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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. We also have a key for the brake (it looks more like a lever). You can see it in the ED250, since it's an Italian train.
  2. IRL you'd need to turn everything off, empty the brake pipe, set the brake handle in the neutral position, set the headlights as needed, remove the master key; go in the other cab, insert the master key, turn everything back on, turn the headlights as needed.
  3. @Fdl_wo Thanks! I'm glad you like it! So, we are colleagues 🙂 We also have something like this, although it's way more modern looking, of course (here on the right); my design is inspired by the 1980s ATN system, which was used in Italy until the 2000s, (later in some places). It only showed one station at a time, but it had some other informations - don't know which exactly, unfortunately, as it's hard to find documentation on this and I never had the chance to use it. You can see one in this video at 1:20. Since I couldn't make it exactly like the original (for lack of infos), I decided to just go for that look and make something up that looks (I hope) nice. If one day I find some precise information on how this system used to look, I'd love to remake it for SimRail.
  4. How quaint! Reminds me of the Swiss railways rule that doesn't allow trains with more than 255 axles 🙃 Done!
  5. Thank you very much! Is it 224, though? Or perhaps it's like in some boxes here in Italy, where the first digit is related to which box the track belongs to? (track circuits 1xx for box A, 2xx for B, etc.) Maybe it could be 324 inside Ła and 224 in Łb? Does that make any sense? I don't know, please do tell me. Thanks! I could try to see what I can do, but in the meantime, do you have any suggestions for some hex codes I could add as premade combinations? I can easily change the main colour and the background. Never heard of these issues: is it just a minor mistake in how Łazy has been made for SimRail or is it something about SR itself?
  6. Thank you! I'd like to; but it will be more useful when we'll have other stations in the area, so I'm going to take my time 🙂
  7. On that note, can't anything be done for that animal guy? He's just spamming and annoying everyone, except for a couple of folks who still find it funny - and should rather play Goat Simulator, I heard it's a fun game.
  8. Right - I didn't even thought about delays, that was just the normal situation in Grodzisk when everything is on time. Delays can be one more reason to skip a PT - e.g. if the next train is very late, and the overtaking can easily take place in the next station.
  9. Only the dispatcher knows what's best, and it depends every time on many things. You can't write a global rule for things like this. I, for one, often don't stop the goods trains in Grodzisk from Warszawa to line 1, instead I send them to line 1 before the ROJ coming from line 447, because by the time the latter has finished passenger service (and in the meantime I already cleared signal M3, inner start sig.), I can already clear signal O3, outer start sig.; and by the time the ROJ comes to O3, it's already showing S2. Not only this benefits the cargo itself, but also the coming express train from Warszawa, since the cargo will keep at 100 instead of 60 and lower, keeping the last SBL signal at S1. ...and, in general, all the fun in dispatching is in making your own decisions and taking your own responsibilities; if I had to follow incredibly specific, pre-determined rules for every aspect of the job, might as well leave it to a computer.
  10. Added (working) CMK. Also, fixed Gajówka - thanks to @Moooritz for noticing I had the signals backwards. Please do let me know if you find anything that doesn't look right.
  11. Since sometimes the SimRail API loses track of the next signal not only if it is at >5km, but also just randomly, I made the system more reliable: when it receives no info of what the next signal will be, it will assume that the last signal has been passed and also assume that we're running on the right track, BUT ALSO, it will do so only if the last time it checked the signal was, at most, within 500m from the train, otherwise it will assume that the train did not pass that signal and the API is just being funny. It was not. This time, though, it is! 🙃 Also, I drew the CMK; no train will show up, for now - work in progress! Besides, I fixed some details here and there. P.s.: I also managed the case where more than one train stands within the same block section - now SRTD will always show the one train closer to the signal, instead of randomly picking one. Or, at least, it should: I haven't tested it yet. I could simulate the input data from the API to do a proper test, but it'd be more fun to just wait for the next time Sosnowiec is stuck 😋
  12. Updated: included line 62; if a train is at >5km from the next signal, SimRail won't tell me the name of that signal, and the train describer won't be able to know where that train is; however, if SRTD sees that a train has departed and gone nowhere, and there's a long block ahead, it will assume that it has departed on the right track; minor fixes here and there; this should be the last time that you need to use Ctrl+F5 to load the new version. I'm sorry, I'm still learning HTML 😅
  13. Hey there 🙂 For now, it only works with the keyboard. I could also make it work with the mouse, though, so it could be used from a phone or tablet. Btw you're not missing anything for now, as line 62 doesn't show trains at the moment.
