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Some features take more time to test and improve because they are more complex. As an example here are a few things
- Passengers: 
They work almost flawlessly, but in some places they still fly out or get stuck in stairs. 

- New EDR:
On the test servers it went well, but on the public patch it was found that there is still need for optimization, due to the mass of people using it at the same time. 

Errors can also occur during the test phase. 😉


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I really don't think an early access title is right for you IKB, you can't seem to grasp the concept of early access meaning there will be bugs, issues, new problems that will be discovered,
But they will be worked on, and when a fix is found bug fixes will be released,  as well as more features added along the way, and if it takes longer than a single week to fix something, then that weeks update may be delayed.

That's why you paid about what a single tsw DLC costs (that gets you ~20 miles of track and a single train) for Simrail. 


If SimRail was like dtg, then there would be an update on the day mentioned... would that keep you happy?
No of course not, because that rushed release would be half assed and break more things than it fixes.

Then all current issues would get ignored as they'd be too busy working on the next DLC that rewrites history, because they'd be more worried about offending someone with a 2022 mindset than showing what life really was like in the 1960's. 

Or they'd be claiming to be fixing issues with the core game that have been there for almost 2 years....  but really they are working on SimRail 2... along with a cringy faked 'leak' and then livestream's full of back slapping and bigging themselves up about their 'achievements',
meanwhile in the real world people notice that SimRail 2 is pretty much the same as SimRail 1, it's just had a couple of 'features' added that people have been using all along with simple mod files (a drag and drop 'install' for the most part) and they are just charging us over again for the same content. 


Thankfully SimRail is not like tsw or that fishing simulator of theirs that has the same sales method:
Release the same game every 2 years, release lots of DLC between the main game releases, ignore bug reports / feature requests and milk the customer for every penny they have.


But you need to face facts, single player save is likely not coming, and the sim is in early access, 
Get over that and you might actually enjoy driving the trains or operating the signal boxes, on the multiplayer side no 2 runs are the same, last night i was held for 20 minutes at a stuck signal before being routed over the left hand track for ~10Km, then i had to wait whilst the trains from the other direction were routed around me before i could cross over back to the right hand track, 
As a result i was 20 minutes late after this, by the end of the run i was about 7 minutes late and i had a big smile on my face for an enjoyable totally unscripted drive.



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NOT INTERESTED IN MULTIPLAYER. No idea how many times i have to say it before it sinks in.

I paid my money like everyone else, so i am not just going to quietly go away. 

There are many others like myself that bought this game, solely for the single player function.

So i do not have to accept anything. Definitely not at my age, accept being talked down to by someone with no authority.

Any greater than mine on this forum. No the developers have already milked their money out of some customers.

By leaving out any pertinent information, as to how lack lustre, SP was going to be. 

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Isambard Kingdom Brunel:

NOT INTERESTED IN MULTIPLAYER. No idea how many times i have to say it before it sinks in.

I paid my money like everyone else, so i am not just going to quietly go away. 

There are many others like myself that bought this game, solely for the single player function.

So i do not have to accept anything. Definitely not at my age, accept being talked down to by someone with no authority.

Any greater than mine on this forum. No the developers have already milked their money out of some customers.

By leaving out any pertinent information, as to how lack lustre, SP was going to be. 

I think you completely misunderstand early access! 

You did not pay for a full game as for now, nor did you or do you have the right to get constant updates or content you wish for! 

You paid for an early access version, which is lacking features, has bugs and may be missing exactly what you are looking for! There is no reason or given or written promise that sates that every x days you will get updates! In fact, the steam page says that you will get involved in development and give feedback in development! 

I read a few of your comments here and most of them are like " game X has this feature, why is it not here", or " it was sold as but this is missing".

There is one thing you have to acceppt regardless of your personal opinion and that is the fact that you literally aggreed to the following: 


Quote from Steam Homepage: 

Why Early Access?

“We want to involve the SimRail community in improving details so that the game can become the best railway simulator that meets the expectations of players from around the world.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“We estimate SimRail will be in early access phase for 3 to 6 months.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“Planned features to be added in the full version:

  • Steam locomotives.
  • Controller support.
  • Shunting operations.
  • Winter weather effects.
  • Adding more playable signal boxes.

We are still working on game optimization and thus performance problems might occur during early access.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“Game currently includes complete scenery that contains nearly 500 km of routes created with the use of real geodetic data: Katowice - Sędziszów and Katowice - Warszawa. Five vehicles are available for players to drive: EU07, ET25 Dragon, E186 Traxx, ED250 Pendolino EMU, EN76/EN96 Elf EMU and four types of passenger and cargo carriages. Singleplayer and multiplayer modes are already available, with possibility of play as train driver or traffic dispatcher. Available features include dynamic weather, realistic physics model and sounds.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“Price is not planned to change when game will leave early access.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“Discussion forum is available for players to share their suggestions and report bugs.”







