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Better marking of the type of signal box

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Unfortunately, at the moment you can't see which type of signalbox you get. At the moment SCS and SPK are marked under the same type. I think this should be defined more precisely or a picture of the control panel should be shown in the pictures so that you know what you are dealing with.

2022-12-11 13_02_18-AsPowerBar.jpg

2022-12-11 13_04_28-AsPowerBar.jpg

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I’ve also noticed that and don’t like it. I also think that ‘devices’ here is questionable localisation – ‘interlocking’ would fit much better.

Also, in German, it’s especially egregious, because it says ‘electronic’ there – although ‘electronic interlocking’ in German means computer-based interlockings (not mechanical or relay-based)!


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