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Everything posted by weezzah

  1. When the loading passengers countdown finishes it currently goes by rather uneventful and silently. In real life there are usually train conductors/guards notifying that the train is secure and ready for departure. The conductors in Poland seem to use train whistles, yellow flags, flashlights when dark, and radios to communicate readiness. I made an example to showcase what a simple train whistle could do in SimRail, and how it can add a little substance to the passenger loading: whistle-example.mp4 From my understanding the collaboration between drivers and train crew is essential on a daily basis, and it's a missing feature in SimRail. The train whistle is the minimal implementation of a train crew member, but it can have more features added (roughly in order of implementation cost): Train whistle audio when passengers have loaded Radio communication from train conductor with TTS after whistle blow 3d models of train crew standing outside of the wagons watching over the passenger loading Signalling animations with yellow flags and/or flashlights Full simulation of train crew with persistence Make train conducting a playable game mechanic (yes, it's getting a little ridiculous) 😄 YouTube References Queries (in Polish) Train whistle - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gwizdek+pociągu Train manager - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kierownika+pociągu Videos Yellow flags - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbLR-GTowPE Multiple whistles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6JEazaHQck Train whistle guy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zeDWJb2v0o Flashlight use - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_gRZ0HE78Q Radio 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwR-IY6lQNQ Radio 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqIH35yGEdw ELF - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGR0BU_Zl3Q Channel with examples - https://www.youtube.com/@ukaszzulczyk3901/videos
  2. Here's a little report from yesterday: I had 3 random disconnects within an hour or so while driving on the south-west part towards Katowice on the EN1 server. I cannot recall having dc'ed that much because of an unknown reason. It's maybe happened once or twice before. I noticed several assets did not load fully (see image below of an example), and there were the occasional loading stutters. Also, the voice audio on the servers often sounded broken which I was hoping was a radio distance distortion feature, but I'm thinking it was due to loading issues. I have SimRail stored on a Kingston NV1 NVMe M.2 SSD 2TB. It's also worth mentioning that the game did patch twice including the mini-patch quite recently. Edit: There were server lags on EN1, and other servers too:
  3. The countryside roads look like water bodies or rivers when it's raining due to how there seems to be equal amounts of dry and wet spots in the puddle texture. This gives the illusion of a wave texture where the peaks are the puddle reflections, and the "valleys" are the dry spots: When I drove passed this place I still couldn't tell if I was looking at a non-moving river or a road: The platforms have a bunch of puddles, but they work better here, maybe because of it being wider helps too:
      • 1
      • I agree
  4. The first-person camera can sometimes spawn between the loco and the platform. It kind of qualifies as a bug since you actually can get stuck there, which is not very practical in the moment nor a good look for the sim: This is what standing on the platform looks like: And I guess I can link my suggestion here since we're on the subject. It would be nice to see some consistency for the first-person camera spawn across all of the locomotives 🙂
  5. People have been driving the current freight consists for a while now, wouldn't hurt with a little change in Early Access. Maybe we'll discover more bugs with loaded trains *wink wink wink* @SimRail team Also, there are rumours about an ET22 because of a typo in SimRail (just throwing it out there)
  6. raindrops-sprite.mp4 Looks weird, thoughts?
  7. Not sure if it's a bug when a hectometer sign is blank or has missing numbers, but I ran across a handful of these around the ~72,0 hectometer sign, north of Idzikowice:
  8. As a driver in multiplayer it doesn't bother me at all because it's usually with the purpose of making all trains get to where they want on schedule. We're sharing the tracks and everything that comes with it. Waiting is just part of the experience. But in singleplayer mode I'd love to be able skip passenger loading times and waiting on reds because it's only the AI and me. More "doing", less "waiting", yes please, in singleplayer mode 🙂
  9. Have seen it too and it's pretty hilarious 😄 Cars do all kinds of weird things, like fall off bridges, and have all kinds of struggles. Yesterday a car drove straight through the oncoming train at a crossing, right before my eyes
  10. I did hear station announcements just a few hours ago when I stuck my head outside the window using the [ 4 ] and [ 5 ] keys. By the way, are these announcements pre-recorded, or are they dynamic text-to-speech (TTS) voices? Wild theory: If they're dynamic then there may be local issues with your TTS setup. I've encountered TTS in other games where my local settings affected the voices in game. For example changing the voice from Microsoft David to something else also changed which voice was used. Going off topic here, but if the announcements are pre-recorded then the SimRail team should look into using Microsoft Natural Voices instead. They sound a lot better than MS David. Not sure about localization or licensing though. Have heard natural voices being used by 3rd party devs elsewhere.
