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Everything posted by colinL

  1. I've tried that too for walking around but it's just so counterintuitive when you wanna sprint or jump. Oh well I've also thought about numpad but I can't really get warm with it when driving and having the SHP on spacebar and I mainly use my left hand for the power controls and right hand for the brakes. But yeah, might be a personal problem. I still kinda have the feeling that this whole thing might be a bug, no?
  2. I understand your thinking and also that trains can be driven IRL while standing, obviously. But if I stand up and walk to the other side of the cab I definitely don't have the arm length to operate the levers. But I get your thinking. I just don't really know what else I can bind the train controls to, as I've got everything else nicely setup...
  3. Hey all, just wanted to point out if you stand up in the cab to walk around/leave the loco you still push the train controls with WASD. Which is slightly irritating.
  4. Entspann dich mal, das Game ist keine 3 Monate draußen.
  5. Ok I've tried it and it worked, but the question is still why not make the middle MFD switchable as well? 😛
  6. Yeah, this is the stuff I mean by saying making everything have the same general functions 😄
  7. Signals, yes, I know. But I was talking about the switchtracks. I couldn't for the life of me switch them from Plus to Minus
  8. No no, don't get me wrong I was just using this as an example. But for example in the TRAXX one screen is black, the other one white. Why not make em the same or also make it possible to switch the contrast from black to white on both screens.
  9. Hey, have just played the station in Julisuz. So far so good, but I couldn't for the life of me change the switchtracks. What are the requirements to do so? The level crossing must be lowered? Can anybody point me in the right direction?
  10. Just wanna chime in with some of my personal ideas. I really like the way simrail is headed. Still think there is much room for improvement. First of all: Unifiy the trains' functions. Example: If one train has working windshield wiper fluid, give it to all trains in the game. Traxx: One of the displays is white/black, the other one is black/white. Would love to see it if it was possible to switch the displays between black/white and white/black on our own. Maybe also be able to regulate the brightness ourselves. - Same goes for other trains. When driving I have noticed that the PZB awareness and the general awareness button are interlinked. Why? I feel that with the first German route this could become problematic. I'd also love to see the instrument lighting function in the Traxx. Right now the button has no use as far as I can see. In reality it deactivates/activates the lighting of the trains' headlamps and also the interior's gauge lights. (Perfect to greet other train drivers by switching it on and off and making the train blink so to say). I really start to love the game, but I'd also love to see more consistency between the trains on their functionality. (If one train can do XY why can't the other train do it too, if both trains have function XY in reality...
  11. Heya, after driving it a few times I'd like to report some suggestions: - Instrument lighting is not working for me. The switch does nothing. - Maybe a dimmer for the Cab light would be cool? When enabling the cablight I nearly can't read the MFD in front of me - MFD: the side MFD has a changeable contrast, the one in front of me not.
  12. +1 I'd also appreciate keybinds for the automatic speed control so I don't have to set the speed limit (in the 186 for example) via mouse.
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