  14. Introduced the possibility to flip the layout, so that it can be aligned with how you see your own station.
  15. Fixed a bug in Łazy (thanks Pan Kura for noticing!) and started drawing line 62.
  16. Updated - you may need to refresh the page with Ctrl+F5. It is now possible to press S to change some settings, including the game server. The settings are saved in the URL, so if you're used to play on, e.g., the DE1 server and prefer a black and white style with no scanlines, just save the following URL: https://tplmilano.altervista.org/E/SRTD/#de1_1_1 For now there's only one map, which you can select by pressing 1. More will come.
  17. Updated - now the train describer should work on the whole line from Katowice to Zawiercie. I'm sure there are many mistakes, though, especially on left SBL signals. You may need to hit Ctrl+F5 to force a cacheupdate.
  18. Hi everyone! A while ago, I started making a vintage-looking train describer for SimRail. I still have to work on the track diagram and on placing the trains where they belong in the Łazy area, but for now, here's what it looks like: https://tplmilano.altervista.org/E/SRTD/ The code can be easily found at https://tplmilano.altervista.org/E/SRTD/c.js , in case you want to mess around with it 🙂 Will write here as soon as I update the track diagram. For now it works from KO to most of DG and part of DGZ.
  19. Thanks! I refused to try the bot trick, because I wanted to figure out if I could do something about it or if it was just a bug. I eventually let the bot drive when departing from Katowice towards the end of the map, and of course it worked fine. I also experienced the pantograph bug, which is why I no longer raise and lower the front panto when stopping; but in this specific case, I had to lower the trolleys to go through Strzemieszyce.
  20. Well, that was meant to go in the multiplayer bugs section... Could some mod move it there, please? I shouldn't post when I'm busy doing other things...
  21. Maybe a setting for biasing the passengers quantity could help with that? But sure, in general more people means worse performances.
  22. Whilst all of these ideas are pretty neat, having more passengers would really make a difference: as of today, Warszawa Centralna looks like we're back in march 2020, and it's not the only place that gives such an odd sensation. I do understand there may be some performance issue, though.
  23. Hi! A few days ago I was driving an EN57; in DG Strzemieszyce I had to lower the pantograph. After I had raised it back up and turned everything on, I couldn't start the compressors. The converters were running. I tried the top left switch to unlock the compressor breaker, both with the compressor switched on and off. I barely made it to Katowice, with ~0,47MPa in the main reservoir and ~0,4MPa in the brake cylinders. What did I do wrong? Or could it be a bug?
  24. Hi there! Let's see... 1. Compressors max current protection. May trip if you turn on the compressors right after turning on the converters/fans. You can reset it with the green button near the lamp. 2. Converters/fans max current protection. 3. Main circuit breaker closed. 4. Traction motors max current protection. You can reset it with the green button near the lamp, after setting the power to zero. 5. Traction motors differential circuit breaker. May trip in case of a fault at one of the four engines; you would then need to find out which one you need to exclude, but this is not possible in SimRail. 6. Converters/fans temperature protection. I don't think it's simulated? 7. Repeats a relay, which is on when the power is at zero and it is possible to give power to the traction motors, so brakes are released, main circuit breaker is closed, power available, etc. 8. Wheel slipping. 9. High current mode (you can drive up to 800A instead of 600A, but you can't use parallel). 10. Powering the traction motors through resistors. This reminds you that you are using the resistors to power the loco, and should exclude them as fast as possible. 11. Power available to the coaches.
  25. I didn't know you can apply tail signals on the EU07, will have to try that with other trains as well!
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