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Real-time graphic timetables

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Well, CZ infrastructure has "fulfilled traffic" along with "expected traffic" in one application called GTN.

Thick trains left of green vertical line are "confirmed":


(Very old screenshot of ancient version from weird source.)

To be fair, it is NOT part of Czech EDR-like application.

On the other hand, I would expect something similar in PL network but no expert here 🙂

Thinking about it again, this might be job for community content.

Edited by Pospec76502
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Současné herní EDR je založené na skutečném EDR používaném v Polsku. V Polsku tento grafikon nepoužívají. Určitě je fajn, že si chceme přizpůsobit věci podle toho, jak to vypadá u nás, ale nesmíme zapomenout, že tento simulátor je polský, a reflektuje realitu v Polsku. 

Nicméně bych ještě rád dodal, že tato pomůcka již byla vytvořená uživatelem vojta13135, a je dostupná na Discord serveru OFPmafia (www.simrail.cz), a je volně dostupná pro všechny.

Edited by TheFloxiCz
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SimRail has a few PKP train drivers and dispatchers on it's staff, so what you see in SimRail is pretty much how it is in real life, 

The parent company of SimRail also makes simulators that are used by real drivers as part of their training, so again, they kind of know what they are doing. 

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TheFloxiCz: Díky za objasnění! Snažil jsem se najít tu pomůcku na doporučeném Discordu, ale nenašel. Prosím o bližší nasměrování.

Others: Never mind, it's cool as it is. And I like those small touches like randomly placed pencil, ruler and eraser. Who knows, knows 🙂

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On 9/27/2023 at 12:31 PM, Pospec76502 said:

TheFloxiCz: Díky za objasnění! Snažil jsem se najít tu pomůcku na doporučeném Discordu, ale nenašel. Prosím o bližší nasměrování.

Others: Never mind, it's cool as it is. And I like those small touches like randomly placed pencil, ruler and eraser. Who knows, knows 🙂

Program se jmenuje TPV (Traťová Poloha Vlaků), je k dispozici všem, kdo si vezme roli SimRail.

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On 9/23/2023 at 10:11 PM, GoppelPL said:

If a live graphic timetable is added to the real world dispatcher computers, it will (probably) be added in SimRail.

You mean to say that real-world dyżurni ruchu have no graphical timetables at their disposal, not even printed ones?

I hope that at least the high-level dispatchers/controllers do?!

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