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Everything posted by DazT

  1. Maybe they're getting their daily step count in 🤣
  2. I still think there should be an inbuilt grading for both dispatchers and drivers alike. For dispatchers (signallers) you should have accumulated a certain amount of time in the lower grade boxes before you can work boxes of the next grade up and higher, being able to hop straight on Katowice or Zawiercie with the minimum time as driving single player is madness. Similarly, for drivers I think you should have to start with local passenger diagrams first, then after a certain time it then allows you to drive EC stuff and freights and then finally opens up to allow you to drive the Pendolino (Top link driving) Therefore you'd then get an appreciation of what it's like to work other trains and their complexities and hopefully stop this nonsense of demanding greens just because you're driving a Pendolino and idiots driving round like they're trying to break the land speed record.
  3. In this new timetable you've got to be a bit more careful and savvy now though as there are 406** Regio trains booked "slow" line from DGZ to Lazy Lc
  4. Comes down to route knowledge I've got very good at it on the CMK at Op and Wp when booked a station call in that if I'm not checked down at the distant and the last ABS then I know I've been wrong-routed through rather train into a/the platform. I have a method as I'm approaching a station where I know I've got a booked stop, I call out loud "Arrows, Circle and Stripes", "Arrows" is the distant, so start paying attention and knocking the speed off, "Circle" (the ABS plate on the signal), if this is Green it's time to really throw the anchor out of the window before you hit "Stripes", the first controlled signal that determines your fate as to where you are actually going, if this is green with no 40/60/100 speed bar on it then I'll stop at that signal until the route is reset correctly. Which brings me onto replacing signals to danger, now in UK rules a signal should not be returned to danger (red) unless the driver is aware (and agrees!) or it's an emergency, and I'm pretty certain that the Polish signalling regulations/rules would be exactly the same. I've had it a few times where the signal has just been thrown back in my face to red, not cricket. ASK FIRST!
  5. I usually run stuff if I can, but sometimes there is no option but to lose a train as per the timetable. As for drivers getting jumpy, don't let them bully you, it's not exactly like they can run a red signal! They'll stand until I'm ready for them to move. (PS, the more arsey they get reduces their chance of an early run, which I also happen to do at work with real trains, best not to upset the signaller)
  6. Probably not applicable now since the new timetable
  7. The AI at Sosnowiec Dańdówka will put the 412*** service onto one of the loops (as booked **:37 to **:46) but once its on there it then becomes the Sosnowiec Dańdówka Bermuda Triangle in that it won't then let you go until the 424*** service has gone past first, even though the block section from Dańdówka to Juliusz is free. The 424*** service is booked behind the 412*** service up to Juliusz, both of which go two different ways at DGW so not sure why the Dańdówka AI feels the need to hold the 412*** service back for no reason other than to delay it. As this has happened more than once now (and you lose 20-30 minutes in the process) I'd like to report this as a bug. (Server N/A | EAB: 17/04/2023 13:28)
  8. There are instances of the driver help tool tips disappearing in the EU07/EP07/EP08 locos, but I have now just found a way of doing it all the time. First hover over any cab element to display the tooltip telling you what the object is and what position it is in, so for example, the train brake handle to prove tooltips actually work first. If you then turn left in the drivers seat and hover the mouse over the parking brake wheel, the tool tip 'Engage manual brake' will appear, and without operating it then face forwards again and hover over something different in the cab (any object), the tooltip for the new object will not appear. The only way to get it to appear again is to stand up (E on my keyboard) and then sit down again, the tooltips will then start working again (Server N/A | EAB: 17/04/2023 13:28)
  9. Travelling from Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia towards Dorota, just after you pass the R3 radio channel change board the overhead contact wire shifts slightly to the left and is not lined up correctly between the two registration arms of adjacent overhead masts. (Server N/A | EAB: 17/04/2023 13:28)
  10. The SHP associated with Distant Signal ToG (Eastbound) approaching Juliusz, the magnet is present but does not initiate an SHP warning in the cab. (Server N/A | EAB: 17/04/2023 13:28)
  11. Still not sure if this is going to be a good thing or a bad thing 🤣 If you've got someone on there who knows what they're doing, hopefully it'll gloss over the AI issues there, if you've got someone that struggles with Juliusz and thinks, ooo, new big shiny panel it'll be chaos. Some try to run before they can walk, that's why I still think a proper grading system should be in place and you only get to work the bigger panels when you've done so much time on the lower graded ones first.
