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Everything posted by SurvivorSean

  1. Yes a smart arse indeed! Thanks Sean
  2. Interesting. Has anyone tried some other links? I believe I noticed a list before with the various schedules but I wasn't sure if it was simply there for infomation purposes or actually being called from within the sim itself. I was doing a spreadsheet but things have got a bit boring, and I don't call traffic jams by AI exciting either. Besides I'm starting to work on my own projects again (some of which I'll admit has been inspired by this cool sim). Hopefully things work out good for them as I still want to support them, and enjoy. Thanks Sean
  3. That's interesting 🙂 Strange way about doing early access, but OK. Thanks Sean
  4. All I noticd in the image was a schedule.
  5. I thought the Q&A said $30. But that was a little while ago now. Thanks Sean
  6. I totally agree. I feel bad for all those that actually try and the potential thinning of the heard. By the sounds of it private servers are not going to be a thing. My understanding and I should've replied to the API comments more and perhaps I will. The servers I thought were Steam servers in various regions and the API only had access to reset and other functions. Of course that's way above my head. But assuming we can't get them, then I really hope some kind of penalty or enforcement of some kind of rule system is put into place. Speeders have about 2 KHM allowance to go over before docking points. Perhaps a point system can be used and the penalties for going through a red (at very slow speed, or fast speed) will depend on the penalty just like speeding. Except red signals will cost you quite a bit more. One could argue speeding to a certain extent should cost you however I would've derailed a train by now (by accident) as I missed some slow zones. Thanks Sean
  7. Snooping around at SG in a lull. Thanks Sean
  8. Very interesting insights. My programming is dinasour based but I'm pushing forward with Unity and C#. C# is also very compatible with Unity from what I understand. When it comes to server API's I'm lost because back in the day I just used modems with a Commodore 64. Though I was an operator on a mini system for a while called the VAX. Only recent programming of note is Just Basic on the background of my Commodore programming knowledge. A bit of Visual Basic but really not much more professionally or as a hobby. I haven't programmed professionally in close to 30 years now. Thanks Sean
  9. Sorry I posted this in the wrong forum should be MP issues.
  10. You know this was something that was beyond my expectations. It's still fun and I can do a few fun things if I roll the dice (honestly most of the time I have an enjoyable experience). But I'm starting to wonder now. This month should be very interesting. I wish them the best of luck. Thanks Sean
  11. I could be on a 2 hour run and I wouldn't hear the stupid radio until I got into range. By the time most people are routed to the track what difference would it make bitching to the dispatcher. After all apperntly the AI does it too and they're working on it. The developing team has no comment as I guess they're busy working on more important things right now. Thanks Sean
  12. Good thing I'm a programmer myself and have friends who know how to create assets. My vision is single player though unfortunately but it's probably going to be a blast. Thanks Sean
  13. Yeah I guess these are all known bugs now 🙂 I posted 2 reports last night that vanished so I assume they are duplicates. Like I said maybee the AI is learning from stupid dispatchers and just trying to mimick their stupiditiy. Thanks Sean
  14. So everyone including the AI and apparently the developers like creative dispatching? I take it this was an AI that did this and not rookie night? Thanks Sean
  15. So when the "creative dispatching" starts on an English server, will we get an announcement in the forum or something you just decide to do because you chat with your buddies and a few people playing which happen to be the majority on the server at that one moment? BTW this isn't a democracy it's called true anarchy. Anarchist or Liberterian priciples actually respect ownership, and private property rights. The issue here is the owners are the developers and they aren't saying anything so I guess Total Anarchy lives. It's the same thing of saying well me and 4 friends are the majority on the server (we were last night) and we agreed to send an AI train down a side track between Bedzin and SG to test it out. Turns out to be a little slower but a good way of keeping cargo traffic rolling. It didn't disturb anyone else's game play. I assure you if anyone was a player that came into that area I would route them properly despite any agreement. Let's go further and hypothetically speaking the 4 friends that were on the server with me last night decided we were going to see if we could break the system. I guess nothing is stopping us if it's total anarchy correct? If someone else came on and the server was buggered up that person is in the miniority correct? Where do you draw the line? Thanks Sean
  16. Hello: I wanted to post this bug to make sure you guys were aware of a situation I encountered yesterday. It was on some of the last stations heading North towards Warsaw. It appears as though nothing should have been preventing an overtake to take place and/or a train to depart at another station. I was able to manually fix the one location but the train would never depart the last location despite having a signal and being 30 minutes late in the process. I didn't want to bug you with duplicates so here is the thread this is on if you're interested. I know you are working on AI issues and didn't want to post anything that was a duplicate or wasting your time. Thanks Sean
  17. Hello: Found a small issue of interlocking at SG coming out of entry point S to signal 1k. It appears that if I have trains lined up to either U1 and/or U2 It will fail to line up the route. Once those trains did clear I tried again and cleared as expected. Thanks Sean
  18. Do I really have to put a smiley face after everything sarcastic FFS! I'm trying to actually get serious issues out there (not this crap) and I get more responses for stupid s*** like this. Yet for the actual issues such as AI that I'm not sure is a duplicate, new, with all the detail and seriousnes included I hear crickets. Perhaps I should take a step back from this playtest for a while. Thanks Sean
  19. Bump! Anyone experiencing the same thing right now?
  20. I'm trying my best to help and I don't want to repeat issues. But the issue of AI issues is so vague I don't know what is duplicate. I know I can go through the forum and see what is open but is there a particular "list" in the pinned topic to help assist? For now I've kept my current issue out of there with very little interaction but plenty of detail. We should NOT be elimnating the 3 hour resets at this time becaus there clearly is some AI issues still out there. Thanks Sean
  21. @uetam Sorry to grab your attention to this as I know you're all very busy. I didn't want to report this as a duplicate bug but I'm not sure if there are various AI issues still in open and wanted to make sure you were aware of this without posting a duplicate. Thanks Sean
  22. Just throwing it out there but does this have anything to do with a person on the track??? BTW it's station stop was over 30 minutes ago.
  23. Of all places it's out in the country where some overtakes where happening and things started going weird. I was on the whole time and nobody screwed these stations or trains up. First at Psary I was stuck because 2 left bound trains would not clear themselves to overtake. Note I did run a red light which may have dropped on me but I didn't see the yellow. I decided to clear this one up. I then made it to WP where things didn't make much sense. I was stopped at the entry signal while a station who had a light did not leave. You will see the yellow signal and the board shows the situation which should be just fine for things to travel. Anyways I don't know what bugs to report anymore because they keep showing up as duplicates and I don't know how to best describe something if this is new, reoccuring, or being dealt with. Thanks Sean
  24. They could give us a game of Tetris, Pacman, or Space Invaders. Maybee Angry Birds for those not as old as me. Thanks Sean
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