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Everything posted by weezzah

  1. Found a couple just now on SimRail.fr, and this one was drivable: And a few days ago I took a screenshot at Katowice station of a player driven Dragon without wagons: From the first time I caught a Dragon 🙂 :
  2. I've never been in a real EU07, but the Hasler Bern tachograph is barely audible, even when the locomotive is coasting at idle power. I have to look the sides to separate the engine sounds from the tachograph ticking sound to hear it through my headphones. But even then it sounds faint and muted. I had all volume settings at max, and I used an old Beyerdynamic headset plugged into the PC when I looked into it. I've added some of the reference I checked out on YouTube, so you can hear for yourself, what do you think? First one is a very noisy reference, but this video seems to have a greater frequency range and picks up more of the engine room noises, which should drown out the ticks a little more. The tick-tick-tick-clack sound is still audible when up to speed around the 5 minute mark and onwards: And with an action camera further back: An ET22, these guys blabber a lot 😄, but the video is ok quality, try around the 42 minute mark: Bonus clip from a more sound proof cabin, a Swedish locomotive this one:
  3. I think I saw on the PL forum that SimRail only saw it necessary to have key binds for the most frequently used items when they were asked to add keybinds for more items. But I fully agree to a more open and flexible system. I hope SimRail will reiterate the current input system and look at more flexible solutions to future proof the simulator. Also, axis input mapping is much needed for people who want to use hardware levers and such, would love to have that available.
  4. Looks like Poland is fairly flat in the middle, but there are plenty of mountainous regions. Will be interesting to see how SimRail will render mountains. One of my pet peeves with TS is how trees pop in on bald mountains as you get closer. And the fact that the mountains base color is not of the trees color makes the pop even more noticeable. Some serious LOD'ing is needed, mountain textures, or fog, or something. There were deer standing along side the track in the TRAXX tutorial, if I remember correctly. Love little details like that.
  5. To expand on this, I'd also like to be able to adjust the position of the camera especially for the in-cab camera. But to be honest I'd prefer a camera system similar to what can be found in flight sims. These systems are in general without limitations, and lets the user decide what are the best views for them depending on their monitor size, what they want to see, or what have you. The key to make this possible is to use free cameras that can be moved and rotated to any position and angle. This also means that the zoom/FOV can't have preset values as it does now, I believe there is a limitation of 3 possible zoom/FOV settings when using the scroll wheel in SimRail. In a free camera system the zoom can be set to any value between min and max FOV available. It's a smooth zoom change, if you will. My next favorite thing from flight sim camera systems is quick views. In short it lets the user save custom camera views to number keys. This is how it works: To save a view press a modifier key + a number key e.g. Shift + Num 5. To go to the saved view press a modifier key + the number e.g. Ctrl + Num 5 You'd have 10 available custom camera slots with num pad digits 0-9. (However, there could be more if you'd allow any number to be typed e.g Ctrl + 55) So to summarize: Train sim cameras with limitations = bad, free cameras and custom views = good 😃
  6. I don't think five trolls voting to kick random users is not going to happen that often, but it could happen once in a while for sure. No system available to the public is perfect because of the human factor. I think the public servers should be monitored closely by SimRail staff during early access, and from there see what the trend is, and how to deal with it. Agreed, private servers + (optional) password is your best bet, and a very common way of doing multiplayer. SimRail has only public servers planned for right?
  7. I'd say have different levels like: First a timeout for 30 min (user has to chill) Second time a timeout for 1 hour (dude, seriously) Third time it's a kick, 24 hrs (verified troll) If 10 kicks then banned for a year (troll is obviously incapable of changing) And maybe have user stats showing counts for timeout, kicks, and bans. That way people on the server would know who they're dealing with. Later on, SimRail staff could process ban appeals live on Twitch, jk, but would be fun though 😉 But seriously, I'd prefer to be without such a system, and I'd think a train sim is more likely to not need one. If anything I think maybe the dispatcher role should be harder to get, and maybe given mod privileges, only if, they've proven their reliability from stats like hours or successful dispatching. After all they're the all-seeing eye on the servers, sort of.
  8. Started driving the Pendo today, thanks for the video link. I've read elsewhere on this forum from SimRail staff that there will be a tutorial for each locomotive eventually. And here's a flight sim style checklist for the Pendolino 😃 The following keys do not work in current early access version: [B] [C] [R] [F] [M] * SimRail Pendolino Quick Start 1. Battery switch..................... ON [B] 2. Activate Cabin switch.............. 1 [C] 3. SHP button......................... Press [Spacebar] 4. Control Circuits switch............ ON 5. Back or Front Pantograph switch.... Raise [R] [F] Verify 3300.0 v on left display 6. Main Switch ON button.............. Press [M] Verify green boxes on right display 7. Service Brake lever................ Running [Num 3] [Num 9] 8. Direction Control selector......... Forward [↑] [↓] 9. Spring Brake switch................ Disabled 10. Drive handle....................... 0% [Num +] [Num -]
  9. Thanks for sharing these, really helpful when learning! Thought I'd share my setup from today, the SimRail Map and the cheat sheet available at a glance, in a browser window on top of SimRail: The always on top feature comes with Microsoft PowerToys which can put any app/program on top with the key combination Win + Ctrl + T
  10. 30+ minutes for a single tutorial can seem like a lot in one sitting, especially for a beginner or for someone new to train sims. I think splitting the tutorial into shorter parts would make them more inviting to complete, like 10-20 min tops. For example there could be a locomotive introduction, then maybe a short drive somewhere to get a feel for it, and then maybe a couple more with challenging situations, just to finish it off. It would certainly give us more content to complete/achieve, and perhaps be more tempting to revisit later for a refresher or whatever.
  11. Nice, thanks for sharing. Found a video showing a wheel slip and the white light you were talking about:
  12. On the EU07 you're also limited to how much power you can tap in, and maybe it's not prone to wheel slip because of that? I'm not a real EU07 driver so I wouldn't know. But if you set full power on the TRAXX then you can experience kN fluctuations on the main display, which I assume indicates wheel slip? Hard to tell visually from the model. And agreed on the save function. I believe there are threads on here requesting said feature.
  13. Suggestion 1: TrackIR is only enabled for the in-cabin camera as of now, but it would be great to have TrackIR enabled in more cameras, preferably enabled in all of them: In-Cabin camera (TrackIR enabled) Orbiting Camera First-person camera / Walking In-vehicle cameras Suggestion 2: A really practical feature is to be able to rotate the camera while in a TrackIR enabled camera. Essentially changing the view direction. This is useful for cabin and vehicle cameras, and later on for shunting operations driving both directions, etc.
  14. Not sure if this is planned, but I'd like to be able to fast forward time in singleplayer mode, similar to what can be done in Zusi where the simulation can be fast forwarded. Simulation speed-up may be heavy to process depending on the game implementation, so a lighter solution could be to skip forward to when an event happens e.g. when passengers have loaded, or when the red light has changed. The first one can take several minutes, maybe even +10 minutes, and we don't all have an abundance of time available to our hobbies, so cutting down the wait, which can accumulate to hours, would be a nice gesture to the users of this sim 🙂 As I see it, time skipping would not affect gameplay either since nothing really happens while waiting.
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