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Everything posted by giBBer8

  1. What is a good solution for getting trustworthy simmers into servers? Some thoughts - A "graduation" test, moving from small signal boxes up through the ranks, so as to be competent in the large boxes - This could involve a tutorial scenario, perhaps having a freight train run into a location, move the loco to depot, bring another onto the opposite end and depart "wrong line" to the next block. Or even a "grind" system, where you have to do a few hours in each box, working up to the largest panels. A peer driven points system. Gain a good reputation from fellow players via an awards system... As Sean said, weed out the asshats via moderation, using the already present reporting system. Having said that, when the full release happens, are players going to mess around and not be invested, having had to pay for the sim? Maybe the idiots will diminish as the novelty (and free lols) wear off.
  2. Probably all caused by real life players. I'd trust an algorithm over a person every day of the week 😄
  3. Well no. I read that an acceptance from the following block had to be granted before changing direction of the block? Anyway, with new drivers who haven't a clue (and jumping off at random for a walk round) and new signallers who haven't a clue (and also walking round for a screeny), things are going to be delayed. Wha'da'ya' know, railway stuff isn't that easy.
  4. I haven't seen the grey boxes in any signal box I have tried, got to rely on looking at the timetable screen. The only issue coming from that, is the "trains in range" box showing services which aren't on the timetable, or near your signal box. Now, does the AI react to a real player delay? I've had AI services be 35 minutes late for no obvious reason. I think that may be the case.
  5. The timetable shows that info too though?
  6. A huge selling point for Simrail (apart from MP, signalling, great graphics and sounds.....etc 😁) is the Editor. What are you hoping for regarding interface, functionality, features? I personally haven't delved into route making before, although asset building is my bag. I hope Blender assets can be imported for routes, maybe an asset library can be built up (similar to TF2 mods) for creators to use? Collaboration will be key too of course, being able to access a projects "library" would be awesome (with permissions). Just a few thoughts, what would you like to see?
  7. My gfx card is out of my PC so i'm only doing dispatch. Im using 1920x1080, low settings just on Mobo graphics output. Great for looking at the signal panels, trains jerk past of course but still playable! Obviously can't drive yet...
  8. Really got to stop comparing what DTG is doing, over Simrail. I can see this turning into the railway version of the pointless "my flight sim is better than your flight sim" handbag fight.
  9. Is coupling stress modelled in Simrail? Could be an over-zealous integer in the code. If it is, that is great! I think a lot of simmers are going to learn about real driving quickly.
  10. The whole signal box experience is fantastic, watching the track circuit lights slowly getting closer, and the realistic speed the routes are set. I can almost hear the point motors winding across...
  11. Sitting and waiting is a part of RL train driving and signalling. They're bringing the full experience to our living rooms! Joking aside, the multiplayer is a blast. Very well implemented imho.
  12. All those will be doable with the editor. Teaming up with like-minded collaborators to produce a route will be amazing, I can't wait to see what the future of Simrail holds!
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