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Abilty to move and scale HUD elements

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Hi there,

I thought it would be nice to have movable/scalable HUD elements(for dispatchers: chat windows, the window showing the trains on the left, etc.. and for drivers: full timetable(like it was in MaSzyna), speedometer, chat, next signal/speed limit, etc..

Several of us who played MaSzyna and liked that feature would be thankful if you did that.

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I'd like to up vote this, as driver the chat box is in the way/in the wrong place, especially on the EU07, if you just happen to click the chat box to type and put the mouse in just the wrong place and click to activate the chat you hit the main circuit breaker switch!

As a dispatcher, more so on panels than workstations, having the chat box at the bottom means you're essentially losing sight of a good portion of the panel as most of the time is spent looking down to operate it, moving it to the top left out of the way would help. Also the tooltips for when operating panels, these ideally need moving to the top out of the way as if you're operating a button towards the bottom of the screen the tool tip gets in the way of what you're trying to click on!

Having moveable and scaleable HUD items would be even better

Edited by DazT
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