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Everything posted by Gazz292

  1. When first loading into SimRail multiplayer, you get a list of servers to choose from, but you can't scroll down the list with the mouse scroll wheel, only drag the slider at the edge. Similarly, when driving and pressing TAB to bring up the list of other users on the server, using the mouse scroll wheel zooms the view in the cab in and out. would it be possible to make the scroll wheel move the list up and down when that menu is open? then go back to zooming in and out in the cab when the menu is closed? ------------- I never thought i'd be bothering with a multiplayer train sim, always been a single player guy for all games, But the past couple of days has changed my mind... there's something awesome about aproaching another human driving a train in this sim, just a simple horn exchange to let eachother know we recognise eachother (like real drivers wave to eachother) Today i heard my first radio chatter, ok i was on a German server... the english ones seem silent so far (or i dont know the radio chanel) and it was kinda cool to hear the dispatchers giving instructions to others (my middle school learnt German from when i lived over there is too bad to understand most of it tho)
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  2. When SimRail releases to the public, will there be more keybinds? Can you make a toggle switch move in the other direction with a modifier key? i.e. hold down SHIFT or CTRL or ALT and press the key... so say for pantograph switches in the EU07, pressing 'F' raises the front one, pressing 'SHIFT + F' lowers the front one. : one of the really annoying things with tsw is the limited switches in the cab that you can operate with the keyboard, would be really nice to do things like Omsi did, where if any switch control that actually does something (and can be already operated with the mouse) you can bind a key or joystick button to it. I'm one of those people who likes to build controlers for trains, and i am already planning one for the EU07, My goal would be to be able to totally ignore the computer keyboard once i'm loaded into the tains cab in the sim, and drive using levers and switches/buttons on my controller. i'm sure others would like to do similar with joysticks like throttle quadrants, and button boxes etc.
  3. Not sure if this is a bug, or something i'm doing wrong. A few times now i am driving along, and suddenly the simulation ends, and i get 'Scenario Completed' Is this because only part of the route is available in the playtests? or because i am running behind time or doing something wrong? Log_2022-12-11_21-12-51_part1.txt
  4. i've had no real issues playing, i've been using the EN(for drivers only) server... or something like that. When i try the beginners server, i either load in as about the 8th train in a row stuck at a red light, or get so far then get stuck at a red light never to move again.
  5. you can also use your mouse scroll wheel to move controls, Left click on the control... be it the power wheel, field weakening lever, wiper switch etc, and move the scroll wheel, i find this very handy for rapidly moving the power wheel in the EU07. It works on the brake lever, but it's is very fine... i.e you have to scroll lots of times to move the lever a few mm, but you can grab and drag the levers with the mouse... so you can set the brake lever to any position between 'initial' and 'full brakes' just the keyboard keys seem to make the lever only jump between notches. I think it would be handy to be able to assign keyboard keys and the scroll wheel combo... say press and hold down the Z key, move the mouse scroll wheel and the power lever / wheel moves, press and hold X key, and the brake lever moves... or what ever keys you chose to bind to the functions.
  6. i really dont want to see the HUD looking like the tonka toys tsw one with far too much info that blocks half the screen, this is supposed to be a simulator... look at the levers in the cab? The controls do need a bit of work tho, the brake lever seem's to be a self lapping type, if you move it with the mouse you can leave it anywhere between 'initial' and 'full' and get a controlled braking amount. But with keyboard keys jump between positions, I discovered you can right click the mouse on a lever and use the scroll wheel to operate the lever tho... this is very handy to quickly move the main power wheel in this loco, but this method moves the brake lever far to finely, so clicking and dragging is better for the brake lever for now. Eventually we will get joystick controls, and then we can use things like throttle quadrents, or build our own controllers as simple as a few potentiometers and an arduino board.
  7. as far as i can tell, the train brake lever is a self lapping type, As if you move it with the mouse, you can leave it in any position between 'initial' and 'full brakes' say to build up 22% brake pipe pressure and no more. : Something i found out today... you can move the controls with the mouse wheel... you need to right click on the control, then scroll up and down, i am playing on a laptop and have a trackball connected, i move the mouse cursor to the control i want to adjust, then i hold down left click on the laptops trackpad, and then i can scroll the trackball's wheel and i it moves the lever/switch nicely (i just find this easier than holding left mouse button on the trackball and scrolling with my middle finger) i've found this very handy for moving the main power wheel in this train, i can now quickly move the wheel from notch 0 to 1 then to 28 in a second, far faster than dragging the wheel with the mouse or using the + and - buttons, I then hold right click over the field weakening lever, and move that with the mouse scroll wheel, It's then very fast to put the lever back to zero, then move the main power wheel upto notch 43, and again move the field weakening lever with the mouses scroll wheel. i.e when trying to maintian a steady speed around 100 kph, it takes a long time using the keyboard keys to step from notch 43 down to notch 28 and back up as needed when the current needed to maintain speed is about between the 2 settings. Maybe in the future we could assign a keyboard key to hold down then move the scroll wheel to move a control, say hold down Z and scroll to move the power wheel, hold down X and scroll to move the field weakening lever, hold down C and scroll to move the brake lever. Unfortunately the brake lever moves very very slowly with the scroll wheel, : I know eventually we will get the ability to assign joystick axis to the controls, so i can build a control panel to operate these trains like the one i was building for tsw2.. i gave up on that project when they proved they are just money grabbing with tsw3, so far i am very impressed with SimRail, and i can see a great future with this simulator.
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