
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