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Everything posted by weezzah

  1. A while back I did an investigation related to braking in the EU07, and found out that when releasing brakes with the 9 key, it will eventually snap into the fully released position. BUT there's a catch to this way of fully releasing: If you from there hold the 3 key to apply brakes again, the lever will quickly move into emergency braking. And most of the time you don't want that. So moral of the story is, as @ekto said, use the 6 key when you want to fully release the brakes. Doing brake adjustments with 3 and 9 key is okay, but stay away from using the 9 key to fully release brakes. Finally, the last video in the linked post below shows the snap I was talking about, and also the emergency brake pitfall:
  2. Just in case it hasn't been reported... Tree incoming: Tree inside cab:
  3. Would be great to have the option to adjust the dynamic lighting in SimRail because with the way it is now the graphics tend to get washed out when inside enclosed cabs like in the EN76. - - - - - EDIT - - - - - For easier access to other examples in this thread the direct links to them are available here: Over-exposure screenshots and description 1 Over-exposure screenshots and description 2 Video showcasing TrackIR and over-exposure 馃槑 Screenshots from Katowice at 19:00 hrs Video of sky to ground exposure - - - - - - - - - - - - - At noon, notice here how the sky is white, there's no definition of the clouds, and there's a white tint on the track, trees and the grass: It gets really washed out outside when you look down. The brightness on the desk is also worth noting: In terms of color and shading I'd rather see something closer to this from the inside of the cab. Just clear, colorful, high contrast, and with no white tint: Here's an example of when the sun is low. Notice the difference in brightness as the camera is pitched down. Also, signs get washed out and you have to pitch the camera up to see what's on them: I think dynamic lighting can be great for cinematic effect, but I feel it doesn't go well with train sims because reading the outside environment is something you do 99% of the time. And if the outside environment is constantly tinted white... it just doesn't look right. In the real world we can shift our eyes between looking at vehicle interior things and looking at the outside world quite easily, and our eyes will adapt rather quickly seeing the world in full contrast. In other words, we won't experience looking at washed out graphics IRL 馃檪
  4. I guess it depends on the train type, but it would certainly add to the immersion. If you've tried the OMSI bus sim you'd know how much life the sounds can bring to a simulated vehicle 馃檪 If we ever get an EN57 I'd love to hear sounds like the ones starting from time 3:45 in this video:
  5. North of Tunel in the middle of the s-turn (see left red circle) there's a board that should say 265,1 instead of 1 (see right red circle):
  6. Clogging is better than spamming, when it's with good intentions 馃槃 Yeah, community made content is more like downloads or mods and there are definitely better ways of sharing those than in threads. Maybe the forum is good enough for now, but we're only in the beginnings of SimRail and when the editor comes around there may be a need for an upgrade.
  7. Maybe the latest version would be easier to find if you edit and update the first post of this thread instead? Sort of like having a front page for your project. And you can have a change log below maybe?
  8. @RWag78 I assume you are aware of these documents Network Statement 2022/2023 - PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (plk-sa.pl) ? At a quick glance it looks like it has Excel data and PDF's for speeds, platforms, station milages / line numbers, control points, and more... Edit: How about adding the actual departures and arrivals for each service in the timetables? I used the train number search field on simrail.app to extract these: Train Departure Arrival 1300 Warszawa Groch贸w Krak贸w G艂贸wny 1400 Warszawa Groch贸w Gliwice 3100 Krak贸w G艂贸wny Warszawa Groch贸w 4100 Gliwice Warszawa Groch贸w 14100 Warszawa Groch贸w Bohumin 16100 Warszawa Groch贸w Wroc艂aw G艂贸wny 19900 Warszawa Groch贸w Skierniewice 24100 Kielce Gliwice 24150 Kielce Gliwice 24900 Kielce Katowice Ligota 40100 Cz臋stochowa Tychy Lodowisko 40150 Gliwice Cz臋stochowa 40600 Cz臋stochowa Gliwice 40650 Tychy Lodowisko Cz臋stochowa 41100 Bohumin Vrbice Warszawa Groch贸w 42100 Gliwice Kielce 42150 Gliwice Skar偶ysko-Kamienna 42900 Katowice Ligota Busko-Zdr贸j 61100 Wroc艂aw G艂贸wny Warszawa Groch贸w 91900 Skierniewice Warszawa Groch贸w 113000 Koluszki Warszawa G艂.Tow. WOA 145000 Warszawa G艂.Tow. WOA Widz贸w Teklin贸w 223000 呕elis艂awice Radzice 242000 W艂oszczowa Chorz贸w Batory 243300 Drzewica Koniecpol 245000 J臋drzej贸w Cz臋stochowa Towarowa 421000 Cz臋stochowa Towarowa J臋drzej贸w 423400 Tur贸w Przysucha 424000 Katowice Muchowiec Staszic Sitk贸wka Nowiny 444000 Katowice Muchowiec Staszic Widz贸w Teklin贸w 447000 Cz臋stochowa Towarowa Tychy 644000 Opole Groszowice Rudniki ko艂o Cz臋stochowy The list above has each "cell" item spaced with a single \t character, so it should be possible to copy/paste it into a sheet 馃槈
  9. I figured you did, but with the missing seconds from the departure times and with the Elf having an extended wait time I got a bit puzzled.
