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Everything posted by Asrtiu

  1. ZEW 1, ZEW 3, Menu, within others seem to be cut-off and the text is not fully displayed, or is coliding. This happens on the radio of the Pendolino.
  2. En1 server SimRail_log_2024-04-22_18-29-02.txt
  3. When pausing on ETCS L1/L2 tutorials while the narrator is speaking, the audio is muted but the audio-file is still being reproduced, this is more noticeable when the narrator is explaining something about the ETCS and the game is in a frozen state, then when the game is suposed to unfreeze aka. when the audio file ends, the game is automatically unpaused without any type of warning. SimRail_log_2024-04-22_18-29-02.txt
  4. While driving on MP on EN1, between Idzikowice and Opoczno Poludnie, this night, I found out that when you zoom in to for example the radio of the dragon, there's some kind of flickering going on similar to the one present when there's a floating point error with the coordinates (32 bit coordinate, etc.) similar things happened looking at other stuff, but, mostly I noticed them in the reverser buttons, TT paper and the aforementioned radio. This probably happens in SP and in other trains, but, maybe if you're closer to the in-game 0,0 the effect is smaller or unnoticeable. SimRail_log_2024-04-22_18-29-02.txt
  5. Today I was driving a service with the Dragon 2 in EN1, when I noticed that the audio is started as if the windows were open (rail clacking was the most noticeable) and if you opened and closed one window, it would fix the issue and make the audio be different (as if the windows are closed) probably starting conditions being wrong somewhere, IDK if other trains have the same issue.SimRail_log_2023-06-26_14-42-43.txt
  6. When joining a train near/at Tunel, there're long loading times, instead of max. 30 secs to load, it might take 3-5 mins, it ends loading normally after leaving Tunel, this happens at EN1 on last patch but probably happens in every server. At the logs there're also some remarcable errors that don't appear anywhere else, imma put them here: One of this [2023-05-28 18:23:55]: Scene 'tunel_krakow_terrain_x111_z37' couldn't be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings or the AssetBundle has not been loaded. To add a scene to the build settings use the menu File->Build Settings... [2023-05-28 18:23:55]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Streamer+SceneLoader.Load (System.String name, System.Action`1[T] callback) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Streamer.LoadLevelAsyncManage () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at Streamer.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 Sentry.Unity.Integrations.UnityLogHandlerIntegration:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) And multiples of this: [2023-05-28 18:25:09]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-05-28 18:25:11]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close [2023-05-28 18:25:13]: Can't create spawn point because other one is to close SimRail_log_2023-05-28_18-18-28.txt
  7. When Spawning on the Pendolino (any service), I start with the AI braking for no reason at all and with the spring brake on although I'm going at 200km/h (because it's braking I end up at 100km/h but anyways) sometimes the spring brake maintains on when you takeover, and if you're fast enough, (the AI after braking accelerates) you'll find the brake lever at "Full braking" because AI hasn't started accelerating and stopped braking. This happened today (13/5/23) at EN1. Log: SimRail_log_2023-05-13_20-13-30.txt
  8. I remember because I passed through them, on Strzemieszyce it's on a platform and on Zawierce maybe too
  9. I've found 2 in-game one at Zawierce track 3 and another in Dąbrowa Górnicza Strzemieszyce track 2
  10. Today, 3rd of April after the 16:00 server restart on EN1 I had a pretty long loading time of 6 mins when normally it took no longer than 30 secs, it loaded fine and when I tried again to see if it would do the same it didn't, it took the normal 10-20 secs I was driving before the restart service 421042, and when I tried joining back that happened. FYI I've also tweacked a little bit the settings.conf file with the following modifications: people, tracks and traction render distance: 2000 and max. Cars: 50 and I'm running on DLSS 2.2.18 (instead of the normal 2.2.11) SimRail_log_2023-04-03_16-11-16.txt
  11. In a level crossing between Wolbrom and Zarzercze at hectometer 26.2 there's a temporal restriction calling for a 20km/h speed limit followed by a clearence few meters later, but this speed limit doesn't apply, it shows on the UI when you're approaching as next restriction but it doesn't change the actual limit. (Image below where my train is in the 20km/h restricted zone but the UI speed limit displays a 75km/h limit) Happened on ES1 on 22/02/2023 SimRail_log_2023-02-22_21-18-15.txt
  12. When activating ED250 Pendolino's "Force Compressor" button it makes the compressor increase pressure all the time ending up at impossibly high pressure (shows 16 bar as it can't show more) then if you brake and then release the brake pressure it's still too high making the brakes able to regenerate without compressor. Server: ES1 18/2/22 (Also possible in Singleplayer) SimRail_log_2023-02-18_15-55-59.txt
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