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Everything posted by jeroezie

  1. You need to activate the passivd drive switch (located in the same cabinet as the battery switch) and then activate the battery. Release any handbrake, direct brake and indirect brakes.
  2. Tou can use the developer menu to test out the weather effects and then use the developer menu to copy the code for the weather. It will also cope the code for the date/time, simply get rid of that part afther pasting in the scenario mission.lua.
  3. Are those not the out of service tracks?
  4. You can change the weather during the scenario when making an lua scenario.
  5. I would like this, although with an option to toggele it on or off.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1153824266103937 I am glad, I am not a Polish driver, so I am not supposed to know out of my head, what to do for every different problem that will show up. Especially when stuff does not happens at all and then when you have forgotten it finally happens.
  7. Their are often handout available with start-up/shutdown/prepare for towing/earthing procedures and such for drives who are unfamiliar with the rolling stock. A 'manual' or instructions now what to do are also provided for dealing with malfunctions. In what form these are provided differs greatly from the knowledge level expected from the personnel. For the company I work for, a list of the necessary steps for starting/shutdown is provided in a simple .pdf in the website that runs the rulebook and such and they are also handed out during training in paper from (if you are smart, you keep these in your backpack). Handout for unusual combinations of locomotives is also provided. For the malfunctions on the older diesel loco, step by step flowcharts are found in paper inside the loco journal (this map also contains the daily check checklist, malfunction forms (so the next guy and the mechanics know about previous problems), large placecards in yellow and red for safety critical malfunctions (they are placed when needed on the steering table so even the morons who don't bother to read the malfunctions forms are aware of the problem), RID instructions and a copy of the daily check procedure and the step by step flowchart for dealing with the malfunctions. For our modern electric locomotives, malfunction instructions are included within one of the DMI screens. For the NS (big passenger carrier here), even more extensive documentation is present then on our diesels, and it contains almost everything you could need to know. They also have detailed instructional videos. Not that the drivers are allowed to solve any problems without calling the hotline who is supposed to explain what to do (the NS management insists to make everything idiot proof, and if you know what to do or are capable to follow simple instructions/flowcharts, as any driver should be able to in my opinion, to bad for you, stop using your brain immediately and call the hotline). Conclusion: providing instructions on the loco is completely normal here at the company's where the driver is supposed to know about the stuff he is doing. At the company where they prefer to keep their drivers stupid, they have a hotline which you must call instead of having a basic knowledge and using your brain; yet they still have all the instructions onboard and instructional video's.
  8. I had no problems at all when starting the ET25 in the Krakow cargo scenario.. Make sure to follow these steps: 1 activate cabin; 2 enter driver id; 3 select level, probably SHP; 4 Main screen will show up. Start is greyed out, this is normal because the start of mission is not completed yet; 5 Select Train Data; 6 Choose 1xE6ACT for single loco ET25, or choose enter data in the bottom right corner for a train; 7 Fill in train category, length, brake percentage and max speed; 8 When the data are accepted, you will be prompted to fill in the train running number, fill this in; 9 Main menu will show up now. Start should be available. Contact the dispatcher now. 10 After reporting ready to depart and receiving the permission to do so, select the start option in the main menu, completing the start of mission. 11 Acknowledge the offered mode, this is a yellow flashing symbol, probably the diamond symbol for SHP; 12 You will see, that the mode has changed from stand by to the new mode. Only now you can mode the train/loco.
  9. You shoukd select the sph level on non ertms lines and always enter the driver id and train data, no matter the level you will use. If you do not ener thevdriver id, train number, and train data, you con not complete the start of mission! Ths start of mission is requirt for all levels, including sph.
  10. Did tou enter the train data (train lengt, rake setting/percentage and such?
  11. You will have to enter something. If you do not enet something, you will not he avle to complete the SOM (start of mission). And thus, you will remain in stand by mode (with the stand by symbol). If you enter something (real loco's here can even accept 0 for driver id and train number), you can complete the SOM. Afther completing the SOM, you can choise the start option in het main menu and you will be offered a different mode (for ertms level 1 is will be SR (staff responsible, an eye with an cross trough it), for level 2 probaly SR, sometimes OS (on sight, an eye symbol looking out on the track, can only happen if the etcs knows the position and driving direction, has connection to the radio block center and the dispatcher has cleared the signal). For level sph, you will be offered sph/national train protection mode, with an dimond symbol. If you remain in stand by mode, the roll away protection remains in place, and if you move more than a certain distance (as set in the national value for this, I don't know the Polish one, in The Netherlands it is 5 m) a service brake application will be enforced by the etcs. This us normal. You most perform the start of mission fully begore starting to drive, otherwise you won't get anywhere. Is the etcs is is not working, remember you can disable the etcs/evc (European vital computer). In the dragon loco (et25) and pendolino (ed250) theire is a switch on the backpanel allowing for this. You can also disable etcs/ertms in the game settings. Then the train will spawn in IS (isolation) mode, allowing you to do whatever you want because the whole system is disabled while you can still give power/drive.
