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Everything posted by Deadlost

  1. Regarding quality of sounds, I respectfully disagree. SR among the better imo. Especially the "analog" I think is pretty good, EU07/EN57/ET22. Perfect? Nope, but fairly good compared to other sims. Only thing I'm missing that I think is "must have" is the reverb and maybe some more variation in the running sounds. "very very bad" is to general and only make people not take note of anything you are saying. What is specifically bad and what could be improved, is more productive. There are signs of progress though slow at times, but mini updates/fixes has been more frequent lately. When next DLC/update is out, maybe we will se more quality of life upgrades. Hang in there, and keep posting suggestions. 🙂 There has been lots of suggetions, some big - some small. I do think they look at them, but maybe not very good at communicating or lack of updated roadmaps makes it hard for us to know. I would suggest to the SR team to have a look at the way MSFS 2024 team post their bug and feature requests lists. Regards,
  2. Timetable as in 3d view. The hud one is torture during night (it could use a black/white flip during dark hours)
  3. Devils advocate: microsoft stopped supporting win7 jan 2023. latest driver for nvidia 1650 seems to be from december 2022 for win 7. (win11 latest are currently dec this year) backwards compability will be a increasingly difficult task and may prevent future feature upgrades. If I was a software dev, I would not support anything older than win 10. That said, as they have put 64-bit win 7 sp1 as minimum requirement, it should also be useable on the os. As a users I would try to get a newer os. Software problems/compability/driver issues will only increase in the future.
  4. Not knowing this exact situation or dispatcher experience, but generally speaking: sending someone the wrong way, may be by error/lack of knownledge and not intent as in trolling etc. Educate not ban (banning/reporting seems to be many users default response to errors/newbies.) If users are experienced and discovers their mistake or get a hint, they will usually apologies and try to fix it if possible.
  5. Point was to be able to drive it though and not limited consist to loco and waggons within a single DLC pack.
  6. Hey In the future if more waggons are included as DLC, it would be nice if there was a waggon substitute system in place on MP server similar to alias definition system used with online traffic in flight simulators; like on vatsim/ivao etc. It uses aliasing to give you the next best thing as a visual substitute. It would require a bit more tweaking as a drivable substitute(weights/train lenghts, loco limitations etc), but hope you will look into it. It would be nice to have some of the cargo DLC waggons with other locomotives than just ET22 in MP for more variation, but it will limit the consist to players who own the specific DLC. I would suspect this issue to increase in the future as more products are (hopefullly 🙂 ) available. Regards, JT
  7. Probably stupid control question: Did you let the ETCS initialize before trying to take over? Could take some seconds. It will block you while setting up
  8. Hi I try to drive more or less hudless. Is it possible to get a filtered popup (toggle in settings) when AI message your train OR maybe two different radio message sounds so you can maybe hear that you are the target? I understand it would be harder with human manual messages. Like it is now, when driving HUDLESS you have to open the F5 HUD to check if you were the recepient of a radio message.
      • 6
      • I agree
  9. As a neighbor I support this effort 👏 Would love to see Swedish content down the road. ATC would be very useful on Norwegian railroad to. Wish you lot of success on your project!
  10. Tried it, works, enjoyed it! Actually had to refresh my cold and dark startup routine of the EN57 since I usually only do MP, so was a usefull session 🙂
  11. Hi When driving with hidden driver hints, F3 HUD, the "you can stop now" will glitch for a micro second during entry to platform stopping area. I get it at every server I try/train/time of day. issue happens at ~9 seconds. SimRail_log_2024-07-30_20-02-02.txt
  12. Forgot password does not seem to work here. Nothing happens when clicking the link (yes, my memory is no good...) 😄
  13. I don't think it has, had it last time aswell. Avoiding the pendo until resolved. Communication: I try to not complain about progress of the sim, as it has given me lots of joy so far. But one thing that you could improve as a developer and should be possible to do something about is how you communicate to your customers. Be a little bit more transparant and hopefully you would avoid some of the noise. I know very little about software developing, but I gather that most of the content is baked in to "one big file" and can not easily update one line of code. Should not take 5 weeks to update brake delay settings in 2 carriages, if that was not the case. Basically, what I am saying, please consider giving us a weekly or biweekly update on progress on fixes and updates. You would be surprised how much people would accept with a little bit of information/context.
  14. Personally would love to be able to operate dispatcher screens/cctv screens without changing to dedicated screen views. It would improve immersion. I understand there is probably technical or performance reasons for this, but has it been tested? CCTV don't need high fps outside of dedicated view, maybe 15 fps. Same with dispatcher screen. If you have slower systems it could still be an option to change do dedicated views/disable to the current mode. Another improvement could be to be able to use dispatcher/cctv screens on second monitor like the timetable is. Thanks for reading🙂
  15. Have had this while changing the view at least 3 times, luckily caught them before any trains run across. Personally feel that anything involving substitute should require a "CTRL/modifier key" in addition to right click. Sz is a "higher risk" operation and should include barriers against non intentional activation
  16. Hi We updated some codes and added a new domain for our live map and trains overview (was on simrail.virtualnorwegian.net) Simrail.no Driver oriented. Currently the goal is to have a place to easy find the type of trains you like to drive, see status of train (bot/player) and get a simple timetable for the train. Stuff to be added/tweaked, but it should be usable as is. Filter the train you like and sortable by number, weight, length: Timetable/live map: We have no ambitions of making it the "best" live map as there is so many good ones, but was made for our own use and why not share 🙂 If you have any wishes or feedback go for it, but we can't make any promises regards,
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  17. Left track turns westbound away from Radzice
  18. It would bring more life in the ai world, like the idea. Thinking out loud on how it could be implemented: Invisible tracks with high speeds 290-350kph with an ai timetable using planes as trainobjects, non playable 😮 Planes approaching EPKT RW26 Katowice on 4-5000ft above Zawiercie Planes approaching EPWA rwy 11 would cross above at about 1500-1600ft Ursus area. Something to try out one day 😄
  19. Interactive map seems to be buggy on my end after update. No trains show here. tested on pc (chrome)/ipad. Testet on workpc with same result. It works on android phone(chrome browser) Will test again on home pc later. Disregard, works now at home pc and ipad. Thank you for the site. I use this EDR when dispatching, like it a lot. My humble request: White background/black text option for EDR. (I sometimes find dark background with greyish text hard to read, would like more contrast)
  20. Did you have reverser in forward? Have had airpressure drop when in neutral in the eu07. Could be something similar. Had to put it in forward to be able to increase pressure again.
  21. Personally would love an updated "world" at some time, but get the sim out of EA and make editor/tools available first would be my priority. What I would like more of is to have the temporary speedlimits change from time to time. (Looking at you 20kph - L171 Stawiska to Sosnoviec Dandowka😅)
  22. Or they don't want to give false hopes or promises. With each route, dependencies grows exponentionally and they need a system to handle that to. Steam workshop can hopefully sovle that. As long as we don't go back in time, with links to 10 sites to download 100 files with 5kb/s transfer speeds 😄 I also hope that we get some info on this subject together with general developer info soon 🙂
  23. It is available, S for settings and yes to flipped.
  24. There are some, but realistically, route editor is our best bet 😉
  25. 2024-01-21 22-07-17.mp4 Traxx, while walking outside you can hear the sounds that should be inside cab. (reverser in neutral in this case)
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