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Distance between signals

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I like to drive without the HUD as much as possible. Sometimes when I get a yellow sign I either break too hard and the stop sign is further away then I expected and sometimes I break not hard enough so I see the stop sign at the last moment and have to almost emergency break. So I noticed the distance between signals could be 1km but sometimes 2km or 7km. How do I know how far away the next signal is?

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Streckenkenntnis. 🤷‍♂️

Yeah, I know it’s not ideal. In Germany the working timetable includes all signal locations, plus you can be fairly sure that after a distant signal or a combined main and distant, the corresponding main signal is no more than 1.5 km ahead. That seems to work a bit differently in Poland – e.g. when departing Zawiercie towards Łazy, the exit signal is basically always at S5, but there are three repeaters before the actual Łazy home signal, and they’re usually at Sp2 when you reach them.

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