as far as i can tell, the train brake lever is a self lapping type,
As if you move it with the mouse, you can leave it in any position between 'initial' and 'full brakes' say to build up 22% brake pipe pressure and no more.
Something i found out today... you can move the controls with the mouse wheel... you need to right click on the control, then scroll up and down,
i am playing on a laptop and have a trackball connected, i move the mouse cursor to the control i want to adjust, then i hold down left click on the laptops trackpad, and then i can scroll the trackball's wheel and i it moves the lever/switch nicely (i just find this easier than holding left mouse button on the trackball and scrolling with my middle finger)
i've found this very handy for moving the main power wheel in this train, i can now quickly move the wheel from notch 0 to 1 then to 28 in a second, far faster than dragging the wheel with the mouse or using the + and - buttons,
I then hold right click over the field weakening lever, and move that with the mouse scroll wheel,
It's then very fast to put the lever back to zero, then move the main power wheel upto notch 43, and again move the field weakening lever with the mouses scroll wheel.
i.e when trying to maintian a steady speed around 100 kph, it takes a long time using the keyboard keys to step from notch 43 down to notch 28 and back up as needed when the current needed to maintain speed is about between the 2 settings.
Maybe in the future we could assign a keyboard key to hold down then move the scroll wheel to move a control, say hold down Z and scroll to move the power wheel, hold down X and scroll to move the field weakening lever, hold down C and scroll to move the brake lever.
Unfortunately the brake lever moves very very slowly with the scroll wheel,
I know eventually we will get the ability to assign joystick axis to the controls,
so i can build a control panel to operate these trains like the one i was building for tsw2.. i gave up on that project when they proved they are just money grabbing with tsw3, so far i am very impressed with SimRail, and i can see a great future with this simulator.