Everything written here is exactly what you get plus: 


Online realtime map and timetables, a great community, and developers who implenmented many features requested by us already! 

Maybe you should revise your view on the "missing" features a bit 😉


Kind Rgds



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I also miss something, not every week an update, but actually you see how the numbers of players are going down. But why? Maybe the people are paying for an game that will be for an long time in early access. Early access in general is an possibility to let special players let a few days earlier. What we have here is an Beta stadium of the game. Not more and not less. But anyway the community, me included, like the game. But what we are missing is the communication to the community. Now we heard nothing from the developer for 20 days. I think its not so difficult to communicate a bit more with the users. And for the timeline: If they bringing an update in the size of the last updates, it will take more than an year to complete the game.


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  • SIMRAIL Team
8 hours ago, Die blaue Eminenz said:

I also miss something, not every week an update, but actually you see how the numbers of players are going down. But why? Maybe the people are paying for an game that will be for an long time in early access. Early access in general is an possibility to let special players let a few days earlier. What we have here is an Beta stadium of the game. Not more and not less. But anyway the community, me included, like the game. But what we are missing is the communication to the community. Now we heard nothing from the developer for 20 days. I think its not so difficult to communicate a bit more with the users. And for the timeline: If they bringing an update in the size of the last updates, it will take more than an year to complete the game.

Initially it was really easy to make loads of smaller changes, as we had a full team working on the project and loads of easy to fix bugs. But in the last months, many of developers were taking some time off (including me). We (as devs) can't exactly talk much of what's planned either - it's for the people in charge of PR and leads - not to mention, some of us just don't want to spend our free time or time in-between library compilations to answer the few questions that we can answer. Finally, the development is continuing, but as we move to adding planned features and bugs that are hard to debug - it will likely take longer for these patches to come out.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hoping it will continue to grow and that new assets like the EN57 and steam loco are not too far from release.

Bored with TSW4 I just had a very pleasant drive in MP this evening, probably back on later for another go. However I also hope it won't be too long now for a better SP game and of course the save/checkpoint to break up those long runs into manageable chunks.

And if you do eventually release the route editor, I sincerely hope you learn from DTG who's TSW4 editor is over complicated, came with no instructions other than a few casual video clips and what we have worked out for ourselves. SimRail would be great to create routes for.

Keep up the good work guys.

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I was surprised at the general lack of understanding of how much time, effort, and knowledge it takes to make a route in TSW, or to use the UE engine. I really hope that there is a lot of humble pie being eaten over in the forums.

The difficulty with releasing an editor is that of deciding what to release first - publish tutorials without the editor being released...and be damned for it, or release the editor before tutorials....and be damned for it. There was a 3rd option of releasing them concurrently, but that would most likely lead to the confusion seen now, with people missing steps, and not reading or researching the engine.

SimKol will be in the same boat when the SimRail editor releases.

Unity's Bolt is less powerful and (arguably) less intuitive than UE's Blueprint system and I personally find UE engine UI to be easier to work with. That is just me though, YMMV.

Having said that, SimRail is the better product and I enjoy all aspects of the sim. The updates look fantastic. long may it continue. 


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vor 10 Stunden schrieb giBBer8:

I was surprised at the general lack of understanding of how much time, effort, and knowledge it takes to make a route in TSW, or to use the UE engine. I really hope that there is a lot of humble pie being eaten over in the forums.

The difficulty with releasing an editor is that of deciding what to release first - publish tutorials without the editor being released...and be damned for it, or release the editor before tutorials....and be damned for it. There was a 3rd option of releasing them concurrently, but that would most likely lead to the confusion seen now, with people missing steps, and not reading or researching the engine.

SimKol will be in the same boat when the SimRail editor releases.

Unity's Bolt is less powerful and (arguably) less intuitive than UE's Blueprint system and I personally find UE engine UI to be easier to work with. That is just me though, YMMV.

Having said that, SimRail is the better product and I enjoy all aspects of the sim. The updates look fantastic. long may it continue. 

i hope the editor will be so easy like in trainz 2006 😄 i have there a few route ideas 😈 fight.thumb.jpg.b3af9e93d962eb350c23013a6f89e8c1.jpg

Edited by Fightdrug
dont ask me why its to big
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21 hours ago, Isambard Kingdom Brunel said:

Editor tutorials first i would say. That way they can be studied and looked over. Not being thrown in at the deep end, as per TSW4.

Amen to that! There was a bit of help from DTG for a few days but then it all went quiet (think their XBox version of TSW4 is more than a little broken).

Hopefully editing in Unity will be easier than UE4 anyway.

As regards the rest, well hopefully the steam loco and EN57 will be here soon and I for one would be quite happy to support the project if you decided to make one or boh of them reasonably priced DLC. Running those servers can't be cheap and there has not been any means to support the project by purchasing additional content since release.

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