  12. I must be going deaf, I can just hear the high frequency sound described by the original poster (and I think it's prototypical), the noise I hear more is the barking dogs from the engine room! (And now you've read that, you too will hear barking, yapping dogs too......enjoy! 🐶 🤣)
  13. Signal 2662 at the north end of Myszków Mrzygłód station heading towards Myszków, the SHP magnet is missing on approach to the signal. (Server N/A - Present in all previous builds upto and including EAB 17/04/2023 - 13:28)
  14. For other software, not sure, there probably is other software out there. I've done it, but it only works for workstations as the screen elements never move around on the screen (to do it for a cube panel you would need to stand in exactly the same place every single time, with head pointing in exactly the same place, in a word, impossible) For workstations you can use the BarRaider Super Macro which allows you then to move the mouse to certain positions based on X, Y co-ordinates, click on things, wait for a certain time etc etc, done correctly you can then in theory operate most of the workstation with pre-set buttons. Ironically, the smallest workstation actually has the most buttons used, this is my set up for Sosnowiec Południowy (SPl)
  15. The worst loco I've ever had a cab ride in is a Class 67, bouncy as fook. Class 66s rattle your fillings out 🤣 Class 47s, very draughty, might as well take the front windows out 🤣 Think the best I've had is a good old Skoda, aka a Class 90
  16. Be glad that they've not added any physics yet in SimRail for damp, wet or contaminated rail heads yet, I bet those 2 car Elf units can slide a bit in the wet 🤣
  17. There is also a 'Current setting' rotary switch in the cab (third one from the left), usually this is in 'low current' position, apparently turning this to 'high current' gives you a little bit more oomph (I've not tried it yet myself, although I did slide to a stand on Juliusz bank, so I'll try this myself next time!) Sanding helps to give you a bit more traction, also a big thing is listen to your loco, seriously, you can tell a lot about what it's doing just from the sound. If the traction motors suddenly change to a higher pitch there is a good chance that you're slipping, slipping to a point that the slip protection hasn't engaged if you're in an all wheel slip. There is a white light on the dash to the left of the control wheel, usually extinguished, this lights up when you are indeed slipping (and it's detected it, again, sometimes it doesn't)
  18. Just driven one of these 444*** diagrams this afternoon with an EU07, it is possible to get up to line speed (or should I say, permitted train speed), perhaps not the best loco as it was really slogging its heart out, but it is driveable. It behaves in exactly in the way I'd expect it to hauling a heavy freight train.
  19. The way I remember to "KO" is to treat it like the UK version of Absolute Block where once a train passed complete with tail lamp you'd "knock out" (KO) for a train.
  20. I have gone along there once doing 90, mainly because I was in mood when I got screwed over by someone on Lazy Lc, it's a bit bouncy at 90 🤣
  21. The one at Dąbrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce you if you drive a TLK crate from Kw towards Tunel, Although I don't actually see the point of it at Dąbrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce as it's only on one line. Normally a lower pantograph instruction is for things like overhead air gaps, but the catenary is continuous at DGS so it doesn't matter if you forget. (I did the first time I drove over that section, as I didn't know it was even there!) Can't find a Polish one, so have an Ozzy one instead 🤣
  22. I've had that happen also where I've got kicked but looked at the map and the drivers were still on driving. The scenario in the original post was different as it happened at least a few days on the bounce at around the same times. I was dispatching for the 2305 (2205 UTC) reset and it didn't do it, so I'm guessing it's sorted now.
  23. I do agree though that the speed commencement and termination signs are a little on the small side! (Even if they are prototypical!)
  24. Signs aside, what are you actually trying to see? I frequently drive round at night on the lowest setting, I can see the signals in the distance better, up to a kilometre away, no point seeing what's in front of me, as a driver once said "If you can see it, you'll probably hit it anyway long before you manage to stop"!
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