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Dolphin Invasion

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Everything posted by Dolphin Invasion

  1. EDIT/Update: A sneak peek thread was made in the announcements section of the forum after this post. If anything is posted on Discord that I happen to see wasn't posted there, I will update this thread.
  2. They should. To be fair, its from the "sneak peeks" channel and not the announcements but either way, sneak peeks should also be here for the non-discord users
  3. There is a red, 2 yellows, and a green as the possible lights on the signal head
  4. Sometimes there is a bug that the buttons don't highlight when they should. I've seen it a lot especially with the unlock points. You can still click it and execute if its grayed out. If it works normally, it won't highlight if you click it again before the flashing to confirm order. It could be a translation thing as I understand what it is saying but the description could be improved. You don't want to send a train through the crossovers just to send them back over again and ultimately stay on the same track. It's just an unnecessary slowdown for the trains. In regards to the sub signal, looks like the signals at that station are incapable of displaying a sub signal as they have no white light on the signal head.
  5. I tried this on both cargo Traxx and passenger and it did feel like it took far too long for the train to stop on dynamic braking alone with the passenger version. Also I'll have to make a separate bug report when I'm not about to fall asleep but the traxx emergency brakes seem to be broken. The emergency buttons and the radiostop don't do anything anymore
  6. If the other end does happen to be a player and catches the train heading the other way, it sure will take quite some time for the train to travel the entire way from Pilichowice at 20km/h.
  7. After you lock all points, the button to unlock all points will be highlighted next time you click the station name The purpose of that station is to act as a way for trains to cross from one track to another if for some reason trains need to run on the left track to or from you. Otherwise its a very simple station of allow the trains to pass on straight track. The sub signal button appears as an option when you click on the signal. Do not give a sub signal at that station with a route that would send a train against an interlocking or else there will be problems.
  8. Well then I must have just looked at the wrong trains then. I've seen every train use that track without problem either passing by or with myself dispatching. I'll have to pay more attention to see which ones don't fit all on the platform maybe on a dead server. Again, I just use that one for the commuters unless I have to because its a small platform but I've never seen players on the longer trains say its not counting them as okay to stop to exchange passengers
  9. I'll have to share it another time but I took a screenshot today of me waiting for an EC to depart off track 4 at Glowny. Its not millimeters but its not ideal. Would be fine for Northbounds but Southbounds would require vigilance from the driver and dispatcher. Thats why you will see me use track 4 for the commuters when the long distance trains are in the area
  10. Another good example of having something saying the crossover speeds. I keep seeing people and community made content that says all crossovers/turnouts at Lazy Lc are 40km/h. There is actually a single 60km/h crossover on that panel and its not visually represented like at Zawierce. And if you use it, not only can the trains go 60km/h, they avoid one of the 20km/h temp speed restrictions on track 3 and can depart faster 🙂
  11. I was wondering if you were thinking about Glowny. All platforms work. EC fits perfect on track 4. If the AI spots the train at the platform heading North, it will actually leave its tail in the interlocking but the track circuits aren't exact so its clear on the dispatcher board If its a player heading south and they aren't confident, a route out or a sub signal and a verbal warning to them might be best to make them not worry about the signal
  12. Sorry I was only thinking of Zawierce. Are there stations that the longer trains stop at though that have platforms they don't fit at? I'm not aware of which ones if there is (that players control at this time)
  13. no... NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bruh™ We've been fooled /s
  14. But DaaaaaaaaazT, it's on steam. It has to be a game... /s
  15. Yes. As long as the train is able to stop at one of the platforms, it counts for the drivers. Think of the labeled platforms as the scheduled one but any alternate is acceptable lets say for traffic, track closure, train issue, etc... At Zawierce, generally yes. Just ask the Lazy AI if its okay to send the train that way. If it tells you no because of a platform issue, don't force it as it could break it. At Zawierce, you can basically send any freight anywhere but at Lazy Lc, this does not apply. It looks like they disabled the interlocking requests for tracks 3 and 7 at Lazy to prevent people from sending stuff that way
  16. I suggest that if you get a crossing signal that indicates the crossing is unsecured, it should generate a head-end only 20km/h speed restriction at the crossing. This would make things a little more realistic and make players and bots have to actually respond to this signal and not just blow through it because the game isn't telling them they have to slow down there. I don't normally run the Northern end of the map but I did today and got the unsecured crossing signal. Attached are the signal and the indication.
  17. Pop-out or simply the ability to see them when focused on the CAD screens so I don't always have to unfocus on the routing the trains just to say whos departing or see what the next station said
  18. I personally have only ever heard the AI sound the horn when it is player occupied but the bot is running
  19. INB4 new timetable is all freight /s 🙂
  20. The panel looks more interesting than how it feels the station would be 😆
  21. I'm EST so I get a little bit of daylight play on the EU servers. Sadly the NA servers are never really populated so the night time view struggle is real when you want to play on the populated servers. Shame NA doesn't like simulators as much as the EU 😆
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