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Everything posted by DazT

  1. Here in the UK drivers will just swap master keys at handover, the driver getting off gets handed a master key from the driver getting on, the desk stays keyed in (more so as a "this is how it's been done for 60+ years" thing rather than a hard and fast rule)
  2. If the distance to the next signal is greater than 9.99 km, it clips the km part Server: N/A Build: EAB 05/12/2023 19:15
  3. The one about blinds has been suggested many times, Katowice from around 4pm to about 6pm in the summer with the sun directly on the panel makes it difficult to see any of the indications
  4. Tried it and worked as described, so this bug is considered closed now.
  5. I can confirm it worked for me BUT make sure you take a copy of setting.conf, button.conf and keybinds.json from the SimRail folder within the SimKol folder to copy back once you've first fire the game back up (I didn't with the json, missed it and then had to spend the next 20 minutes setting all my keybinds back up, I copied the other two but missed that one!)
  6. Ah, I'll give it a go on the next rare occasion DG sends one to DGZ on the left track!
  7. Dąbrowa Górnicza Ząbkowice - Signal G15 incorrectly shown on panel as G17 Server: N/A Build: EAB 05/12/2023 19:15
  8. This one was fixed, but it looks like it's crept back in since the last build
  9. Dąbrowa Górnicza Ząbkowice - Signal W (Line 1 - Track 1) doesn't clear for any route, you can only use Sz if DG send a train left line to DGZ (Unless I'm missing something obvious) Tried Signal W to DGZ Track 3, Track 2 and Track 6, none work. Server: N/A Build: EAB 05/12/2023 19:15
  10. Already reported 57 points but the bug report has ended up in the Archived issues section, not sure if that means it's actually been fixed now ready for a new release/build
  11. Can an additional light be added above the right hand end of the panel at Łazy Ła or move the light source so it's centred over the panel, ie, the area where you'll work the most. At present at night, the most important end of the panel, the Zawiercie end of the panel is in pretty much darkness. Server: N/A Build: EAB 05/12/2023 - 19:15
  12. If anything it's the brake release upon takeover from AI when stood in stations I want fixing more! The EN57/71 is the only one where the brakes fully release, for no reason whatsoever
  13. When you depart from Chruszczobród platform (Track 4) and crossover over the 40kph route outside Łazy Łc box Line 186 to Line 1 (Track 2), the expected behaviour is for the speed to then reset to vmax after clearing the points just north of Łazy Łc. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Just had an instance where the 40 remained on the HUD until Łazy station's first signal where it then when to 80 (instead of 120) and then the 80 limit held all the way to Zawiercie! (Although I have had it stay at 40 all the way to Zawiercie before) Server: EN1 on Service 40664 (EN57 6-cars) Build: 05/12/2023 - 19:15 SimRail_log_2024-01-09_07-47-35.txt
  14. When you first take over control from the AI the default Power Forward setting is initially different to that of the EN71. In the EN71 it's set to Forward 2, the EN57 is set to Forward 1 for some reason, can it be one or the other for both. It took me a while to work out why the EN57 was "sluggish", yep, it was in Forward 1 the whole time. Also, and this applies to both. If you happen to take over either of them in a station the brakes will release to 0 and if you're on a hill and don't notice you'll start rolling. I think this is the only train that has this behaviour as all the others generally will hold whatever brake pressure/setting is needed to hold the train. Server: N/A Build: 05/12/2023 - 19:15
  15. That's how I work it in my head, having worked Absolute Block many years ago! Ironic that "KO" whatever that is in Polish I think means "Knock Out", (ie, you Knock out for a train) which is the slang we use for "Train out of section" in Absolute Block.
  16. Not sure if this is in the dispatch manual or not (never read it, it's too word heavy!) If you're working DGZ and forget to ignore DGHK's request to send a train to you on Track 1, which it will then send on Track 2 anyway. You're then left with the line lock arrow for Track 1 facing you. When the next train for DGHK is due for Track 1 from you to them, go to the phone and ask "Is path clear for ##### train on Track 1" They will accept the request (if it's a valid train), the line lock arrow will then start flashing with the direction towards you still and the buzzer sounding. The next step is not immediately obvious as to what you need to do next to stop the flashing and shut the buzzer up, well, pull up (right click) on Wbl1M button (as if you were cancelling a request TO them in that direction, the arrow will stop flashing and the buzzer shuts up, then press Wbl1M (left click) and then DGHZ will accept your request. Again, not sure if this is in the manual as I've never read it beyond the first page, but also not sure if this works just at DGZ or is also at other locations also.
  17. Glad to see someone else is using the 1-6-1 trick 🤣👍
  18. If you have the interior lights switched off at Sosnowiec Główny, when someone either leaves or joins as a player at Sosnowiec Południowy the interior lights switch themselves on. Server: N/A Build: 05/12/2024 - 19:15
  19. The problem is though the AI will ask for Track 1 if it's following one immediately behind one on Track 2, it'll ask for it, but not actually send it to you on the track it asked for. IF they fix the AI so it actually sends trains it says it will, then yes, then I agree with you, but until they fix it, it's useless and just locks the line lock for track 1. This happens at a few other locations as well, it'll ask for Track whatever, but then not send it on that track and just uses the booked one, again, line lock gets stuck. Normally what I do is if it asks for left line is I check on the big map on the internet and see if there's a valid reason for the AI asking (Usually it's because train B is following right behind train A and just ignoring it, means it'll just send it behind train A, and then not snarl everything up for an hour)
  20. This is probably already a known issue, but as I can't see it anywhere on this forum I'll report it anyway. Since the 05/12/2023 - 19:15 build (and possibly the one prior) the external mirror on the drivers side of the cab no longer gives a view along the side of the train (this is also the case on the EP08 and EU07 that have it fitted). Also the reflection is not a true reflection as any text that appears in the mirror is readable, rather than being reflected. Also on the EN57/71 the offside non-drivers side mirror is at a 90 degree angle meaning that in reality if you were to look at it from the drivers cab in that position, you'd be looking at fields and not down the left hand side of the train. Driver's side mirror (showing mirror misalignment and also text/station sign being readable rather than reversed/reflected) Off-side mirror angle incorrectly at 90 degrees rather than a shallower angle. Server: N/A Build: 05/12/2023 - 19:15
  21. Drivers don't use the toilet anyway, Lucozade bottle and sling it out of the window (or washer bottles on a Class 350, until they padlocked them that is!) 🤣
  22. My advice is if it asks for Track 1 is just to ignore it! The AI at DGHK will ask for left track line one if it's closely following a train on Track 2, by which time the train on Track 2 will have cleared the block section and then it'll just send it the second one via track 2 anyway and then you get Track 1 with a stuck line lock in the wrong direction. (This applies to a lot of location btw, sometimes ignoring the AI for helps the overall train running)
  23. Further to this, I was driving a 629xxx earlier, and all three timetable were showing three different train lengths/weight and indeed 1 was showing different traction type! The one in game, the continous timetable on SimRail.Express and the PDF downloadable version on SimRail.Express.
  24. This has bugged me (excuse the pun) since I first got SimRail. On the HUD the brake PIPE is referred to as a "Brake hose". in English railway terminology it's a "Brake Pipe". A hose is flexible, ie something you water the garden with.
  25. That happens all the time if the train you're looking at as the other player and they're using an external camera view.
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