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Full timetable data for drivers

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Hey all. I have posted this on Steam forums but reposting here for better visibility for the team. It would be very practical and realistic to provide more complete timetable data to drivers, namely containing:

  • as obviously shown already: name of stops, time of departure and arrival,
  • absolute route mileage/mileposts of passage points and stops,
  • line speed,
  • nature of stops (technical, passenger, etc.),
  • corresponding radio channel,
  • other relevant information, e.g. train data (number, length, mass, braking performance).

In relevant trains, it would be great of course to have it on displays capable of displaying it (e.g. equivalent of EBuLa), but I don't know if this such are in use in Polish railways.

I'm thinking of Zusi 3 and MaSzyna as reference for such timetables. Attached are screenshots on how it looks in those two sims. Beyond the simple research for realism, it would allow for better route knowledge and anticipation and, from a gaming perspective, would allow to get rid of the HUD more easily.

This is of course relevant for both SP and MP, but posting only here. If this is already planned, wonderful, if not, hope this will be taken into consideration!


Edited by Corsair
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I've got a 'spare' kindle paperwhite sitting on my computer desk waiting for the day we get the paper timetables that would sit on the clipboard in the EU07,

Also got a couple of android tablets for the full EBuLa and MFD like screens,

But all this will happen when the SDK's are released i think, when people with the programming knowledge will be able to access the data directly from the simulator.

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I can see a good excuse for linking to a full train's info in the computer.  You're servicing train 15555, let's bring up the info for it and have a nice conversation.  I greeted a player train this morning by saying, "I hope you and your passengers are having a pleasant ride from Warsaw".

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That would be great. As someone who isnt familiar with the polish train abbreviations (and the stations wihtin the existing line) it is somewhat a surprise what train I drive. Does it stop? How often? where? Whats the starting point, where does it end? Would be great,if this will be put in the game! 😄

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7 hours ago, Arni said:

That would be great. As someone who isnt familiar with the polish train abbreviations (and the stations wihtin the existing line) it is somewhat a surprise what train I drive. Does it stop? How often? where? Whats the starting point, where does it end? Would be great,if this will be put in the game! 😄

To be fair, those things are displayed when you’re driving the train … just not in the selection menu. But I agree, this information should also be displayed there. Even Zusi 3, which is not exactly what I’d call good UI design, does this.

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