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More keybinds please : wipers, brake releaser & cab light


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Such as for :

Wipers (also I noted in the Traxx the wiper switch is hidden behind the brake handle so there's no click spot)

Brake releaser switch (QOL)

Cabin light (when joining at night - need a light and can't find the light switch)


Maybe others, but I miss these the most.

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  • SIMRAIL Team

The way it works now, key can only set switch to higher, lower or exact no. position. There isn't mechanic for single key to flip something in both directions sadly.
As for wipers, I assumed it's too miscelenious for keybinding, but you're right that in Traxx it's positioning is rather inconviniant with set camera position.
Releaser, cab/instrument light are added and will be in next client update. Speed controller was there already. +/- on main keyboard by default and should work in all locos where it's on lever.

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When SimRail releases to the public, will there be more keybinds?

Can you make a toggle switch move in the other direction with a modifier key? i.e. hold down SHIFT or CTRL or ALT and press the key... so say for pantograph switches in the EU07, pressing 'F' raises the front one, pressing 'SHIFT + F' lowers the front one.


one of the really annoying things with tsw is the limited switches in the cab that you can operate with the keyboard,  would be really nice to do things like Omsi did, where if any switch control that actually does something (and can be already operated with the mouse) you can bind a key or joystick button to it.


I'm one of those people who likes to build controlers for trains, and i am already planning one for the EU07,

My goal would be to be able to totally ignore the computer keyboard once i'm loaded into the tains cab in the sim, and drive using levers and switches/buttons on my controller.

i'm sure others would like to do similar with joysticks like throttle quadrants, and button boxes etc.


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