Having played around with a lot of the panels and workstations I can say I'm impressed so far, and that's coming from me, a real signalman here in the UK!
Here are a couple of features and/or improvements I'd like to see in no particular order
Phone console - does it really have to be so far from the panel/workstation? I can guarantee in real boxes the phone is close by either on the panel or next to it, three solutions, move it closer, or add some shortcuts to bring up the context menu without having to move, so for instance Ctrl + 1 is box A, Ctrl + 2 is box B etc, or have a shortcut so you can snap instantly to look at the phone and another to snap back to the panel/workstation
Phone console - Button order - Can it be possible to have boxes to your left on the left and boxes to the right on the right, gets confusing on Zw panel, you get used to it eventually, but I'd expect the button for Lazy to be on the left as it's on the left of the panel
Adjacent signal boxes chat box colouring - If the AI is in control can this change the colour of the box from grey to purple like the button so if you've been working to and from another human and then suddenly it drops back to AI you know straight away you're going to have to tell them what train left at a glance (Most of the time I do anyway, but some of use can read so don't really need to tell each other what's coming, more so on workstations, it tells on on the screen anyway)
Window blinds - Depending on the time of day the panel can sometimes washed out by sunlight shining on it, please give us some blinds!
Opening windows (self explanatory!)
Lighting control - with all the lights on it's sometimes washing the panel indications out, as most of the boxes have more than one light switch, can one of them turn off the lights directly over the panel and the lights at the back of the box provide just enough light to see when walking around (As I found if you switch them off, you can't then find the switch in the dark! 😁)
Button tooltips for panels - Ability to toggle off or user set a time delay: At present F3 is an all or nothing toggle, after you set hundreds of routes do you really need to know that left click sets it and right cancels it. So could it be possible to add some toggles that allow you to turn off certain tooltips, so turn off Set/Cancel but leave on everything else when you hover or it, or perhaps add a timer so that if you really need to see what a button does then add a small time delay (that can be user set, say 5 seconds) so that the tool tip doesn't appear every time you try to set a route. Some rare buttons like the bidirectional running controls between boxes do help, as does hovering over a track sections to identify trains.
The most important thing is missing, a kettle in the box!