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Times don't agree with each other


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I've sat on this bug for a while, but see as I can't see anyone else has reported it I thought I would.

On the left in cab timetable, the times are always 1 minute less than they should be, for passing, arriving and departure times. Also on the passengers screens when arriving into a station, but the countdown timer at the top right counts down to that shown in the EDR (official and unofficial ones)

When passing a location "on time" according to the left HUD timetable, the sim actually reports back to you as being 1 early when it flashes up.

So in the example below, the current time sim is 02:21, the departure time is 02:21 on the left timetable and on the passenger information screen, but the clock is counting down to 02:22 (which is also the time shown in the EDR)

(No log file attached - happens with every train on sim - Bug present from way to to current version EA 09/03/2023 - 16:28)

Edited by DazT
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a while back the departure times worked out to be something like 00:21:54, i.e 6 seconds before the departure minute.

i only figured this out by watching the countdown timer and knowing that real Polish drivers timetables use decimal minutes, so the departure time on the drivers timetable would show 00:21:9  but the clock and 'F1' timetable only show to the whole minute.

I noticed that things changed and the data from the API's now list the arrival and departure times to the next minute, 
So the timetables i made for my kindle are all seemingly 1 minute ahead of the times shown on the 'F1' on screen timetable, but are correct when the stop timer ticks down to zero.

Hopefully eventually we will get more realistic timetables with the decimal minutes in them, as in real life some station stops are only 30 seconds long! 

Part of a real drivers timetable showing some of the different decimal minute departures:

The numbers in the right hand boxes are the time allowed to run that section,
The top box per station entry is for when running on time, bottom box for when running late, again the numbers in the supertext numbers denote they are decimal minutes, 6 normal seconds = 1 decimal minute. 
Just another quirk of the railways 🙂

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