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Dolphin Invasion

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Everything posted by Dolphin Invasion

  1. Are these supposed to be mechanical at Dąbrowa Górnicza or are these just signs that you would need verbal/written order permission to pass?
  2. At GM, it appears sometimes when a player dispatcher connects and/or disconnects (not sure if its just one or can happen with both) the P# exit signals will return to stop when a route is already lined. The O#/M# signals do not return to stop like they are supposed to in this situation when the P# exit signals are cancelled. This was from when I connected right after a player left. I almost reported this last year but it didn't commonly happen. It happened when I was going through the station that had a player dispatcher the quit just before so I didn't know of they cancelled the signal and left or if it happened to be a bug. There was a player here when I entered the station then they disconnected shortly later. Gm Signal Drop.mp4 SimRail_log_2025-01-07_11-28-13.txt
  3. Signal K2 has a floating W24 signal that is not attached to wall or signal.
  4. At Starzyny, not sure the track number but the SHP magnet for ToA is floating in the air
  5. The Dragon loco can have its diesel engine powered on when stopped and disconnected from overhead power. Note: Power levels are essentially only for shunting. Don't expect to make max authorized speed when pulling a train down the main 2023-08-05_22-09-42.mp4
  6. The 63/66 crossover at GM has a section that if you move off the switch, it highlights half the crossover like its a normal track in the station with the same options. No controls for the crossover itself. It identifies as simply "gr" where the switch it highlights also says "gr63" If you close the track on it, it closes switches 62, 63 and 66 where if you click on the actual box for switch 63 and close it, it does not affect switch 66
  7. Getting a valid route to exit GM requires a valid exit signal from any of the P signals to route to said P signal. However if you cancel the exit completely (Both the P signal and the M/O signals routed to it), when the P signal times out/use the immediate cancel special order, it will cause the connected route to "un-cancel." It doesn't cause a valid signal to appear but it returns the route to the locked in state and not the time-out state Attached video: All the P signals are finishing the timeout and the routes connected to them all cancel the timeout when it happens 2023-08-08_14-02-13.mp4
  8. The on-screen headlight indicator on the Dragon loco doesn't always properly reflect the actual light configurations. Examples: Shunt light setting show all light off and X'd out same as the lights off setting. Some settings say the rear engine lights are on even though they are not even in lite loco setups. These are the same in multiplayer as well Says rear lights are on when they are not:
  9. If the diesel engine on the Dragon loco is running, the audio level stays the same no matter how close or far from the engine the camera/player is. When using the overhead power, the loco sounds change based on camera/player position. Happens in multiplayer and singleplayer. 2023-08-05_21-43-16.mp4
  10. That's the spring brake symbol
  11. Did you give the original train a Sz signal into your station, cancel the route after it passed the signal, use the open crossing override, or notice that the interlocking arrow wasn't fully red? Any of those things will cause the interlocking to not activate the KO option
  12. Did notice after reporting this that there are other stations where it also doesn't work/is not required and others where it works as intended.
  13. The light switch at the main door in and out of the station doesn't dim. It works the same as the regular light switch. The other switches at the alternate does by the computer properly use the dim lights 2023-07-17_18-44-18.mp4
  14. The NP 2S switch does nothing when used except raise the counter and also is not required to set a route from the left track
  15. Until Dandowka is playable, I believe the devs would prefer to left track running being avoided here for now because it can easily cause Dandowka get plugged up and if it gets too plugged up, it will deadlock itself and players can't fix it right now. So yeah, if you get something on left track from Dorota, just cross it back over to track 1
  16. That is the AI at OP responding to a departure message. Not requesting permission from Radzice
  17. Yeah you NEED to ask the AI for permission to request the interlocking using the prompts on the phone. Also read the timetable for the line the train is supposed to use. At this station, both tracks go to Radzice but they are different lines as they go completely different directions. Pretty sure the current timetable only uses line 574
  18. Shunt routes disabled in multiplayer for now. Are you requesting permission from the AI to turn on the interlocking? Do you mean you can't set the route by the signal won't clear? A screenshot would help. Need to be careful using the Sz to send trains out of your station as players may report you ESPECIALLY if the interlocking isn't set right in ABS territory. Some players will refuse to accept the Sz leaving the station unless you convince them that you aren't trolling or doing something wrong
  19. If you did have all block system lights either white or off to SD, you may just be missing the left track operation button. You need it to set a route to the left track and are supposed to use it to route from the left track (The route from left track appears to be bugged at some places and isn't required when it should be)
  20. After the train knocks down the entry signal, you use Po (or if Sz you use dPo) and it should look like this
  21. Was anything red on track 1 to SD? Also, make sure to look at either the in-game guide at the top left or this forum post on how all the relay equipment works. Or use the Discord for quicker responses
  22. Yeah based on the screenshot, you didn't verify departure. After the train passes the signal you gave, you need to hit the Po button so the red bar moves out of the Pwl slot. Pwl is the repetition block to prevent you from sending multiple trains into single train territory
  23. Trains coming to SG from KZ on track 2 in block 3148 do not get displayed in the info box of trains in the blocks between stations. In attached photo, train 649076 is in both blocks 3148 & 3138 but the box only displays info for blocks 3138 & 3128.
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