  11. Person levitating above the tracks at Lazy, also reported in chat by others:
  12. I've had this happen to me once in the ELF tutorial, "Tutorial 34WE". The first time I loaded the tutorial everything was fine. However, when I restarted the mission I got the entire window filled with water.
  13. If the bug is visible for a player while driving passed it or while doing dispatch ops then I'd report it. I've seen similar misalignment and imperfections elsewhere too, but if the imperfection is hiding behind a fence or is far away from the playable area and is obviously meant to be background graphics then I'd just leave it. You could report it since you already have the screenshot and the misaligned track with the door looks pretty bad. In the end it's up to the SimRail team to set the priority based on whether it's worth fixing or not.
  14. I've heard a story from a driver in England that he used to greet a friend by sounding the horn every time he passed by, but drivers in his company was later told to stop signalling the horn at that location because of complaints, understandably so. Train horns are loud 🙂 And flashing lights I've seen being used in Sweden in one of Thomas videos on YouTube. Must be legal there then? It's been suggested to add a wave animations to the characters in game, not as fun as train horns and lights, but still, could be fun to have emote animations in general. In real life it looks like the old wave-your-hand is more common than being loud and flashy. I don't know, may be different from country to country.
  15. Found a close-up screenshot from the first time I saw it:
  16. The first hectometer sign is located somewhere south of Klimontow (was a little late on the screenshot button): The second sign is located north of Klimontow according to my location on the map:
  17. The circled building to the left is just walls, and seems like it's missing windows. The Backface culling gave it away as I went by (see-through walls inside). It's located in the yard outside the Lazy La dispatch building which is visible in the top-right corner of the image above.
  18. Well, it is a simulator and it makes sense to experiment with abnormal situations imo. I really like that some dispatchers do this, as long as it doesn't lead to a traffic jam. That calls for a nice-to-have feature suggestion: Have a list of abnormal situations for the dispatchers to choose from, like marking a track closed which will spawn workers automatically, etc. Have to make it troll free of course by limiting abnormal situations per server, time limits, and what not.
  19. Screenshot taken from the overpass at Wolbrom station to show the multiple groups of floating windows
  20. I met the following start and end signs right after Chrzastowice Olkuskie: Temporary limit start sign (20 km/h) Temporary limit ends at head of train sign (sign with a C in it) And regarding the sign with a C in it, and assuming the head of the train is the locomotive, shouldn't I be able to speed up when the front of my locomotive has passed the C sign? The HUD did the opposite and had the speed limited to 20 km/h until the end of my train had passed the sign. Is this a HUD anomaly or am I in the wrong here? Reference used: Edit: Here's the 20 km/h sign that goes together with the above signs. This screenshot also shows 27,1 as the location, and the camera is looking to the east here, I think.
  21. Was out stretching my legs and found this:
  22. It would be very practical to have access to the fully zoomed in view you get with FOV 50 regardless of how wide you set the FOV. When I set the FOV slider I kind of expect to be setting the max FOV only, and not affect the min FOV at the same time. Example with FOV slider at 50, max zoomed in. Everything is clear and easy to read in full resolution, simply perfection: Example with FOV slider at 90, max zoomed in. What happened to the zoom? Can't zoom in as much anymore, which is weird:
  23. Can confirm, all these keys do work now.
  24. Small building to the right is on the east side of Katowice station. Stuff that floats marked with a red circle:
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