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Everything posted by weezzah

  1. Scenario: EN76, Zawiercie - Katowice The images are ordered in sequence illustrating the the approach into Lazy where you can see how the transparent textures renders on top of the fog:
  2. To crowd places like Warszawa Centralna they could use character models with optimized geometry and no animation, which is cheap compared to having multiple animated characters walking around. A non-animated character would probably only require a surrounding box collision to not be walked through by AI or players. In terms of crowd variation over time on multiplayer servers, one could shuffle these static characters around when there are no players nearby, or when the server restarts. And another thing; backpacks, luggage, purses, etc is a perfect fit for static characters since these characters do not move around which minimizes possible visual glitches as in mesh intersections. Static characters could even have large suitcases standing next to them.
  3. Decided to "Polish" the train announcements and this still works like a charm; +Add Polish voice pack and then copy pl.lang into the en.lang file is what I did. I didn't see it mentioned here, hence this reply, but there are two polish TTS voices available for Windows 10/11 according to this document, namely Microsoft Adam and Microsoft Paulina. Here are sone samples from SimRail with said voices (the videos may look big, but they're mainly audio which makes the file sizes small, only way I could upload audio, sorry for the spam look in advance): train-announcement-test-pl-adam.mp4 train-announcement-test-pl-paulina.mp4 And a bonus voice, I got a more husky version of Paulina (?) if no value was set or the name was invalid in the .lang file: train-announcement-test-pl-paulina-huh.mp4
  4. rush-hour.mp4 Just the normal rush hour on EU2 server 😀
  5. By default the wheel scroll up and down are assigned to zoom in view and zoom out view which makes it seem like it should be possible to rebind a wheel scroll direction: But turns out when trying to assign scroll up you get a Scroll Wheel binding instead which probably means any direction: When trying to assign wheel scroll down you get the same Scroll Wheel binding as before which naturally causes a binding duplicate: To rebind scroll wheel up/down you have to Reset to default which means you lose other rebinds you've made: Suggestion: Would be nice if a wheel scroll direction could have modifiers assigned to it as well. Currently it only registers the modifier press not including the wheel scroll: End of slideshow 🙂
  6. That's a good analogy, the jump is like a boat hitting a wave too I feel like. I agree, the area around the tracks would greatly benefit from more imperfections, and the grass in particular could be more wild and varied, which has been mentioned in other posts before of course. Regarding making the rides more bumpy, the truck simulator franchises ETS2/ATS recently added uneven roads emulation to get more movement in the cabs which I believe was implemented in a generalized way as in scripted, but still physical. For detailed noise like that it's probably beneficial to do it that way, but for larger unevenness in train tracks it may require the actual tracks to be modified. Could be generated probably, wouldn't have to be manual labor in the editor. Also a more ragdoll like physics based camera shake from emulated bumps and unevenness could also be effective as it would only require the camera viewpoint to be modified.
  7. oscillations-slawkow-dabrowa-gornicza-wschodnia.mp4 If you watch the first 3 seconds of the clip from above (from the initial post) it's the: bounce-up, then-what-seems-to-be-half-a-second-airtime, then-drop-down-again and repeat... jumps I'm talking about. The reference video from real life has more of good shake than a levitating jump. Maybe the Unity physics are being weird with the EN96 suspension, but then again, I may be in the wrong 😄
  8. This is a follow up to a post I made a long time ago about strange oscillations happening on tracks east of Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia. Original post: What's new this time around is that I noticed when looking down on the tracks there was a sleeper missing every ~10 meters or so, and that's also where the bounces happen. Coincidence? This goes on for about 4 km on both tracks in this area. My initial thought was that something went wrong when laying the tracks making a gap between them, but I could be wrong of course. Short clip showing the missing sleepers and bounces: missing-sleepers-strange-oscillations-follow-up.mp4 Close up showing missing sleepers on both sides:
  9. Heading east after leaving Dabrowa Gornicza Wschodnia. Located at about 65,5 km
  10. The unofficial wiki has a page on these loco types here https://simrail.cz/wiki/index.php?title=Electric_unit_EN57_/_EN71
  11. Why spend time and money on a fully released route when you can build a new one
  12. The red outline shows roughly where the ground is below the character since it's a little hard to see in this night time screenshot. There is a faint shadow cast from the characters:
  13. Only having to do short keypresses to move the lever between positions would make it way easier imo. Then you'd roughly know where the lever is based on the number of presses made. Wouldn't have to look at the lever as much either, just stick with monitoring the gauges and verify the changes. However, does the real deal have fixed positions or does it have fine control too? I've noticed the lever in SimRail can end up in between positions, although not very gracefully so I've stuck with trying to get it into a position for the most part.
  14. The joy of discovering new frontiers was short lived, got booted out where that bridge is up ahead there 😉
  15. You jinxed me @Fightdrug, just now I had to let the auto pilot figure this one out 😶
  16. One thing worth mentioning is that the second unit is ready to go in the Katowice - Zawiercie EN71 scenario, but in the Zawiercie - Katowice EN57 scenario it is not, which threw me off too. But it is a good thing I suppose since it adds to the challenge.
  17. Located near the east exit at Warsawa Centralna:
  18. There seems to be missing dim lit textures for the headlamps. The 3D light sources for the headlights do dim and work as expected, but that's not reflected in the textures when toggling the lights between off/on/dim: en57-1796-headlights.mp4 With less intensity the lamps and reflectors would be more visible than they are now, and they could be given a warmer color imo, unless they use cool LED's nowadays: This is maybe what dim lit headlights could look like:
  19. The closest building to the right in this screenshot has no collision. For location reference Charsznica station is to the left behind the Elf.
  20. During the IC 14103 single player service an NPC walked back and forth inside a wagon during the entire stay at Warszawa Zachodnia. Could be a rare case, but if you ever decide to look into weird NPC behavior then here's the clip. Set the video to loop to roughly get an idea of what it looked like, for 10 minutes: npc-back-and-forth-loop.mp4
  21. In the EP07 loco types I noticed that I lost the power wheel quick turn feature after reassigning the speed control keys from NUM + and NUM - to NUM 5 and NUM 2. By default the quick turn is actuated by Shift + NUM+ or NUM- My expectation was that the shift combo would work with my newly assigned keys.
  22. I don't know if this exploit is really a concern for a train sim, but I was able to use this NPC as a step ladder onto that roof (not much to do up there other than getting a better view) 🙂 npc-step-ladder.mp4
  23. Finally remembered to screenshot this sign which has its numbers misaligned and they're slightly floating on the outside of the board too.
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