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Everything posted by FirstAid
Mechanical shunting signals in Łazy
FirstAid replied to Tubecrafter's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
They look very similar to the Siemens&Halske Type shunt signals, that were and in some places are still used all over the former Austro Hungarian Empire. Picture © by H.Mueller. The ones at Dąbrowa Górnicza, I guess theese are only fixed shunting signal boards without any mechanic, only displaying the "shunting prohibited" aspect. If you have to proceed, a verbal or written order from the switch and signal operator (mostly the dispatcher) is needed. -
Yes, I mean the dots . . . . The letters "A>" and so on are alright. Thank you. Cant wait to try it tonight!
Very well made! The only thing I'd love to see is a possibility to show/hide the dotted lines that connect the stations. They make some pictures quite confusing.
More Train Description Info
FirstAid replied to Friedjof's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
I would prefer if the stock EDR would be customizable, similat to the way the good old virtracks edr was. With additional data fields like, howled car mass, absolute train length, vmax, actual Position and the possibility to arrange, display and hide the fields the way you desire. -
Train 4116 on DE3. Passed from C12 towards track 4. Only did speed up from 40km/h when crossing from section it2912 to it2900. No SZ Signal used. Seems not proper as it leaves the last switches/station area long before. Probably the same for track 3. Also: It's not possible to confirm trains in the EDR any more as soon as they occupy it2912. System says that the train is too far away.
Everything said by my predecessors, but the special "problem" here is that the length of the Block Section between DGW and DGS is quite short (I'd guess only about 1,5km from DGW Exit- to DGS Entrance Signal, maybe even shorter) so you don't have much time to press the "PO" button, whereas for example at Slawkow Station the block sections between Slawkow and Bukowno is about 4-5 times longer. Like in real life you should always act in a pattern. Clear the signal, report the train, watch the train as it go by, e.g. for irregularities and the "End of Train Sign" (mandatory in my country when a station is manned) and then block the line with PO.
Cruise Control on HUD
FirstAid replied to Sean the Sheep's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
+1 -
This is what I also think. If I remember correctly, here in Austria this was quite common back in the days (until ~mid 1990s) when many gates (even on mainlines) were still manually operated. There was no acoustic or optical warning needed as long as the barrier could be seen by the operator. Visible on these photos from the mid 80s https://www.hmmueller.de/DVD3_x1000/1500-076.jpg https://www.hmmueller.de/DVD3_x1000/1500-091.jpg
Just what I wanted to say. Additionally to a shift system, I'd make the time that someone could spend on a certain signalbox depending on his reputation. If someone trolls and always makes bad desicions, why should he play Katowice Main station or another big box at all? Yeah, mistakes happen, but they should stay an exception, not become a rule. After all, for me, the absolutely best solution would be, if I could start every signalbox locally on my own pc. But I guess this is unfortunately not possible.
Richtige Aussprache der Nummern?
FirstAid replied to sf_giants15's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Bisher wurde es bei uns in At immer ähnlich gehandhabt, bei vierstelligen Zugnummern wurden diese wie zwei Zweierpakete gesprochen also 47-11, bei fünfstelligen als ein Zweier- und ein Dreierpaket, also 47-112. Nach einer neuen Eu-Richtline müssen aber in Zukunft alle Zahlen einzeln gesprochen werden, ebenso muss das internationale "Fliegeralphabet" verwendet werden. D.h. der Tfzf meldet sich dann nicht mehr beim Signal (z.B. H14) "Heinrich vierzehn" sondern beim "Hotel 1-4". Klingt komisch, ist aber (zumindest hier) so. Da es sich um Eu-Recht handelt und dieses das nationale Recht schlägt, dürfte das wohl bald sowohl in De als auch Pl so kommen. Zumindest hab ich das so neulich im Dienstunterricht verstanden. Im Internet ab Seite 54 nachzulesen unter: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:02019R0773-20200616&from=DE -
Next dispatcher station (week 11+)?
FirstAid replied to Skully's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
Until now I've made quite a few multiple hour shifts at Sosnowiec P. and it never got jammed. Neither my station, nor Dandowka and there were some greater train delays. As it's a station on a single line and only has two platform tracks it's necessary to communicate more tightly with your neighbour Station to prevent a "lock in" situation. I absolutely recommend to use one of the external Schedules and Maps. As the communication possibilities with SD are limited right now, sometimes it's necessary to refuse a train from SG, or in case of a non-stop train to put it on a track without a platform. Of course not an ideal situation, but I think it's manageable. So SD would be nice to have soon, but not a real must, at least for me. -
Next dispatcher station (week 11+)?