  12. The current singleplayer 'paper' schedule is a number of png files stored in the scenario folders. I don't know how it works for multiplayer. The current ET22 singleplayer heavy cargo scenario does already containe some instructions on how to performe cab changes.
  13. When you have a cargo train coming from DGW on tracks 3a or 4a (the electrified sidings, not the main line tracks), the train route coming from the entry signals K and J will stay in place instead of releasing when the train is behind the signals H3 and H4. Their is no track occupation on the tracks behind the H3 or H4 signals. I experienced this with train 424070 and 424068 while playing on server int4, date 20-01-2025. Images of the situation are attached. SimRail_log_2025-01-20_10-19-06.txt
  14. If you spawn a Ty2 steam locomotive in an self made LUA scenario, it won't turn on its headlights (no matter its a moving train or shunting move).
  15. Multiple players (myself included) and sometimes even the AI had trouble setting up train routes from Sosnowiec Południowy towards Sosnowiec Dańdówka. The train route from track 1, 2 or 3 (signals C, B and D) could not be set up towards Dańdówka, the Dańdówka dispatcher send line clear message and the lineblock was set up currently). When setting up the route, the computer seems to accept the route, it lines up the switches as expected, then nothing happens for a bit and later it will display a order rejected message. Full details here: https://discord.com/channels/1067073812560093264/1329535955752845356
  16. Its probably a bug. You can best report it.
  17. In an EP07, EU07 or EP08; the tooltip for the passive driven switch, light up red when you hover the mouse over it, if it is flipper upwards (Jazda Pociagowa). For the ET22, it lights up red when flipped downwards (Jazda Ciagniona).
  18. The train brake handle of loco EP08_013 can get stuck in the running position when being towed by another vehicle. It can happen after changing from towing the loco to being the towed locomotive (changing directions with the set of two loco's). I tried to replicate the problem with EP08_001 but that one worked fine. A custom scenario with this problem is provided. Start up the EP08_013 loco first, then drive to the ET22_664, prepare the ET22 for towing (set passive drive switch to jazda Ciagniona, activate the battery, set direct/loco brake handles s to release, set indirect/train brake handles to disabled and release the handbrake), couple up and drive. You can follow the signals, and stop behind the signal on an dead end track or when the stop pop up appears, the shunting signal in rear will clear and you can switch loco until the bug appears. With my test run (log attached), the bug appeared after departing from the Id_Tm62 signal. loco_test.zip SimRail_log_2025-01-13_23-09-27.txt
  19. Before the 13-12 update, the regional trains runnel was not build exept for the parts visible from the mail line. Ochota, where the player is forced to leave, was build. Also, trains could travel across the unbuild tunnel already. I don't know how much is actually built in the current game version, but considering the player despawn point, I am guessing not much has changed.
  20. I know, but tbe ai trains run on a schedule, als all schedules are timed using seconds since start time of the scenario. I can not simply change the start time of the scenario, that would be way to much work. I hope the bug with the shunting route gets fixed.
  21. Temporary mission.lua file for the EU07 variant: Dandowka_Towarowa_EU07.zip
  22. Could you discribe what happend? And show your missio.lua after the edit please? I also noticed, that I made a typo. The correct signal discription is SDn_T, not SDN_T. (The whole line of code that I posted was correct, the part where I discribe the instructions was not.)
  23. The stuff down here won't be of any help completing the scenario, because the bug with departing from DGZ is still prevalent in my test run. I will do more testing soon. I had already typed the whole thing in, so I am sending it anyways. It seems like, a bunch of shunting routes at Dandowka have disappeared/been removed in the current game version. You could circumvent this issue by changing the signal the players train spawns at, to the SDn_T signal, where the train departs after shunting. You will have to wait for the planned departure time still, and in my trail run the bot 42948 showed up a couple minutes late (15:09) and the signal trigger needed in order to depart, is only created when bot 64948 has reached about halfway the platform. Only then you can call the signaller successfully. Manipulate the mission.lua file the following way: Look fore line 20, replace "SDn1_H" with ("TYPO -> SDN_T") CORRECT -> "SDn_T" The result should look like this: PlayerTrainset = SpawnTrainsetOnSignal("Treintje", FindSignal("SDn_T"), 36, false, true, false, true, Please let me know, if this is successful. The trick should work with all three version of the scenario.
  24. It could be a bug in the new version of SimRail. I have not done a test since the 13-12-2024 update.
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