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Dolphin Invasion

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Everything posted by Dolphin Invasion

  1. *cries in PTC-Positive Train Control*
  2. Yeah I had made a suggestion post previously that players should not be punished if a dispatcher returns the signal to stop in front of a train. Or even make it that if it was a dispatcher caused signal drop, let the train run through the red. I don't know if the polish system auto applies emergency brakes when this happens but if it does, this should also happen
  3. Yeah my worry with the big stations is definitely the noobs and trolls. (Also the players who will sit on the station for the entire time between restarts but that isn't really an "issue" lol) Some sort of rep system for the big stations or a vote kick system would be nice but I can see the systems being abused by trolls somehow. I hope at the minimum that the big stations are locked behind very high dispatcher play-time. You can even have a play-time requirement on relay panels specifically just for the main stations like Katowice and the others that are relay as someone who doesn't know what they are doing can cause very big issues that if they happen when the dev team aren't working or are sleeping, can't be fixed until restart. I hope one day a in-depth guided tutorial in-game comes out explaining how to work the different type of stations and explains how to deal with the issues.
  4. Full sized images for the non-discord users
  5. This has happened in multiple random locations when I run around as a dispatcher
  6. The occupied "Po" block on track 6 will clear after the next train. For track 4, you will have to send the train on a Sz signal and once the train knocks down the signal, you need to pull the departure override (dPo on the left) to verify the train is departing and then it will clear the Pwl and show occupied in the Po slot on track 4 And yes you can give a Sz signal on all signals here. The pinned guide on relay equipment tells you everything you need to know when there is issues like this
  7. If I'm stopped, I open the main breaker until its time to move
  8. The IRL locos I'm on don't give a wheel sleep alarm unless its sustained wheel slip or the axle locks up Sounds are a huge part of knowing whats going on with the train. 100%
  9. Pretty sure that is how many automobiles will be rendered on roads..
  10. You can switch the contrast. Press the contrast button on the left screen. You can see the contrast in this bug report where I have 2 videos and you can see the screens on everything are darker.
  11. Sosnowiec Dandowka as well. Player controlled stations on both sides and I've seen the AI there get itself all jammed up
  12. Still does it. Compared to last time, this is on a fresh install of Windows and the game. 2023-04-20_12-12-30.mp4 SimRail_log_2023-04-20_11-31-57.txt
  13. I'll let you know shortly when I get back to my computer. It was strange because it would happen everytime in both multiplayer and singleplayer. I have not tried after the patch yet
  14. Sorry for not posting every pic individually.
  15. A few times I have seen it just boot all the dispatchers at once like a restart but not the drivers
  16. As someone who mainly plays as a dispatcher, I too dislike when there is too much unnecessary chatter from the dispatchers. If I talk to a train, it's usually in text chat. I feel like the minimum time to play certain stations needs to be raised on some and/or the difficulty rating revisited on some stations. Some relay desks need to be locked behind more time played first IMO. Have had a growing issue of driving or dispatching next to someone that shows like a new player level 3 on a complex relay desk and not knowing how to operate the station right causing problems. One potential solution for the radio problem could be putting a range on how far people can hear. Maybe even an alternate voice chat button for that (like a proximity chat) so everyone on that channel doesn't have to hear everyone for no reason
  17. When using any of the Traxx locos in singleplayer and multiplayer, none of the emergency buttons or the radiostop cuts the power and applies the brakes. Only brake application is sometimes when the switches are set to the off position as seen in the attached gif where the lower switch momentarily applies the brakes. (I held the brake release for just that one button that applied a little air so it didn't kill the traction power as there was traffic behind me) *Setting brake lever to emergency still works as intended traxx.mp4 SimRail_log_2023-04-07_13-39-12.txt
  18. Speaking of overtaking. One practice which would be nice is if you have both mains open to use, I see players divert the faster train to the left main to have it cross back over in front of the slower train. I wish people would trying diverting the slower train to the left main. By doing this, you let the faster trains pickup and maintain speed since they don't diverge while only slowing down the already slower train for both crossovers. IRL, only our few remaining old dispatchers do this. None of our newer dispatchers think of this when using mains to overtake instead of sidings
  19. In the US, we might as well hold the horn down the entire time except in the quiet zones. Which the rail fans hangout too close to the tracks in quiet zones so we end up blowing the horn anyway
  20. Hopefully it comes soon™ The Lazy AI sure likes to cause havoc sometimes. And the AI can't seem to handle changes players make at the adjoining stations too well. I need to find my way on to these test servers to try it out somehow 😁
  21. Yeah I checked but it wouldn't let me delete the post before it was approved. Thank you!
  22. Can't communicate with trains or neighboring stations while dispatching Dorota box. Phone has no station buttons, all radios say channel 1, and if sending message in global chat, messages do not appear SimRail_log_2023-04-06_19-03-21.txt
  23. Yeah the AI needs a better "which train goes first" logic other than what appears to be the "whos to a certain point first" I've seen the situation above but because the freight reaches a certain point first by like seconds, it just lets the freight go first and makes the passenger fall in behind even though the passenger is late and the freight is not.
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