FirstAid replied to Skully's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
I've seen the screenshot of the table before and I guess that's exactly how it is going to be, at least when the sim is finished. It seems that posts with a number behind their abbreviation are simply manned by a switchman, not a "real" dispatcher or signalman. Either this post is just for throwing switches for shunting purposes, so it won't be possible to exit the station from track 201-204 to Katowice Huta or enter it vice versa, or there will be some kind of "approval" mechanism to give to switchman the order of how he has to throw and lock the switches and afterwards gives permission to set a route. Either way it's going to be very interesting. Btw: I can't speak for polish railway but there was an austrian signolbox that worked also with a mechanical and relay interlocking. The dispatcher had a full relay interlocking panel (Push Button Siemens Type 60) with whom he controlled one side of the station, whereas the other side was controlled by a switchman (austrian mechanical standard interlock type 5007, with block Apparat) depending on the orders given by the dispatcher. As far as I know, this was a unique situation on our railroads here. I guess it was built in the 60's but it worked quite well until, I believe, some time in the 90's. If you are interested you can check it out here: https://stellwerke.blogspot.com/2015/06/drs-stellpult-samt-fehlendem-zg-in.html?m=1 It's in german, but with a little help of Google Translate it should be quite understandable. Greetings, Leo -
Setting the Cruise control with the keyboard makes it go from vmin-vmax within pushing the + key (and back with the - key its the same) just once, without the possibility to regulate. Regulation is only possible using the mouse. SimRail_log_2023-01-18_16-39-47.txt
Possible to set a variant route in Lazy Lc?
FirstAid replied to Záhorácká's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
I guess it should be possible, as it is in Bedzin too, and it's the same kind of interlocking -
Next dispatcher station (Week 3)?
FirstAid replied to Skully's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
I'd also prefer Sosnowiec Poludniowy. From the Semaforek page above I could learn that this station still have two posts with mechanical Interlocking, as well as Katowice Zawodzie. Will this (at least on full release) be simulated correctly? Would be awesome. -
Ok, ich glaub dir einfach Mal 😁 Ich hab nur ganz wenig Ahnung von den Blechkisten. Ich bin schon froh wenn alles halbwegs so funktioniert wie ich mir das vorstelle 😂
Also bei meiner 3070 siehts auf Ultra so aus (allerdings "nur" in 1920x1080, da ich keinen 4k Monitor habe). Dazu muss ich allerdings sagen, dass ich zwar jetzt seit etwa 2 Stunden spiele (Fahrdienstleiter Zawiercie), das preset aber erst vor ca 20 minuten auf "Ultra" gestellt habe. War vorher auf "angepasst", grafisch hat sich da aber eigentlich nicht mehr viel getan, es scheint also bis auf kleine Ausnahmen schon zumindest auf "hoch" gewesen zu sein. Da scheint also etwas nicht zu stimmen bei dir...
Server En6 @ around 07:30-07:35 in Game time I cleared Signal E2 at Zawiercie for Train 644018 to Myszkow. Right after that, I cleared E4 to Gora Wlodowska for the oncoming 41110 from Lazy. Route from E4 was immediately revoked and Message says that it would misroute 644018 at Signal E4, altough it never reached that Signal SimRail_log_2023-01-15_19-42-54.txt
Ability to rotate camera views
FirstAid replied to andrei105's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Singleplayer]
I would appreciate a free camera and a free camera that's stuck on the train. Like the tsw cameras. -
Als ich habe sogar "nur" eine 3070. Werd mir das demnächst Mal genauer anschauen.
Single Player - Limitations
FirstAid replied to BigVern's topic in General Discussion [Singleplayer]
Vern, I think I can remember "drivers only" servers, at least one english and polish one. Maybe you should give those a try, for the case you don't know this possibility already. -
Ich denke das wird sich in den nächsten Wochen sowieso wieder beruhigen, wenn der erste "Hype" vorüber ist. Ist mir zumindest beim Playtest so vorgekommen. Ich weiche, bei Vollbelegung, aber auch meistens auf den Englischen Server aus.
Discussion about in-game timetables
FirstAid replied to TheFloxiCz's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
Sorry, it seems although I read your comment my brain was not yet on operating temperature 😂 Now I know what you mean. Total agree. Would be nice to see trains ending and changing direction in your station. Maybe in the future the Devs will create more different consists that will give us a greater train variety. About the low traffic in Warszawa and Katwice: Sooner or later I assume, the big stations will have more traffic, but I guess a big part of this "missing" traffic might comes from/goes to routes that aren't simulated in the game at all and are not so important for the Devs, at least at the moment. Thanks @uetam for the explanation. -
Discussion about in-game timetables
FirstAid replied to TheFloxiCz's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
I don't know how realistic this timetable is, but I guess the repeating is due to the fact, that today many countries have a strict interval timetable. I can see it here in real life, only in the very early morning and late night, there are some trains that differ from the interval, all others during the day have the same arrival/departure minutes. So, this is truly repeating, but if thats the reality, I wouldn't like to get it changed. What would be much more on my mind, for the sake of reality, is a function @hyzwar mentioned. This would give us the possibility of facultative trains, additional ones that run beside of the regular trains, either driven by players or bots. This could be ordinary freight, auxiliary trains (don't know if the translation is correct, I mean thoose e.g. with a crane, that help at different (accidental) sites, e.g. to put carriages and locos back on the rails), working trains and a little amount of additional passenger trains, that sometimes run on holidays. Only a few additional trains per hour and even the stations at the high speed route would get much more busier. What's also missing for now, is empty coach stock. Off Topic: Also what was mentioned yet by others, random events. There would be a MASS of possibilitys: Broken trains, signalling misfunctions, workers on the track (planned and ad hoc), closed tracks due to maintenance and errors (e.g. broken rails) Imagine, dispatching ALL the traffic via one last remaining track between Psary and Gora Wlodowska. This would lead very fast to chaotic conditions - like in real life. Dispatching trains SAFELY in theese circumstances, and strictly! obeying the rules (like in real life), would definitely make us all sweat. Let's wait and see what the devs will surprise us with.