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Dolphin Invasion

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Everything posted by Dolphin Invasion

  1. If setting an exit route heading South/West out of GM, a valid signal needs to be displayed at the P# signals to lines 4 and 1. I'm not sure if its not supposed to happen or its supposed to happen to all but if you cancel signal P1 for line 4, it will cancel whatever exit signal is routed to it. However if you cancel any other P# exit signal, it doesn't cancel the exit signal routed to it. So canceling P1 will cancel the signal before but P2 on line 4 and P3 + P4 on line 1 will not cancel the signal routed to it. Attached: All P# signals are cancelled but only the one routed to P1 (M1) got auto cancelled with it
  2. Wouldn't surprise me. Haven't really been on many domino panels since
  3. Would be nice to get Steam Workshop integration for easy access to player made scenarios. Or even some other tool to easily allow players to add custom scenarios without having to edit files
  4. At Bedzin, the counters for Sz at the top of the board clip out of the frame as you use them
  5. Track 22 derail 5 on the panel shows in the derailing position but in the field is in the non-derailing position Every time I'm on Katowice I check to see if its constant and every time it is.
  6. Only reason I didn't post it here was because its in the announcements section of the forum
  7. If a reverse move is needed right now to reroute after passing the exit signal, you can still reverse, you just can't pass the exit signal again (the cars can pass it again but if the loco passes again, it despawns). So the dispatcher has to line the switches with you still in the control point. Some places the switches can be lined as soon as you clear them. Others, you have to just clear the switches and the dispatcher has to use the "ignore point occupancy" function
  8. You can't cancel the line lock on purpose as safety measure. Next train has to be sent in that direction by Sz. Make sure you tell the AI which track to make sure everything is fine. Lazy will send a train via Sz if it has permission and the interlocking stays red. Should probably look at the guide on the relay systems that are on the forum here to explain how the systems work when weird stuff happens like that. When you leave, its like the AI resets everything so its like its "cheating" because it just resets the issues instead of dealing with them
  9. Yeah IRL, I don't accept red auto signals unless I know we are just following a slow train or following in a line of trains. If we don't know why we have a red ABS, we will call the dispatcher. If he tells us there is no one ahead of us and the reason for the red is unknown, we will proceed but on the lookout for broken rail or some other issue as we use track circuits on all our mains instead of axle counters. Coding into the game could maybe be on the radio, using a prompt (like to the adjoining boxes on the phone) to enter the train number and to wait before passing a red ABS and maybe like 1 minute timer starts for the AI and the AI won't proceed unless the timer expires and you don't tell it again or the signal upgrades to a better indication. And you could use a limit for anti-griefing purposes like a limit of 2 or 3 times and then the AI will auto accept the red ABS to prevent a griefer from resetting the axle counter and holding an AI there. Bonus: Making a passenger crew uncomfortable by entering the same block in a related scenario with a freight train. (Extra bonus hi-rail truck)
  10. Yes but I get what the suggestion is here. If there is a train stopped at a station for a ph stop and the next AI decides to pass the red after say like 30 seconds. But if the AI had waited say an extra 5 seconds they would have received a better signal indication. Now you have a cycle of all the AI if there happens to be a line of delayed trains now making delays worse because they are in a cycle of all accepting occupied block ABS signal. This happens frequently between Sosnowiec Glowny and Katowice Zawodzie if there is a line of delayed trains and a commuter is sent first so it has the passenger swap between boxes. Everytime I seen this happen there, if the AI waited an extra 5-10 seconds, they would have gotten a better signal. If its players and I'm on the box, I'll let them know the train ahead is on the move if they want to wait for a better signal
  11. I mean, if you look, the dev team responded to you first saying to use "N" Can only use it at night
  12. I think I did this too some time ago and just forgot about it lol
  13. Almost want to say the AI can do it. Supernoob had a glitch that kept making the train drive in reverse and the AI would control the wrong end of the cab on a EU07 and instead of marker lights, he went 3rd person and there were the flags on the end of the loco
  14. This does still happen in the current version. I can post video/logs if needed still At best, I will get a quick and small brake pipe change but it usually won't even cut the power even though the brakes apply without holding the brake release as seen in the last video I posted
  15. Damn. RIP that train that had the signal drop in front of them when you reset the axle counters ahead of them. 😆
  16. Most often it seems this happens when a train either runs through a switch then reverses or if a player dispatcher gets the system to actually use the "ignore occupancy" function of a switch and throw it under a train
  17. It is part of my qualifications to know where I can and can't go with my train and the signals that can indicate I may have been routed wrong. I have had dispatchers accidently line me for routes that the train I'm on is prohibited for whatever reason and basically saved their ass because I know my territory like I'm supposed to. I heard a player last time I played that while they were dispatching SG, they told a freight to speed it up or they will take their signal away. Thats not how it works. Once you lined that route, you can't just take it away. You do that in real life, its a real quick way to get yourself fired. I've seen it before too. You ask the crew if they can safely stop before the signal or just suffer the consequences of your routing decisions.
  18. Yeah I haven't been on Lazy or anything with this new timetable. Been doing more driving
  19. In my experience, I have never had DGZ not handle an early freight going North unless a dispatcher has destroyed everything. Both driving and dispatching, DGZ has been one of the most fluid AI stations unless a bug or players have ruined stuff out of its control. DGZ has always been happy to put the early freights in the siding tracks and wait on other traffic. If not much is coming South, its even happy to ask Lazy Lc for a 3rd track to move more trains North. In reality, once the train is clear into DGZ, the freights can stay out of the way of the passengers all the way to Zawiercie. I pay attention to map to see if blockages are happening and if players are dispatching, I ask if they want the freight early so I am being considerate of down the line...
  20. The way I look at freight with PT stops is that the stop is to allow traffic to overtake if needed. Prime example is Bedzin. The 644 freight that came from Katowice, depending on how traffic was flowing, I often could send it through without stopping and it doesn't interfere with traffic. Often, it would wait at Bedzin and no trains would pass until the end of the 15min allowed stop. I could have sent it without problem and it would have been long gone but now at the end of its scheduled wait, all the traffic is there again. IRL, our freight trains have schedules but the scheduled times don't mean it can't go before. If there is a window for it to move without blocking a passenger or higher priority freight, you move it when you can
  21. Yeah not asking for a giant countdown timer in the sky for all to see. Just a simple "10 mins to server restart" or whatever time/interval that works is great. To tell new players to look up the restart times on the forum/discord isn't a good way to go about it.
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