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The AI in Katowice LK

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Hello Team,


It seems that the AI in Katowice LK has some issues. It happened now on two servers that the Ai was not accepting any trains, so the routes were blocked. that happened to me and some of my friends. is that already known? you see here an screenshot from a friend who just started the station and the station was full while there where trains to katowice which didnt got accepted. 


Edited by Bravura Lion
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As a temporary workaround you are able to negotiate with the Katowice AI to change the interlock direction of 4K so that you can get rid of incoming trains. The trains that are stuck at 3K and 1K unfortunately can't be unstuck without a player taking over and reversing through a substitution signal, which is not always doable when the stuck trains are AI-only

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