  10. A photo was posted on Discord that showed there is an older variant of the EP08-001 that looks like the EU07 model we have now. Notice how it also has a green interior: Image source: Transport Database and Photogallery - PaFaWag 102E #EP08-001 (phototrans.eu) But I'd love to have the other version of it too, even though it may look like a cheap car 馃槃
  11. I'll add that the train was on the right track for the duration that this happened
  12. Excellent overview! It sure does complicate driving without the HUD with the lack of precision in the current timetable.
  13. The buttons inside the red square looks skewed or parallelogram shaped instead of being square or rectangle shaped. Looks like the UVs are off:
  14. @RWag78 I did the 40686 route and after Zawiercie Borowe Pole I had a stop at Myszk贸w Mrzyg艂贸d which I couldn't find it in your timetable. I grabbed a couple of screenshots of Myszk贸w Mrzyg艂贸d to show its location. The end of the platform on the south side is at 266,5: The north end is at 266,2 ish:
  15. Just an observation, with a 2 min delay this stop gave me a departure time at 13:46:55
  16. Using the 6 key for setting the brake lever into the running position is really useful to avoid accidental emergency braking too. From running it's just a single tap on the 3 key to get to the braking range, and then apply brake as needed. The 6 key acts kind of like a home button and you don't get lost. Also, I don't think I've had accidental emergency braking happen to me since I made this thread and got all nerdy about it either 馃槃 For documentational purposes I went ahead and recorded both test cases of the accidental emergency braking. So here the lever is in running position, then I press and hold 3 and this happens: emergency-test-case-1.mp4 What's also weird here is the decreasing movement speed of the lever until it snaps and stops into the initial position. From there I do the same as in case 1, press and hold the 3 key: emergency-test-case-2.mp4
  17. This was reported for the TRAXX and the Elf too. I think I've had it happen in the EU07 as well. It does seem to be related to repeating scenarios.
  18. I jumped into an EP08 when it was stopped behind an entry signal into Opocno Poludnie and after I disabled the bot I grabbed this screenshot which later shows that the light pattern was 3 whites: When I was up to line speed I activated the bot and I noticed that the bot had changed the light pattern to 2 whites and 1 red: Then I disabled the bot and the light pattern and the light switches returned to 3 whites all by itself: Whenever I activated the bot again it returned to 2 whites and 1 red regardless of what my settings were before: My guess is that the bot got stuck in the light pattern it had when I spawned in at a red entry signal.
  19. Where there's a will there's a way, but there's also convenience 馃槃 I'm also thinking if the SDK is going to give us programming access to data like the state of passenger loading then why not make it ourselves. Could even make a train conductor plugin maybe? We'll see what the future brings.
  20. Yep, the train conductor/guard suggestion for immersion is almost the same. The audio alert suggestion aims at achieving 100% HUD-less driving, no train crew needed for that to happen 馃檪
  21. Oh I thought I posted this as a possible bug, I guess it got moved 馃 The train I drove yesterday on the same stretch did the same repetitive and robotic movement too. The short interval up and down motion just seemed unnatural to me.
  22. The platform looks good in daytime because the normal map is not that visible then. But when the sun is low the normal map light and shadows are stronger, values can range from almost all white to black under direct lighting conditions. For a fair comparison between platform textures, these screenshots were taken when the sun was low: Platforms are very close to the viewpoint of the player which I think makes them eligible for higher res textures 馃檪
  23. There seems to be no track side warning sign about the upcoming 70 speed limit at Dandowka when coming down the line from Sosnowiec Porabka. It comes as a surprise when driving without the HUD. The line speed is at 100 km/h before meeting the 70 km/h sign. Screenshot from a video showing where the 70 limit is at Dandowka:
  24. Issue: Currently in multiplayer there are no indications that the passengers have loaded when driving without the HUD. This means that you have to toggle the HUD on to check if you're ready to go on each stop. It would be great to have an audio alert play when the timer reaches 0:00
  25. You can try to google translate those questions and make a thread over at the PL forum. Better chance of getting answers from virtual or real maszynistas over there probably. I'm sure SimRail staff could answer these as well when I think about it 馃
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