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[DE] Wrong Translation Of Shunt Handle EU07/EP07/EP08


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Hi there,

it appears that the translation of the english "Shunt Handle" into the German "Rangierfahrhebel" is incorrect.

While the term "shunt" in a railway context is indeed translatable into the German "rangieren", this is not what the purpose of the handle actually is.

This handle on the EU07/EP07/EP08 is for the electrical shunting of reverse current from the motors which cannot be described by "rangieren" in German.

A more appropriate term would be "Feldschwächungshebel", or simply "Feldschwächung".Unfortunately there is no direct translation of the verb "shunt" into German in an electrical contest.


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Am 3.4.2023 um 10:16 schrieb Jonne:

Hi there,

it appears that the translation of the english "Shunt Handle" into the German "Rangierfahrhebel" is incorrect.

While the term "shunt" in a railway context is indeed translatable into the German "rangieren", this is not what the purpose of the handle actually is.

This handle on the EU07/EP07/EP08 is for the electrical shunting of reverse current from the motors which cannot be described by "rangieren" in German.

A more appropriate term would be "Feldschwächungshebel", or simply "Feldschwächung".Unfortunately there is no direct translation of the verb "shunt" into German in an electrical contest.

"Shuntier Hebel" würde auch gehen

Edited by SugaCane
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