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Everything posted by TheShotte

  1. And you were driving the EU07 yeah? Maybe it's counted differently in each loco?
  2. Oh sweet! So there is a way of knowing! Nice, thank you. In regards to the locomotives, I would like to know as well. Every locomotive I have seen so far was electric, and I think some trailers on Steam have steam locomotives. Where are the diesels? Are there any diesels even?
  3. Hmmm. Now I'm regretting posting this in this section instead of the bug section. Hoping someone from the team will see this (although something leads me to believe they are already aware of the issue).
  4. Hmmmmm. Is it happening to only some or what? How is it that someone was able to grab this screenshot? I mean, I still don't see raindrops, but at least the surfaces are wet.
  5. So you are experiencing the same weather phenomenon?
  6. No, I'm pretty sure I've seen it saying something along the lines of "-1XP for going over Speed Limit" in top left corner right after you start going 121km/h (in a 120 km/h zone).
  7. What? The HUD is always accurate in terms of speed, regardless of loco/train. It sure as hell doesn't show 125 when you're going ~120. I think you may be confusing HUD with the actual speedometer.
  8. So, I've noticed something that seemed awkward yesterday. I've been seeing a lot of screenshot on the forums with nice, wet surfaces and puddles and stuff. However, whilst playing yesterday, I've had it start raining multiple times, the rain effect appeared on my windshield, and I had to use wipers. However, I noticed there weren't any actual raindrops visible, and none of the surfaces ever turned wet. Now, as far as the surfaces turning wet - maybe it just takes longer or something, so it's hard for me to speak on that, but there sure as hell should have been some raindrops visible. Has anyone noticed anything else weird about it? Is it an AMD hardware thing like the tie rendering bug? I'm not posting this as a bug just yet because I'm still operating under the assumption that I just didn't see it, but I am super skeptical.
  9. Sweet. Do you know if the game also now displays the correct radio channel in the message saying you are not on the right one? It used to just say "Correct Radio Channel: ", not sure if it still does.
  10. Wow. That's kind of badass. Just not used to the intricacies of SimRail, and boy are there a few. The way the suspension moves on the various trains going over switches, the fact that you have to actually use your washer to clean the bugs off the windshield, the way the trains feel when operating them. Just great. This sim really has potential. Not necessarily. I use the Tempomat on the EN76/EN96 all the time when I'm running them. For the most part, if it's set to say 120 km/h (your speed limit), it will be white. If you will be going downhill or something, and the train has to ride the brakes a bit, it might jump into the yellow. The only difference being between the white and yellow is that it's white when you're going 120.0-120.5, 120.51-121 will be in yellow. The HUD speedometer readout is rounded down (so it doesn't show 121 km/h when we actually hit 120.56.
  11. That screenshot was taken with FSR on....
  12. I don't think so, as in many instances I have opened the player list, and saw players like ~130km (or even more) away from me on it. Sometimes the HUD/Playerlist bugs out, and stops displaying all data. You know the list is bugged when you look on top of the screen, and instead of the actual time, you just see the ":" from where the time should be displayed.
  13. Jak tytuł mówi. Jesteś na stacji, cofasz się do tyłu, a tu nagle przed tobą ściana, a ty nie wiesz o co chodzi. No więc, poręcz nie ma kolizji, i na dodatek, nie spadasz normalnie według sił grawitacji, tylko cię tak jak by teleportuje na dół, co jest naprawdę dezorientujące. O ile się nie mylę to wszystkie schody w Katowicach mają ten problem.
  14. What time was this? Are you sure this wasn't on or around the patch release? Reason I say this is, I had a similar issue - I was in an EP07, which I couldn't get started. Turned out later after (checked the log) that the game wasn't connecting to the server right, because of the update.
  15. So I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but this bug actively prevents me from disabling the speedometer on my HUD in the EU/EP07 locos. Let me demonstrate: For maximized effect, you could save the pictures to your computer, and then open them in an image viewer so you could switch between the 2. In any case, the pictures were taken one after the other, in both pictures the HUD display 21 Km/h, but in one picture the speedometer is at 20 Km/h, and the other 22 Km/h, again, basically jumping from one position to the other. Bear in mind, my traction is off, and at this point I was essentially bleeding off speed. There is no reason for the needle to go up in that situation.
  16. Oh without a doubt. The fix is just so that the ones amongst us that have problems with flashing lights could still keep testing, instead of having to quit out of the game every time it starts raining.
  17. Chciałem tylko dodać, że tą samą kropkę widziałem także w dzień. Z tym że, w tym przypadku to robiła trochę sensu, bo tam było słońce.
  18. To be quite honest, I haven't even considered that one could use the naming convention in the search box as a makeshift filter.
  19. I'm pretty sure that's the exact way it will be implemented. Not sure about the actual licenses, but a player will have to have a certain amount of hours in SP before they will be allowed to play in MP.
  20. What are your system specs (including GPU driver version)? Have you played the Prologue?
  21. There is a weird issue changing controls. What I mean is - say you have your horn bound for "H", and you change it to "/". Than, you want to rebind the Push-to-talk function to "H" key, the game will give you an error saying that the "H" key is still in use by horn. After you have bound the horn to "/", you have to click "Apply" on the bottom of the screen, than the game will let you finally use the "H" key. Weird, I know. Took me a minute to figure out too. Very annoying at first. As Stele mentioned above, it won't allow you to change controls in a single operation.
  22. I posted this in the wrong place, so I'm going again. It is super eerie to jump into the exterior camera, and watch your train moving without anyone at the helm. Look at the above screenshot, and tell me that doesn't look wrong. Runaway train or pociąg widmo? The same goes for AI controlled trains. I believe all trains need to be crewed, and there needs to be some sort of "Show Player Avatars" control/option that just displays a players avatar, name and loco # on top of their train (for a few seconds?).
  23. Right. Before I posted the above response, I actually went in and played again with 1/2 Resolution Textures just to make sure I'm not talking out my rear. Anyway, I decided to change the texture settings, and restart the game completely before playing to make sure they're applied. As before, I was getting perfectly smooth gameplay, just when I was switching to exterior camera, there is a mild, almost unnoticeable stutter, and when driving at random times there are stutters.
  24. Right! It's as if LOD0/1 were missing.
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